Evergreen Middle School
May 17, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Friends and Families,
We have completed all of our State and iReady testing for the school year. Our students were amazing they stayed focused and really tried to do their academic best on all of the tests. Any scholar who may have missed any of their tests- no worries we will have make-up days during that time, they can take the test they missed. This week we were able to honor some of our scholars at district-wide events. Two of our scholars were honored by the Federal Way Lion’s Club- Students of the Year. Four (4) of our scholars and four (4) of our teachers will be honored by our own Federal Way School Board. Our final sports season for this year is coming to an end. We have some scholars going to districts for track. Let’s all go out to support our Grizzlies. Next week we will have our music concerts please come join us and hear some wonder musical renditions by our scholars.
Update on the Attendance Competition- We are holding strong to third place. The competition will be over soon but I’m sure we can still become the winners of the competition. Attending school every day is important. You can help EVG earn the FWPS Attendance Cup! Make sure your child(ren) come to school every day on time.
Every day at Evergreen is structured to contribute to your child’s development and success. It is important to recognize the invaluable lessons and growth that the full academic term offers, especially as we approach our enriching year-end activities.
These events are not mere formalities. Rather, they are celebrations that solidify the progress each student has made. They offer unique avenues for students to showcase their learning and character development achieved throughout the year.
One important year-end event is our grade-level assemblies, where we offer public recognition for students who have achieved in various competitions throughout the year. As valuable as the recognition is, we remind students that it is through their hard work and achievement, rather than the award given, that they find the rewards of joy and self-worth. This principle helps students realize how acquired knowledge and skills can help them learn to live and think independently long after a certificate or trophy is forgotten.
Completing the academic year also teaches important life lessons about commitment and the benefit of finishing what one starts; it provides an opportunity for your child to practice dedication to the investment you have made in his or her academic and personal success.
Thank you for helping prioritize your child’s attendance and continued education throughout this school year. This helps ensure your child completes all of the academic requirements needed to move on and up for next year and also enjoys events that build self-confidence and strengthen friendships.
Thank you for partnering with us! I appreciate you and truly believe that we will finish this school year Grizzly Strong with your unwavering support. Thank you for being a part of the Grizzly family.
Your Partner in Education,
Mrs. Collins
253 945 5100
Inviting Parents/Families to a night introducing the Evergreen Middle School PTO.
When: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 6-7 pm
Where: Evergreen MS Cafeteria (with light refreshments)
- OR Zoom- Zoom Link: http://fwps.zoom.us/j/91648869144
Zoom Link: http://fwps.zoom.us/j/91648869144
Contact Information: Cecyevergreenpto@gmail.com
PLEASE RSVP VIA LINK: https://forms.gle/F9L2jUUv18HsvhTv8
8th Grade Celebration. Wed, June 12th @ 12:45pm. Doors open @ 12:15pm
Buy your Yearbook now! Get it before they sell out!!
Congrats to our FW Lion’s Club- Students of the Year - P. Patulot & K. Wells!
Get Ready to Return Technology Devices
The end of the school year is near, which means it’s almost time to turn in checked out technology devices.
All checked out technology devices, which includes any loaner laptop, Wi-Fi hot spot, and associated power adapters, must be returned for inventory and updating. All scholars must return their technology equipment to their school of residence between June 3 through June 7. Families that have devices checked out after June 7 will receive notification of fines due for the equipment. Scholars will not be able to check out any additional equipment until the equipment is returned or fines have been fully paid to the scholar’s school.
Families, please ensure your child returns their device to school between June 3-7.
Grades and Test Scores
If you look at your child’s report cards, you will see two main sets of information: the grades your child’s teachers have assigned them, and standardized test scores in reading and math. For many students, the results of these two ways of reporting achievement are similar, or just slightly different. For other students, their grades and test scores can be dramatically different. How are parents to make sense of this?
There are several reasons your child's grades and standardized test scores could be different. It may be that the grades are accurate, but the standardized tests are not. Perhaps your child didn’t try on the tests but puts in considerable effort on their assignments during class. I wouldn’t dismiss the test scores on this basis, however, because they are ultimately what teachers are using to create targeted support for your student. Instead, I would talk with your child about the importance of putting in an effort on these tests, because the information must be accurate to be useful.
The second reason could be that the test scores are accurate, but the grades are not. This could be due to a variety of factors. Maybe your child sees standardized tests as high stakes but doesn’t try very hard on their assignments in class. Maybe your child is good at remembering information just long enough to smash their teachers’ tests but forgets much of that information by the time the standardized tests come around. Maybe the standardized tests, which are proctored under controlled conditions, are a more accurate measure of what they know because they cannot rely on notes and peers to get the right answers.
To find out more about the discrepancy between your child’s grades and standardized test scores, I would talk to their teachers. Ultimately, both parents and teachers want the same thing: That your child scores high on the tests and gets good grades in their classes.
Zach Groshell, Ph.D.
Instructional Coach
Evergreen Middle School
Important Dates
05/21 Tue- Baseball- Varsity- Illahee @ Evergreen
05/21 Tue- Baseball- JV- Evergreen @ Illahee
05/21 Tue- Track- EVG v Sequoyah (or Kilo v EVG v TAF/Sag) @ FWMF- Track- Upper field
05/21 Tue- Volleyball- Varsity- Illahee @ Evergreen- 5pm
05/21 Tue- Volleyball- JV- Illahee @ Evergreen- 3:50pm
05/22 Wed- Popcorn Wednesdays! $1 a bag
05/23 Thur- Spring Band Concert @ 7pm
05/24 Fri- Snow Makeup Day **NO SCHOOL**
05/27 Mon- Memorial Day Holiday **NO SCHOOL**
05/28-05/31 Tue-Fri- Spirit Week
- Tue- Dress Like Your Childhood
- Wed- Tie Dye
- Thur- Cultural Day
- Fri- Color Wars *pep assembly*
05/29 Wed- Popcorn Wednesdays! $1 a bag
05/29 Wed- Track- EVG v Lakota v Illahee @ FWMF- Track- Upper field
05/30 Thur- Spring Orchestra/Choir concert @ 7pm