OPT News & Events
May 2021
May Already!?
As I sat down to write this month's newsletter, I kept finding myself double checking that it was indeed May. My brain is having a hard time wrapping itself around the reality that we are quickly approaching the end of the school year. A year that continued to force us, personally and professionally, to reinvent ourselves, to be flexible when we thought we had no more room to bend and to wrap our arms around one another like never before...but from a distance.
While March and April brought us many OPT sponsored events and activities, we hope that May and June are a little bit calmer and allow space for you and your family to truly digest what you have accomplished this school year. Personally, for my family, Evergreen has been a place of emotional grounding. Giving us a constant and something to anchor ourselves to when the world around us felt unsettled.
We will have two more OPT meetings before the end of the year and I hope that you will join us! I am proud to be a part of the Evergreen Family and it is an honor to serve as your president.
Kim Kertson
OPT President
NEW TIME! New content!
- Nominate and elect the 21/22 OPT Board of Directors
- Discuss the remainder of the year
- Host a Q&A Session with Principal Morey!
Don't miss the opportunity to get up close and personal (well, as close as one can get over Zoom) with the topics you are most interested in hearing about. This is the perfect time to ask questions, express opinions, make your voice heard...or simply listen in on meaningful content and conversation.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 375 1990
Passcode: eaopt
Planning Ahead for 21/22
We understand that the idea of volunteering can be intimidating. We live busy lives and are protective of our free time. We get it! That's why we want to assure you that there is a volunteer spot for everyone and volunteer opportunities of all shapes and sizes.
In the next few weeks be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius where you can note which events and activities you have an interest in helping with. This is NOT a commitment and you are NOT signing up to lead an event. This is simply a way to gather information about people's interests and where they feel they can be of the most help.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Opt & amazon smile in-app purchases
Do you make most of your Amazon purchases from the app? We do! Did you know that until just a few weeks ago all those purchases from the app weren't counting toward AmazonSmile?! Well, now they are and it's easy to make the update and start earning for OPT!
How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "Organization of Parents and Teachers of Evergreen Academy" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app
Opt outside!
We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area and want to encourage our Evergreen Community to opt outside in the weeks before we cap off the 20/21 school year. To encourage you and your family to document your outdoor adventures (think hike, walk, run, bike, scooter...) we have created an OPT SeeSaw account where students can share and journal about their adventures outdoors with other Evergreen students.
Look for more details in Friday Folders this week!
May Parent & Staff Book Club: Monday, 5/24 @ 7 PM
With one week to go, there's still time to join!
We will meet virtually on Monday, May 24th @ 7 PM to discuss the book, "From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home," by Tembi Locke. Reminiscent of "Eat, Pray, Love" - this book is a delight!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 375 1990
Passcode: eaopt
let's get messy...on campus!
OPT supporting field day
With that said, there will be no separate End of Year Celebration this year. Instead, we will be offering our support and adding to the fun at Field Day on the last day of school, June 9th. We have no doubt your students will enjoy the day and end their 20/21 school year on a high note!
Online Families: OPT will have a presence on your last day/materials drop off on 6/16.
See what your donations can do...and DID!
While the last 6 weeks were jam packed with events, your OPT dollars also supported a myriad of other activities such as assemblies, guest speakers, a science fair, staff appreciation, classroom STEM challenges and more! See below for details!
Windows into worlds unlike our own....
With OPT dollars, every classroom received Shane's children's book and had the opportunity to "meet" Shane via Zoom last week in 8 different intimate Q&A sessions. Children were welcomed and encouraged to ask any and all questions. It is our hope that by offering children windows into worlds unlike their own, we can do our part to raise socially aware members of society and normalize differences!
Want to see Shane read his book? Check out the awesome video below and start up a conversation with your student at the dinner table or on the way home from school!
Video Access: https://vimeo.com/firerock/notsodifferent
Video Password: laugh
"As a society, we need to embrace the idea that there’s nothing wrong or bad about being disabled. In other words, saying “Shane is disabled” should be no different than saying “Shane is tall.” This type of language is called “identity-first” language, and it is widely preferred by disability activists and advocates today." - Shane Burcaw
Spring Assemblies Sponsored by OPT
Magic & Money....oh my!
Not only did we have impressive audience attendance, but we had a very supportive community who participated in our last Evergreen Eats Out! With your contributions, we raised $350! To put things in perspective, the funds we raised PAID for an event like our magic show! In a year with very little fundraising...Evergreen Eats Out has allowed us to do a little more than we had originally planned. Thank you!
Thank you to Heritage Restaurant for their partnership!
Nacho average staff at Evergreen!
On top of the OPT sponsored events and tokens of appreciation, the staff was BLOWN AWAY by the generosity and thoughtfulness of the Evergreen community. All week long they were showered with love, flowers, candy, gift cards, treats and most importantly...recognition for their unrelenting support of our students.
Interested in being a part of the planning next year? We could use your help! Many hands make light work. Reach out to Kim Kertson at evergreenopt@outlook.com to express your interest!
It was EGG-cellent!
We hope to make school-wide STEM challenges such as this an Evergreen tradition!
Were you smarter than the principal?!
Didn't get a chance to join us? Check it out on Kahoot! and make it a family affair! (Trivia questions are applicable for all ages!)
What a day it was!
A big thank you to Keri Sliger and family for organizing and leading the event!
Thank you for your donations!
Thank you to the families who contributed to this annual day of campus pampering!
When life handed them lemons...
Want to help coordinate these monthly tokens of appreciation? Let's divide and conquer! You get a month, I get a month, he gets a month, she gets a month! Reach out to Kim Kertson at evergreenopt@outlook.com if you are willing to lend a hand!
Science for the win!
Thank you to the staff members who set-up and tore down on OPT's behalf and a big thank you to Melinda Kong for serving as the event organizer!
Interested in helping with the 2022 Science Fair? We are looking forward to hosting a robust and in-person event next spring and need your help! Contact Kim Kertson at evergreenopt@outlook.com if you are willing to pick up a task or two.
raising engineers!
Our inquisitive and ever creative engineers came up with varying designs and faced challenges head on in their attempt to create a moving vehicles. They sought out advice from fellow students and cheered each other on. Thank you to those who were able to join!
goal reached!
It is our hope that we make this an annual event in the coming years and we are able to boost our participation by hosting a pop-up event on campus or bring in one of the donation trucks when they are back up and running.
THANK YOU DONORS! Your selflessness not only made a difference in the lives of others but helped raise $520 for the Evergreen Academy OPT!
Presentation now available
Miss the presentation? View it here:
another good read "in the books!"
But for even more updates....join us on Wednesday!
However, if you are looking for the MOST up-to-date information and have an opportunity to ask all the questions and hear all the answers (that can be answered - ha!) then join us at the OPT General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday, May 19th at 7 PM were Mrs. Morey will join us for a Q&A Session!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 375 1990
Passcode: eaopt
Evergreen Academy OPT
Board of Directors
- Interim President: Kim Kertson
- VP of Fundraising: Julia Kulyk
- VP of Family Engagement: Keri Sliger
- Secretary: Kim Kertson
- Treasurer: Doug Mangini
- Staff Rep: Amy Morey, Principal
Email: evergreenopt@outlook.com