Title I Parent Newsletter
Shiloh Elementary 03/18/2022
Mark Your Calendar
March 20, 2022
First Day of Spring
March 22, 2022
GCPS Digital Learning Day
March 23, 2022
Building Parent Capacity Meeting
April 4-8, 2022
Spring Break
Title I: Building Parent Capacity Training
Math is All Around Us: How Making Use of the Math that Surrounds Us Can Benefit Your Child's Academic Progress
Please click on the link below to join us for this session.
Meeting ID: 991 0820 5843
Passcode: 881137
Click on the link for more information
Haz clic en el enlace para mas información
Marzo es el Mes Nacional de la Lectura
"Leer a través de América"
en la comunidad
1. Lea libros con los niños y use los recursos de Read Across America para promover de TODOS los lectores literatura diariamente. Los libros permiten a los lectores explorar el mundo, la diversidad de su gente, lugares interesantes y experiencias emocionantes.
2. Use Read Across America para ayudar a los niños a disfrutar y relacionarse con lo que leen al vincular los libros y la lectura con otras experiencias en sus vidas y en el calendario del año escolar. Cuando relacionamos todo, desde la celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana hasta el día número 100 de clases, a la feria de ciencias y el Día de los Caídos (Memorial Day), incluye libros, lectores invitados, actividades y conversaciones sobre la lectura, crea conciencia sobre la importancia, el valor y la diversión de leer durante todo el año.
3. Haga de su comunidad el lugar donde Read Across America esté en el calendario de todos. Cuando se toma el tiempo para leer con los niños, los niños reciben el mensaje de que la lectura es importante. Los padres y los miembros de su comunidad que se asocian para leer en la escuela ayudan a motivar a los niños a leer.
Haz clic en el enlace de abajo para recibir un sinfín de información y actividades.
2021/2022 Yearbooks
Online orders are available at www.strawbridge.net using the code YB115047.
Family and Community Engagement
Play 2 Learn program at Shiloh Elementary
For children ages birth - 5 yrs old along with a parent/guardian.
Shiloh Elementary offers the Play 2 Learn class every Friday (online from 8:30am-9am, in-person from 11am-noon). Please call Olga Torres in our front office for more information or to register, 770-736-2129.
Website: https://buildingbabiesbrains.com/
Facebook: Building Babies’ Brains Gwinnett
Instagram: buildingbabiesbrains.gwinnett
Twitter: @B3_Gwinnett
AKS at Home
The AKS at Home webpage has been updated for 2nd semester with new dates and times of the Zoom sessions. All Zoom sessions will have a Spanish Interpreter. To enhance a secure online environment for our families, each session will require registration using the Zoom meeting link.
As part of Gwinnett County Public Schools’ family engagement initiative, our AKS at Home project provides Math and Literacy support, for grades K-5, to families so that they truly are partners in their children’s learning. Scheduled Zoom Meetings are available for you to attend so you may quickly learn how you can help your child in Math and Literacy. All meetings are recorded and tools are posted in case you can't make the live session. This support is available for families to access in the format that fits them and their schedule best.
We invite our families to take advantage of AKS at Home to gain access to scheduled virtual meetings or recorded sessions to best fit your schedule, and to the parent tip sheets (in English y en Español).
If you have any questions, please contact Olga Torres
(Shiloh ES Parent Outreach Liaison)
@ 770-736-2129
ISC Relay for Life Car Show - Details below
Does Your Child Need a Tutor?
Gwinnett County Public Library is offering this resource for FREE!
The expert tutors at Tutor.com help your child work through a tough homework problem, improve their writing skills, study for a test, review a difficult concept, and so much more!
Click HERE to get started.
Social Media
Are you following us on Social Media?
Follow us on Instagram @shilohelementary and keep in touch through facebook.com/shilohes
Community Information
Do you need assistance or would you like to volunteer in your community during Covid-19?
As we all work together through this difficult time of Covid-19, the GwinnettCares.org website is currently designed to help you GET HELP, DONATE food and supplies, VOLUNTEER, and GIVE to local non-profits.
Families in Need, please call the Gwinnett Coalition Helpline at 770-995-3339 for referrals to the best resources.
Interested in finding out the history of Snellville, location of celebrations or events, houses of worship, post offices, schools, and a whole lot more? Read more and explore Snellville.
FoodFinder.org in GA
This website launched in May of 2014, it provides an easy way to search for free food resources in your area. This site was designed to help alleviate child hunger by providing a simple way to find food banks and other nearby food resources. FoodFinder.us
Reduced Rate Internet Service
Did you know that Comcast provides Internet service at a reduced rate for families that are a part of the National School Lunch Program? Read the information associated with this opportunity.
About Us
Check out Today's Tip for Parents
Follow us on InstagramFollow us on Facebook
Check our the Shiloh ES Title I Parent Center webpage
For more information, contact Olga Torres. The Parent Center is located across from the front office in room 1.101 and is open M-F, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Email: olga.torres@gcpsk12.org
Website: www.shilohes.org
Location: 2400 Ross Road, Snellville, GA, USA
Phone: 770-736-2129
Facebook: facebook.com/shilohes