Mrs. Schwartz's Class News
A SImple Story of our Week: October 3rd through October 7th
What we learned this week...
- Language Arts: Throughout the week, students read and learned all about Community Helpers and what they do. As we read our big book Miss Bindegarten Takes a Field Trip, students also discussed and learned how to categorize and classify different jobs and their tools. Students were also introduced to nouns this week as we began to discuss parts of a sentence.
- Phonics: Students learned all about the shape, sound, and use of the uppercase and lowercase letters I and J. We workin do with these letters throughout the week as we practiced manipulating and listening for their sounds throughout our weekly reading.
- Sight Words: This week, students continued working with their new sight words the and little. Students will practice reading, writing, and identifying these words in our weekly writing and reading activities.
- Mathematics: Students reviewed greater than, less than, and equal to as we began to learn all about the concept of one more, and addition. Students also took their first math test on Wednesday. We were tested on numbers zero through five, greater than, less than, equal to, and one more.
- Social Studies: For Fire Safety Week, students learned all about the importance of fire safety and its symbols and rules. We practiced sequencing a fire drill, went on a safety scavenger hunt, and learned all about how to use our five senses to keep our bodies safe in case of an emergency!
Our Highlights
Dates to Remember
- Monday, October 10th: SCHOOL CLOSED for PDD
- Tuesday, October 11th: Book Fair Begins
- Wednesday, October 12th: Cherry Crest Farms Field Trip, DRESS DOWN
- Thursday, October 13th: Visit from East Goshen Fire Truck Company @ 2:00
- Friday, October 14th: Book Fair ends
- Monday, October 17th: Pumpkin sale begins
- Friday, October 21st: Parade of Pumpkins @ 6:30-8:30
Kindergarten Presents Respect
Throughout the past few weeks, Kindergarten has been learning all about respect, and how to show it at home, at school, to ourselves, to our friends, and to our environment. Check out our video below that says how we can be respectful!
Kindergarten Respect 2016
Classroom Reminders
- Please send your child into school daily with a HEALTHY, quick snack.
- All paper work is due to Ms. Lauren at the front desk.
- Take your Daily Communication Folder home daily. As the year goes on, there will be more papers and assignments being sent home.
- Our school day begins promptly at 8:25 am
Mrs. Marissa Irene Schwartz
Email: Marissa.Schwartz@nlcinc.com
Website: http://www.chesterbrookacademy.com/elementary/philadelphia/west-chester/parents/our-faculty/teacher/marissa-schwartz/http://www.chesterbrookacademy.com/elementary/philadelphia/west-chester/parents/our-faculty/teacher/marissa-schwartz/
Location: 1190 McDermott Drive, West Chester, PA, United States
Phone: (610) 719-0240
Twitter: @CBAWestChester