D91 Employee News:
August 30, 2024
From The Superintendent's Desk
Superintendent message
The start of the school year has me buzzing with excitement! This week was filled with the thrill of new beginnings, the joy of rekindling friendships, and the promise of the opportunity to learn and grow. I loved seeing smiles on kindergarteners’ faces as they met their teachers for the first time. Watching parents help their middle schoolers open lockers made me feel a little nostalgic. Seeing students proudly introduce their parents to their teachers reminded me of the deep appreciation our teachers have for parents. My heart swelled as I watched teachers welcome students back, guiding them to rediscover the joy of learning.
As I visited schools and attended Back-to-School Nights, Idaho Falls School District 91’s three guiding values of Courage, Compassion, and Conviction stood out. Our staff demonstrated the Courage to embrace the new year with enthusiasm, Compassion to ensure every student feels welcome, and Conviction to support our students in reaching their full potential.
Most of all, I was reminded of the countless hours that go into preparing for a new school year. It is truly an honor to work alongside all of you as you support our students. I am humbled by your commitment and grateful for your dedication. Your tireless efforts to help every child succeed are what make D91 such an exceptional place to be every day. We are a powerful community, and we make a difference every day! Intervention message
Karla LaOrange
Superintendent, Idaho Falls School District 91
Intervention message
It’s here! Yes, it’s finally time for our very first district-wide Intervention School Day! Next Friday, D91 will kick off the first day of intervention for middle school and high school students. While all students are invited to attend school, some will be required to attend. Students who have a D, F, or I (Intervention needed) will be required to attend on Friday.
Parents will receive a text Thursday morning informing them whether their child is required to attend school in person. Students who are enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP), concurrent enrollment, or Career Technical Education classes may also be required to attend classes on Friday. Each AP, concurrent enrollment, or CTE teacher informed students of the Friday attendance requirements during this first week of school.
Elementary students are completing required state reading testing. This information will be used to determine student needs for additional support or enrichment. This Friday, elementary teachers will analyze data and collaborate to plan and organize instruction for multiple small groups. Our elementary teachers are designing small group instruction to address learning gaps early and provide enrichment to help all students deepen their understanding of reading and math.
Thank you to all all of you, our excellent teachers, administrators, and staff who have committed their time to helping get our very first Intervention School Day off to a great start. Your dedication to our students is appreciated!
All bus routes will run on each Intervention School Day. Some students may ride a different bus on Friday, which means that during these first few weeks, some buses may run a little late. The Transportation Department will be busing all D91 students in less time than on other days of the week. Thank you to Ralph Frost, Transportation Director, and his amazing staff for all their planning and hard work in busing so many students at once. That’s a huge feat! Our incredible teachers and staff will also be going the extra mile to help students at every school adjust to the Friday busing schedule. Your conviction for your students shows every single day!
D91 is home to powerful teachers, administrators, and staff who make a difference every single day!
Karla LaOrange
Superintendent, Idaho Falls School District 91
Upcoming Dates
- Sept 2: Labor Day, No School
- Sept 3: First day of school for Pre-K
- Sept 6: First Intervention School Day for Middle and High Schools
- Sept 28: Emotion Bowl, 7pm at Ravsten Stadium
- Oct 3-4: No School, State & District Professional Development Days
Monday, September 9th 5pm - 7 pm
Frontier Fields
899 E 49th S
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
It's time to celebrate!
Please join us for a ribbon cutting and ceremony and after party!
Dunk a coach!
Think you've got the skills? Bring your A-game, dunk a coach and make a splash!
Bring your appetite!
Fuel up with everything from tasty treats to full meals with mouth watering offerings from local food trucks!
Celebrate with the IF Tigers!
Get in on the action with a home run derby, rope & win, giveaways, and more!
Happening In D91!
Welcoming back our Great Bus Drivers
Superintendent LaOrange and the District Leadership Team came out early to welcome our wonderful transportation staff back with breakfast and wish them a great first day of school. We can't thank them enough for what they provide for our students.
Football Kicks Off this Weekend
The new high school football season is here for Idaho Falls and Skyline. The Tigers are on the road at Thunder Ridge Friday night at 7 pm. Skyline is participating in the Rocky Mountain Rumble. The Grizzlies will face Morgan, UT at the ICCU Dome (Formerly Holt Arena) down in Pocatello Saturday at 10:30 am.
Look for the Teton Toyota Raffle Car at the State Fair this Week
Thank you to all the schools, clubs and teams signed up to sell raffle tickets at the Eastern Idaho State Fair this week. Tell all your friends and family to be looking for the car and to buy tickets while they are at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot. Remember, 100% of the money goes to the school, club, or group selling the tickets. Plus they could win a car!!!
Highlights From HR & Payroll
Directions for Entering Time Off for Certified Staff
Certified Employees (all certified staff including administrators)
1. Go to the D91 website (ifschools.org)
2. Under Staff Quick Links select Absences & Substitutes (ReadySub)
3. Log into Absence and Substitute site with your email and password (these were provided in your welcome email)
4. A window will open titled My Account
5. Above the open window select the down arrow on the Absences tab
6. Scroll down and select Post an Absence
7. Select Single Day or Multi Day
8. Select Job Date
9. Under Itinerary enter the Schedule (half day or full day)
10. Enter Job Reason
11. Enter Room & Report to (optional)
12. Select Next
13. Select one of the following: Post to Pool (sends job to all subs) Request Substitutes (subs in your preferred list) Assign to Substitute (pre-arranged subs) No Substitute Required (if you will not need a sub)
14. Select Next
15. Absence Notes -Add notes and attachments under the substitute tab. This is information for the substitute teacher (ex. Lesson plans)
16. Under the Administration tab add information for your building administrator. If you are using school business leave, please indicate the reason for the school business leave.
17. Select Next
18. Click POST JOB (you will receive an email confirmation if posted correctly)
*If you do not have access to ReadySub, please submit an help ticket to the Technology Department.
How to Enter Time Off for Classified Employees
1. Go to your Single Sign On page
2. Select Time Clock Plus App
3. On the left hand side menu click Requests
4. Click green +ADD button
5. Enter Date requested
6. Enter Start time
7. Enter Hours
8. Enter Days
9. Enter Leave Code
10. Click Save
11. If you want to know your leave accruals, click on the Accruals button on lower left corner of the Add Employee Request box.
New Job Postings this Week
Longfellow Elementary: Satellite Server
Theresa Bunker Elementary: Title I Tutor-Limited Full-time
Dora Erickson Elementary: Part-time Special Education Support Aide
Skyline High School: Media Center Aide-Part-time
Ethel Boyes Elementary: Long-term Substitute Counselor
Idaho Falls High School: Limited Full-time Special Education Support 1:1
Compass Academy: Substitute Math Teacher-Long-term
See all current openings here.
D91 Shout Out!
Idaho Fall School District 91 is filled with incredible people who are dedicated to serving your child. We are very fortunate to have such a talented group of people helping children throughout the district learn and grow!
You can honor one of our fabulous teachers, administrators, or staff members by submitting D91 “Shout Out”! Your positive comment will be shared with the employee. Want to submit a “Shout Out”? Use the link below or the QR code. Thanks for helping to see and share the good!