Hillcrest School
Happy First Week of School!
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to another exciting year at Hillcrest! We had an outstanding first week! While Hillcrest may look different this year, we are excited to be back to the learning and laughter that makes Hillcrest our favorite place to be! Classes participated in mask/snack breaks, yoga, taking pictures in front of our banner and meeting new friends!
This week our staff will continue with getting to know you activities, building a positive classroom community, and familiarizing students with their chromebook and our digital platforms in the event need to pivot to virtual learning. We will continue to refine our classroom schedules and build upon our health and safety measures (frequent hand washing, sanitizer, social distancing, etc.) As we continue navigating the first weeks of school, your support and patience is greatly appreciated.
Morning Arrival at Hillcrest
- Morning drop off will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Front Circle.
- Drop off will conclude at 8:50 when the buses begin arriving.
- We will utilize four doors for arrival so please pull forward. Staff members will be present to direct families during drop off. Cones will be located near each drop off door.
- Students must exit the car on the right (curb side). Staff will not be able to assist the students from the car.
Pick-Up Notes
Afternoon Dismissal
Pre School and First grade students will dismiss from their outdoor classroom door. Staff members will be present to assist families. Cones will be placed near classrooms doors and parents are asked to line up behind the cones. A school staff member will notify your child's teacher that you have arrived. Please do not approach your child's classroom prior to dismissal.
Please help us maintain a safe environment by observing social distancing protocols and wearing a mask during our dismissal process.
Students riding buses will begin dismissing at 12:50.
Counselor's Corner
Let’s Talk About Race, Equity and Inclusion / Hablemos sobre raza, equidad, e inclusión
This part of the newsletter will have a question or a topic for you to discuss with your child(ren). This can be done on the way to school, on the way to sports practice, before dinner, at bedtime, etc.
Each week there will be a “something to think about” question and a “something to talk about” question. The “something to think about question” is for you as a parent to reflect on for yourself. The “something to talk about” question is for you to discuss with your child. These exercises are meant to stimulate a conversation on race, equity and inclusion in America.
Week One
Parent Reflection Question: Does your family talk about race? Why or why not? Is this a difficult topic for you to discuss with your child(ren)? Why or why not?
First Question For Child: How are people different? How are people the same? (this can touch on physical differences, as well as social/emotional differences, skin color and facial features).
Esta sección del boletín informativo presentará una pregunta o tema para que puedan conversar con sus hijos. Esta conversación puede tener lugar de camino a la escuela, de camino a practicar los deportes, antes de cenar, a la hora de dormir, etc.
Cada semana habrá “una pregunta para reflexionar” y una pregunta “para conversar”. La pregunta “para conversar” es para ayudar a los padres a reflexionar sobre sí mismos. El propósito de estos ejercicios es generar una conversación sobre raza, equidad y la inclusión en América.
Primera semana
Pregunta para reflexionar: En su familia, ¿Se habla de raza? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no? ¿Le resulta difícil hablar de este tema con sus hijos?¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no?
Pregunta para conversar con sus hijos: ¿Cómo nos diferenciamos las personas? ¿Cómo nos parecemos? (Este tema puede incluir las diferencias socio-emocionales, el color de la piel/ aspecto físico, o los rasgos faciales).
What Should I Bring to School?
All students and staff will be required to wear a mask at school. If your child doesn't have a mask, one will be provided. In preparation for the school year, consider increasing your child's mask stamina. The social stories in the following link may be helpful.
2. Chromebook
Your child's chromebook should travel back and forth with them daily. Please charge the chromebook each night.
3. Snack
Please send your child to school with a healthy snack for their mid-morning break. Students can refill water bottles at our filtered water bottle refilling stations.
4. Math Manipulatives
Please send your child's math manipulative bag to and from school daily.
Face Coverings
Thank you for working with your child to build mask stamina this summer. Our staff is impressed and proud of how well the students are managing wearing a mask correctly.
Please review the following information regarding appropriate mask choices. The CDC recommends cloth face coverings, but disposable masks are also acceptable, as long as the mouth and nose are properly covered. Please do not use masks with exhalation valves. Plastic face shields are not permitted as a substitute, except for students who are exempt from wearing masks due to a documented medical condition or disability. Bandanas, snowboarding gaiters, or other coverings without straps or ear loops will not be accepted.
Interested in Being a Room Parent?
K-5 Technology Overview for Parents
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Building Visitors
Special Area Classes
Monday - Art
Tuesday - Science
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - PE
Friday - Media