Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates
Let's make it a great week!
Weekly Updates and Reminders 12/2-12/13
Hello Hamilton Families!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and long weekend! I enjoyed the holiday and long weekend spending time with my family and kicking off the Holiday season. Now I am ready to make the last month of the year great! We have many school activities and lessons this month, keep an eye on the calendar and Dojo so your child is not missing out on any of these school activities. As mom of two (and soon to be grandma) it was not that long ago that my boys lived at home and the hustle and bustle of the holidays had me on my toes too! While we want to do so many fun things and get all the holiday events in, do your best to keep schedules and routines as normal as possible. Keep bed time routines and times consistent, spread events out over a few days and allow down time for your whole family. When elementary age children stay on schedule they are better able to control their behavior and emotions, which will make events and activities better for everyone.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held:
12/10 - 12:00-6:20pm (students dismiss at 11:40)
12/12- 12-3:20, 5-8-pm (students dismiss at 11:40)
Your child's teacher will send information about scheduling your conference time. Please reach out to the special area teachers if you would like to meet with them in addition to your child's classroom teacher.
It is our goal to have a conference with 100% of our students parent/guardians. If you are unable to come in person we can set up a Google meet or a phone conference, just reach out to the teacher if this is something you would like to do.
Holiday Help:
If you or a someone you know is in need of help this holiday season here is a link to some resources:
Dress for the weather:
Please help your child to dress for the weather and if they are able to bring a pair of shoes to change into once they are in class that would be wonderful. Kids clunking around in boots all day can be uncomfortable and they also drag the wet dirt, water and salt in from outside, where kids are sitting on the carpet. We do not allow students to wear slippers at school.
Please label your child's items as well. We have a number of similar coats and boots, put your child's name on their coats and boots so they do not get lost. If your child does not have a coat please reach out, we have a few coat donations that we can give away.
Important dates
12/2-12/3 Mobile Dentist
12/4-3rd grade to DIA
.........Wellness Wednesday
12/4-12/6 Book Fair
12/5 Lions Wear Day
12/6 Skate Night 5-7pm
12/9-12/13 Santa Shop
12/16-12/20- Spirit Week
Advanced Planning
12/ 23/24- 1/3/25 No School (Winter break)
2/17-2/21 No School (Mid-Winter break)
3/24-3/28 No School (Spring break)
Santa Shop
We will host Santa Secret Shop again this year! I need volunteers Monday- Friday. We will have a morning session from from 8:45-11:45. and afternoon sessions from 12:45-3:10. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are full days, Tuesday and Thursday are half day morning only. If you are available to help, reach out to me on Dojo! Thank you in advance!
Later this week your child will bring home an envelope for shopping, please send it back with cash on your child's shopping day (we do not take checks or cards). We do not allow students to shop for themselves at this time. The Santa shop is to inspire the spirit of giving and thinking of others during the holiday season.
Thank you!!
Principal- Mrs. Kelley Michels
Secretary- Mrs. Chris Karaim
School phone 734-419-2650
School hours 8:30-3:20
Arrival 8:25am
Tardy bell 8:30am
Dismissal 3:20pm
Office hours 8:00-3:50
Safety First
Parents I continue to ask that you show responsible and respectful behavior in the parking lot. We have more than 200 students being picked it. It will not go fast! Please plan accordingly so you are not rushing and putting yourself and others in an unsafe situation. Adults cussing at each other, at other students, parking where it its prohibited, and blocking in the buses are all behaviors we have seen too much of. Please be responsible, respectful and a good role model to your child and follow the parking lot rules.
If you are getting out of the driver seat-PULL IN A PARKING SPOT.
DO NOT park in the bus loop or next to a bus.
Please buckle your child in their seat- this is the law.
Thank you in advance for your support, cooperation and understanding with this issue.
We are having some issues with behavior on the bus. Please talk to your student and remind them of the expected behavior on the bus. Please keep in mind that the bus is a privilege and if your child is loses his/her privilege of using the bus they are still required to attend school. Being safe on the bus is critical and the expectation for all students who ride the bus. Students who do not follow the bus expectations will have consequences and if the behavior is repeated they could be removed from the bus.
The district has an app called Here Comes the Bus. This wonderful free app allows you to track exactly where you child's bus is at all times.
Sign up for Here Comes the Bus™
- Visit herecomesthebus.com
- Click the “Sign Up” button
- Enter school code 87839 and click “Next” followed by “Confirm”
- Complete the “User Profile” box
- Under “My Students,” click “Add.” Enter your child’s last name and student ID number
- Once you confirm your information, you’re ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
Family Resource Center
Wayne-Westland Community Schools has a Family Resource Center (FRC), which provides services to any student/family enrolled in our District, free of cost. Some of the services they provide are: basic need assistance, access to over 700 local resources, Laundry Assistance Program and material items for those unable to afford them (emergency toiletries, socks/underwear, hats/gloves/scarves, etc.) They are also able to supply school supplies and backpacks year round for any WWCS student. Please contact our Family Resource Center at: 734-419-2709 or FRC@wwcsd.net. Our FRC also has a Digital Request for Services Form, which can be used to request assistance by filling out a simple form. Please contact the Family Resource Center directly with any additional questions regarding their serviceshttps://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/hamilton/
You can also follow the Wayne Westland Community School page on Facebook for updates and information too!
Thank you for your continued support!
Make it a great week!
M.M. :)