Fitzy's Flyer
September 13, 2024
Principal Update
Greetings FitzGerald Families!
We hope that everyone has had a wonderful week! It has been another great one here in the walls of FitzGerald School!
The FitzGerald Back to School Night will be on Wednesday September 25th from 6:00-7:30pm. This will be a family event, where students will be taking lead on showing their family around the school. We have updated the evening's structure to lessen wait lines and crowds, and we can't wait to bring our community together to learn more about teaching and learning at FitzGerald School! We will be asking (as available) for families with the last name starting with A-K to come from 6:00-6:45pm and for families with the last name starting with L-Z to come from 6:45-7:30pm.
Each year, our school participates in several practice drills: 4 fire drills, 1-2 ALICE drills, and 1 Bus Evacuation drill. Yesterday we had our first practice fire drill and the students did a fantastic job of following their teacher's directions and exiting the building quickly and quietly! Over the next two weeks, we will begin preparing the students for an unannounced ALICE drill coming up soon. Officer John (FitzGerald School Resource Officer) and Ms. Bernard (FitzGerald School Adjustment Counselor) will be joining class Community Circles to share information about the drill with the students. Students will practice what to do in the event of an ALICE drill and will have the chance to ask questions that they may have.
We make sure to navigate conversations with students about ALICE drills using language that is fully age appropriate and developmentally appropriate in nature.
We are happy to answer any questions about this drill, or any of the annual emergency drills, at the upcoming PTO meeting on Wednesday September 18th at 6:30pm. You may also reach out to Mrs. Santillo at any time to help to answer any questions too.
Thank you for your continued partnership! Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Santillo, Principal- jennifersantillo@walthampublicschools.org
Mrs. Lamoly, Assistant Principal- julielamoly@walthampublicschools.org
Specialist Spotlight with Ms. Heny!
The participating students in grades 4 and 5 have been engaged in reading and discussing the newfound science of deep ocean exploration.
Covering two thirds of our planet Earth and with depths of 600-33,000 feet below the surface, the deep ocean holds wonders such as hydrothermal vents, their ecosystem, the creatures that live on the deep seafloor, and how they contribute to their mineral-rich environment.
How do explorers learn about hydrothermal vents? Why is the deep ocean so important? Why is it the least explored part of our planet? Dive in and find out!
Specialist Spotlight: Visual Art with Mrs. Walsh!
Hi FitzGerald Families!
I’m Mrs. Walsh, your child's Visual Art teacher. Your child has art once a week for 55 mins. Art provides the opportunity for students to experience a different atmosphere from the standard classroom setting. It should be fun, relaxing, hands-on, messy at times, exciting, challenging, and it should give your child a sense of pride when they have worked tirelessly on an art piece.
Our art room has been very busy since the beginning of school. Throughout the year I plan on exposing our students to different artists, art styles and mediums. All students will have their own art folder at school that they will keep their projects in. The folders will be sent home at the end of the year. I encourage you to have your child keep their art folders from year to year and watch their skills grow!
All classes will be participating in the Square 1 Art fundraiser again this year. The students look forward every year to doing Square 1 Art. If you have a former graduate from FitzGerald that would like to do Square 1 Art at home feel free to contact me.
I can be contacted at: Sandrawalsh@walthampublicschools.org.
I’m looking forward to a fabulous year!
Mrs. Walsh
Visual Art Specialist
PTO News
Our first PTO Meeting will be September 18th at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. We encourage you all to attend and bring another parent friend! Those who attend (virtually or in-person) will be entered into a raffle to receive a gift card for the FitzyWear store (to be shared soon).
We are still on the lookout for two volunteers to join us for the board. We are in search of a Director of Communications and a Director of Finance. Reach out to FitzGeraldPTO@gmail.com or DanStrafford@gmail.com for more information.
Get your walking shoes ready!
Walking Wednesday is back this October. The PTO will be sponsoring four walking Wednesdays beginning on October 2nd and continuing through to Wednesday October 23rd. More details to follow!
Thank you to everyone who came out to John Brewer's Thursday night. These restaurant nights are not only a great fundraising opportunity but also such an uplifting night of community and our Fitzy Family!
*Restaurant Nights - What are they? An opportunity to share a meal with family and friends while helping raise funds for the PTO, which directly benefits our school children. We hope to see you there!
Up Next:
Tues, Oct 15 - Bistro 781
Thurs, Nov 14 - Chateau
*Fall Soccer Shack - Save the date! On Saturday, October 5th, we will need volunteers to run the concession stand at the soccer shack (located at Veteran's Field). We're also seeking food and monetary donations for items to sell. Watch for a sign-up link to come out closer to the event date.
Stay in touch! PTO website – Facebook – Instagram
FitzGerald School Site Council
The FitzGerald School Council is a group that includes parent, staff, and community representatives that discuss items such as budget, School Improvement Plan, etc. Approved meeting minutes are posted in the Fitzy's Flyer office communication.
The first FitzGerald School Site Council update will come after the start of the school year.
School Lunch Information
*Breakfast and Lunch are available for free again for all students next school year!
** All students should bring one snack and a water bottle to school each day.
Healthy Waltham Food Pantry- September Dates
"Fitzy Fridays" at FitzGerald!
Every Friday is "Fitzy Friday" at FitzGerald! Everyone is invited to wear Fitzy Spirit Wear or the colors blue and/or yellow to school, if they would like to!
2024-2025 District Calendars
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday September 18th- 6:30pm, PTO Meeting, Cafeteria
Wednesday September 25th- Early Release Day, 1:00pm
Wednesday September 25th- 6:00-7:30pm- FitzGerald Back to School Night (more details on the structure of the event coming next week)
Tuesday October 1st - Initial Picture Day
Thursday October 3rd- No School
Monday October 14th- No School
Wednesday October 23rd- Early Release Day, 1:00pm
Tuesday November 19th - Retake Picture Day
Information About the Clever App
Clever is an app we use at school that makes it easy for students to access many online learning programs and resources with their Waltham Public Schools Google account. Students can also access Clever at home on a personal device. Click HERE for directions.
Sign Up Information for the Waltham Public Schools App
Weekly Notices
James FitzGerald Elementary School
Email: jennifersantillo@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/fitzgerald
Location: 138 Beal Road, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5680