The Bobcat Brief
February 7, 2025
Upcoming Events
Monday, February 10: 4th & 5th Grade Chess Club
Thursday, February 13: Passport Project Cultural Day & Half Day - Dismissal at 11:45am
Thursday, February 13: Progress reports emailed
Friday, February 14: No School / Teacher In-service Day
Saturday, February 15: School Resource Officers Day
Monday, February 17: Presidents' Day - No School
Tuesday, February 18 and Wednesday, February 19: No School
Thursday, February 20: SIC Meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 26: Kevin Kurtz Author Visit
Friday, February 28: Last Day to Order Coosa's Yearbook & College Colors Day
Attendance Letters and Truancy Referrals
Letters regarding absences and truancy referrals were issued to some students this week. We have determined that some errors were present in that communication. We have worked diligently today making corrections to students' PowerSchool accounts and will complete those corrections on Monday. If you receive a letter in the mail (or received a BrightArrow on Thursday), we ask that you disregard that communication. We will issue new letters, if necessary, next week. You can see changes in your child's PowerSchool account when they are completed at anytime. Thank you to the families that reached out to make us aware of the attendance discrepancies.
1/2 Day Early Dismissal Transportation/Tutoring
On February 13, the YMCA and Community Aftercare is closed due to early dismissal. Please send in your transportation changes to cestransportation@beaufort.k12.sc.us as soon as possible. There will not be afterschool tutoring on this day either.
Snow Make-Up Day(s)
- Due to the snow in January, the make-up day previously scheduled for March 17 will be utilized. During this week’s Board of Education meeting, it was decided that there will not be a second weather make-up day added to the Spring 2025 semester.
Class Photo Orders
Any additional orders for class photos need to be made online. We are no longer accepting cash/check at the school.
Code: FM438980
Grade 3-5 Student Climate Survey
The South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee have scheduled to open the state’s 2025 SCDE - Student School Climate Survey administration window from February 24, 2024, to April 11, 2024. This is an anonymous survey administered to students in grades three (3) through eleven (11) and is used to identify perceptions within your child(ren)’s school.
The student survey is administered online and composed of questions focused on student perceptions of learning environments, social physical environment, and school safety which should take no more than ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes to complete. Parents/legal guardians are given the option to opt-out if desired.
This survey is developed through the South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee. Each survey item has five response choices: “Disagree,” “Mostly Disagree,” “Mostly Agree,” “Agree,” and “No Answer.” All survey items must be marked. If a student has no opinion or the statement is not applicable, the response “No Answer” should be marked.
The data collected from the survey will be used by the State to identify student perceptions and included as an accountability metric for rating each school by the State. Rating points will be adjusted for schools with participation rates of less than 80% as described in the State’s 2024-2025 Accountability Manual. Responses are housed securely in an anonymous format and are in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
Please notify your child(ren)’s principal by email if you would like your child(ren) to opt out of taking the survey by Friday, February 21, 2025. An opt-out form will be sent home, if requested. If you have any questions about the administration of the survey, please contact an administrator.
2025-26 Public Budget Forums Recap
Two public forums are scheduled for educators, parents, and community members to learn more about the school district budget being developed by the Beaufort County Board of Education for the 2025-26 school year.
The first forum will be Bluffton High School at 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 30. The second will be at Beaufort High School at 6 p.m., Thursday, May 1.
Individuals who are unable to attend can also view the proposed budget and provide feedback through BCSD Connected at https://connectbeaufortschools.org/. The FY 2025-26 Budget Process feedback forum will be open through March 7.
It’s Time for the Coosa Elementary School Read-A-Thon!
We’re thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon begins on Monday, February 24, 2025! This annual tradition is more than just a reading event—it’s a chance for our students to practice the 7 Habits while developing their love of learning.
We know your time is valuable, and we appreciate your commitment to your child’s growth and education. That’s why we’ve made activating your student’s Read-A-Thon account quick, simple, and hassle-free. In less than 5 minutes, you’ll empower your child to be proactive and take ownership of their reading journey.
Watch this short video to learn how to sign up your Reader:
How to Sign Up Your Reader
Why Activate Your Account?
This account will serve as your child’s hub to:
Begin with the End in Mind by setting reading goals.
Track their progress and celebrate their growth.
Share their journey with friends and family, fostering a sense of synergy and community support.
Be Proactive and Activate Today!
Activate Reader Account
How the Read-A-Thon Aligns with the 7 Habits:
- Encourages students to Put First Things First by prioritizing reading and personal growth.
- Teaches the importance of balance and renewal—Sharpening the Saw—by making time for learning and fun.
- Builds confidence through setting and achieving goals, empowering students to Think Win-Win as they strive for success.
Together, we can make this year’s Read-A-Thon an unforgettable experience that nurtures strong habits and a love for reading. Thank you for your support and encouragement!
2024-2025 Coosa Yearbook
Order Your Student's 2024--2025 Coosa Yearbook Today!
This week all families received order forms and information about the 2024-2025 Coosa Yearbook.
Please find additional information below:
Cost: $20.00 per book
- Payment via cash/check can be returned with completed attached order form by Friday, February 28. Checks should be made to Coosa Elementary School.
- Payment via online payment can be made by Saturday, March 1. Visit www.strawbridge.net and use Online Code YB31119.
Questions? Email Ms. Kabel at Ashley.Kabel@beaufort.k12.sc.us.
Habits for a Happy Home
Put First Things First - Overcoming Procrastination
This week’s focus is Put First Things First, particularly overcoming procrastination. Help your child identify when they tend to put things off, such as homework or chores. Encourage them to break large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. You can model this by tackling tasks you’ve been putting off and sharing your process. Praise your child when they resist distractions and complete tasks on time.
Beaufort County Library System's Winter Reading Program - STILL Happening
It's easy to participate. Beginning January 15, pick up a reading log at any of our libraries or download a template here (Spanish version also available). Read a total of six hours by February 15 and you'll be entered into our grand prize drawing! You have a chance to win a Books-a-Million or Barnes and Noble gift card! (One winner per location). All ages are encouraged to join.
Multi-lingual Students ACCESS Assessments
Our Multi-lingual students have been taking the ACCESS assessment to show off their literacy skills! If your student receives ML support, and they still have the ACCESS test to take, please ensure they have a good night’s rest before their testing day(s) and eat a healthy breakfast – encourage them to do their best! Reach out to Mrs. Quinn, MLP Teacher (Elizabeth.quinn@beaufort.k12.sc.us) or Mrs. Roberts, Assistant Principal (Renee.roberts@beaufort.k12.sc.us) with any questions. See below for the schedule:
Tuesday, February 11 (Grades 1-5) Speaking
Tuesday, February 25– Kindergarten ACCESS
District Dash 5K
For the month of January, our school placed a greater emphasis on wellness. Students have been learning about Healthy Heart Habits in collaboration with the American Heart Association.
Reminder: Beaufort County Schools will be hosting the District Dash 5K in conjunction with Palmetto Running Company’s existing 5K on March 15, 2025 in Bluffton, SC.
Students and families are encouraged to participate with their school group. At registration, participants can select the school they are supporting. Multiple selections can be made with students attending different schools in one family.
- Schools with the highest number of participants will be eligible for a prize in support of their MUSC Wellness Program.
- No race day registration.
- Race packet pick up at Palmetto Running Company (Bluffton) 3/14/25 or 1 hour before race, 3/15/25.
- https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/Bluffton/DistrictDashK
Questions regarding race questions or MUSC’s Wellness program participation?
Emily Gray, PE and Health Coordinator, Emily.Gray@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Questions regarding the race route or race-related questions outside of BCSD?
Rob Fyfe, owner, Palmetto Running Company, rob@palmettorunningco.commailto:rob@palmettorunningco.com
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website: https://ces.beaufortschools.net/about-us/business-partners
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
- Erica Sanchez/Jolly Family
- Sea Island Animal Hospital
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family