Connors School Scoop
September 6, 2024
Dear Connors Families,
It has been a very exciting first 2 days of school! The students have been busy learning all of their new and familiar classroom routines. The children were so excited to see so many of their old friends and make new friends as well. Our children are looking forward to the first full week of school next week.
Parents...We need your help with the following during arrival and dismissal:
- Parents must stay off of the 2nd street sidewalk, as the sidewalk is for children only
- Please keep dogs away from the 2nd street sidewalk.
- Please come on time. Classes begin entering the building at 8:15. If your child is late, they must wait with one of our arrival staff until all of the classes have entered the building, and then they will be escorted to their class by one of our arrival staff.
The Connors PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is looking forward to a wonderful new school year ahead! We welcome involvement from all Connors families and look forward to working together for the benefit of our students, faculty, school, and the Hoboken community at large. Please review our weekly PTO Corner here in the Connors School Scoop for important information, announcements and opportunities.
Syncing the PTO "Live" Calendar - In just a few easy steps you can have ALL the dates from the Connors Calendar and the District calendar synced with your personal devices! Never forget a date again, and it’s even updated in real time with any changes! We promise you won’t regret it.
Joining your class What’s App group - Easiest and best way to communicate with the families in your child’s class, share birthday invites, plan get togethers, support the class, ask questions, get important reminders/announcements. Links to each class group linked here within Scoop. Optional, though highly encouraged and recommended!
Bookmarking the PTO Website - This go-to resource for all things PTO and Connors is a hub for information, links, events, calendars, etc. Take a few minutes to explore and visit often.
Joining our PTO Facebook Group - Event invites, real time reminders and updates, swag swaps, and a great way to connect with others in the Connors community.
Joining our PTO Email List - Ensure you receive all important PTO communications (no spam, we promise!). Just email us to say you’d like to be added to the list (and to say hi, share your ideas, ask a question, anything goes!).
Passport to Learning starts on Monday, September 9th. Ms. Lauren Fleischer and Mr. Fran Azzarto are our Passport to Learning leads at Connors this year and Ms. Jessica Fasolino is the Supervisor of the K-5 PTL programs district wide. If you have any questions about PTL at Connors, please email ptlconnors@hoboken.k12.nj.us Ms. Fleischer, Ms. Azzarto and Ms. Fasolino will all receive your email when you send it to the ptlconnors@hoboken.k12.nj.us email address.
CHROMEBOOKS-GRADE 2 and New G3-G5 Students
For those families that have completed and submitted their Chromebook forms, students received their chromebooks today. If you have not submitted your Chromebook form, please make sure to do so ASAP, so your child can receive their chromebook. Chromebook Insurance needs to be purchased yearly. Here is the link to our Chromebook Handout and Hoboken Public Schools-Technology Google Site
Please ensure that the following forms are complete and submitted to your child's homeroom teacher tomorrow:
Hard Copies of the Universal Health Record (Enclosed in Class Placement Packet) Universal Child Health Record
Hard Copies of the Emergency Contact Form (Enclosed in Class Placement Packet) Emergency Card
Hard Copy of the Free/Reduced Lunch Applications (Enclosed in Class Placement Packet)
If you are not interested in applying for free or reduced lunch, we kindly ask that you submit a hardcopy of the free/reduced lunch application by filling out your child’s name on Step 1 and note anywhere on the application that you are not interested in applying for free/reduced lunch.
Digital Google Form Connors Parent/Student Information Form 2023-2024
Here is lunch order form for the week of September 9th 9/9-9/13 Lunch Order Form
. Please ensure that you have set up a Payschools Account on our district website. Please make sure that you packed a healthy snack for your child to eat at school.
- September 9th, First Day of Passport to Learning
- September 9th, Summer Assignments are Due
- September 10th, PTO Meeting- In-Person @ Connors @ 8:30 am, Virtual PTO Meeting Link if you would prefer to join virtually
- September 12th- Connors Kindergarten Parents Night Out @ Dear Muad @ 7:00pm
- September 15th-October 15th-Hispanic Heritage Month
- September 18th @ 6:30-8:00 pm-Connors Back to School Night
- September 18th-Parent Social @Schmitty's, 359 1st Street, after Back to School Night
- September 23rd-Pop Up Library
- September 24th-Pop Up Library
- September 25th-Picture Day
We make it our priority to partner with parents in the academic growth and success of every child. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
All the best,
Principal Addi
The Connors PTO added some extra fun to our first Friday of the new school year with popsicles for all students and staff today! Safe to say this yummy treat was enjoyed by all!
Don’t miss our first PTO Meeting of the school year on Tuesday, September 10 at 8:30am. Join us in person at Connors or virtually via Google Meet (this goes for all PTO meetings). Guest speakers from across the District will join us throughout the year, and we are thrilled to kick off with our very own Principal Addi.
Family involvement is part of what makes the Connors community so special, and PTO meetings are a great way to get involved and stay in the know. All parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend! Please don’t worry if you need to leave early or if you’ve never been to a meeting before, join us!
8:30am - September PTO Meeting
Hear about upcoming events, new fundraisers, and exciting PTO activities for the year ahead. Meet the PTO Officers, and learn more about opportunities to be involved. Share ideas and feedback. Learn how you can support Connors school, faculty and students through the PTO.
9:00am - "All About Connors" with Guest Speaker Principal Addi
Principal Addi will share and discuss details about the ins and outs of Connors Elementary School as well as a peek into what’s upcoming for this school year. While this is especially great for new Connors families, everyone is welcome and can benefit from this session.
FALL FESTIVAL: Save the Date + Call for Volunteers!
Connors PTO invites you to join us at our annual Back-to-School Fall Festival on Sunday, September 22nd from 4:00pm-5:30pm in the Connors playground. Celebrate the start of school and officially welcome in fall with carnival-style games, crafts, music, refreshments, and more. Support the PTO by shopping our always-popular Connors swag sale and participating in our awesome raffle (with thousands of dollars in prizes - sneak peek will be shared next week!). All Connors families are welcome, including siblings that don't attend Connors. FREE + no RSVP required.
As always, we need VOLUNTEERS to make this a successful event! This includes set up, clean up, working the raffle or activity table, swag sale, etc., PLUS we have shifts so you can volunteer part of the time and still have time to enjoy the event with your family. No experience required; you can be a first-time PTO volunteer or a seasoned vet. We will email you details about your role before the event so you feel prepared and set up for success. Sign up for a volunteer spot here.
Email ConnorsPTO@gmail.com with any questions about the event or volunteering.
Calling all Kindergarten parents - this one’s for YOU! Join us on September 12 at 7pm for a casual get-together at Dear Maud (205 1st St) to connect with other parents in your child’s class and the overall grade. We are excited to welcome so many new families to our Connors community together with our veteran Connors families who have a younger sibling in Kindergarten now. Let’s cheers to a great year ahead!
Join us for a Connors Parent Social at Schmitty’s (359 1st Street) immediately following Back-to-School Night on Sept 18. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow Connors parents in an informal and fun setting. Please note: This is a "cash bar" event -- all attendees will be responsible for purchasing their own drinks. Schmitty's is co-owned by two wonderful Connors families, and they have generously agreed to donate 10% of the night’s sales back to Connors PTO! Please RSVP on the PTO's Facebook page event, so an estimated headcount can be provided to Schmitty's.
50% Off HPEF's Back-to-School 5k!
HPEF's community run team had so much fun greeting new and returning students at Wednesday's ice cream social. We hope you'll all join us for another fantastic event -- our first annual Back-to-School Community Run next Sunday, September 15th featuring a Kids Fun Run, 1 Mile Walk/Run, and 5k. Register TODAY for 50% off the 5k registration (a $25 savings) by entering the coupon code ICECREAM at check out. Offer valid through 11:59pm today, Friday 9/6. Note: the 5k price increases on 9/7 so now is the best time to register! Visit www.bit.ly/HPEF5k to sign up today!
See you at the starting line!
Hoboken CupCake Wars Baking Competition
Hoboken HS Gymnasium
800 Clinton St. Hoboken, NJ 07030
$5.00 Admission, $2.00 per Cupcake
(Contestant due not need to pay Admission Fee)
Do you have the best cupcakes in Hoboken??
5 Competitor categories - one winner from each.
Adult & Student Catergories
Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Adults, and Fan Favorite.
Judging will be done by 3 celebrity judges. (Judges TBA)
Contestants must bake and decorate 3 dozen cupcakes for the
competition. Judges will be scoring based on
One Flavor per registration Only.
$20.00 registration fee to compete
All contestants must be registered by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 .
You will receive an email containing instructions for the competition.
You can pay the registration fee by Cash, Check, or Money Order.
Checks or Money Orders can be made payable to Hoboken HS Class of 2025.
You can mail all Checks or Money Orders to:
Hoboken HS Class of 2025
Attention: Mr. Munoz
Hoboken High School
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
or you can drop off registration fees in an envelope with your name with the subject: CupCake Wars to the Security Desk at Hoboken HS.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Munoz at Christopher.Munoz@hoboken.k12.nj.us or call (201) 356-3738.
Hoboken HS Government Field of Heroes
Dear Hoboken Community,
In honor of Veterans Day, the Hoboken HS Student Government would like to invite you to participate in a special program to honor our heroes. The front of our beautiful Louis M. Taglieri Jr. Stadium will be decorated with American Flags. Each flag will represent and honor members of our Armed Forces, past and present.
Please consider honoring these great men and women by purchasing a flag for their service.
Each flag costs $5.00 and will represent an honoree for their service.
To honor a hero, fill out the form and return it along with your donation in the form of a check or money order made out to: Hoboken HS Student Council. The cost is $5.00 a flag.
All forms must be completed and returned by Friday, October 25, 2024.
Thank you very much for your support of our Hoboken Heroes.
Christopher Munoz
Hoboken HS Student Activities Coordinator
Mail to: Hoboken High School
Attn: Christopher Munoz, Student Council
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Connors Class Learning Activities
Kindergarteners had the best first week of school! We made new friends, went over routines, created a class promise, completed projects and HAD SO MUCH FUN! We cannot wait for another wonderful week of learning next week!
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Welcome back to school, 2nd grade families! We had such an amazing time over the past two days getting to know one another! On our first day of school, we read the story "A Letter from Your Teacher on the first day of school" by Shanon Olsen. After our read aloud, students were able to engage in a craftivity that related to our story. We had such a great time sharing our favorite things and learning about all of our classmates. We are looking forward to having an A-MAZE-ING school year with this wonderful group of kids!
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Welcome to 4th grade! We’ve been enjoying getting to know each other and our classroom. Mathematicians are looking forward to starting the school year as we will begin Unit 1 Investigations next week studying multiplication and arrays. Looking forward to a great 4th grade year!
5th Grade
Welcome back to school! We had an exciting first two days in 5th grade. We listened to read alouds, completed activities, made and signed our class contract, and more! We especially loved creating our character traits posters which will be displayed in our classroom all year long! We are looking forward to diving into more learning next week. Keep up the hard work 5th grade!
Ms. Arciero's Class
We had a great first week of school in 302! It was so nice to all be together again. We did activities practicing teamwork and collaboration, and we had fantastic discussions about creating a strong classroom community! It’s going to be a great year in Ms. A and Ms. Courtney’s room!
P.E with Mr. Favino
Welcome back! It was so exciting to see everyone getting back to school and into the gym for some fun. This week we kept things simple and went over procedures and expectations for this school year. After all that boring stuff we got right into it with some relay races and included some agility skills to see how much faster we have all gotten over the summer. We finished the week with Shark Tag and everyone was happy to be back and moving. It was a great first couple days!
Mandarin with Ms. Ni
This week in Mandarin we talked about our summers and we reviewed greetings and salutations.
Art with Ms. Capalbo
Welcome back to Art class!!! This week we warmed up our creative thinking with a Creativity Test. Students were given a paper with 4 rectangles that contained a random line or shape. Their goal was to create a drawing using the random line or shape within it! They blended in these marks to the point where I couldn’t find them anymore! Great start to a great year!
Kindergarten science is off to a great start! Students got to spend time in the lab classrooms as they became familiar with science class procedures and expectations. We read the story, Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty. The story emphasizes the importance of not giving up and trying again, as well as the value of teamwork. Classes were also introduced to some of the topics they will be learning about this school year including forces & motion, weather, and Earth's resources.
In first grade, science classes learned procedures and expectations for the school year. We read the story, Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty. The story emphasizes the importance of not giving up, trying again, and transforming the common refrain "can't" to "yet". Classes were also introduced to some of the topics they will be learning about this school year including light, sound and computer science.
In third grade, the children answered “all about me" questions within a flask graphic organizer. We colored and attached an optional chemical reaction topper. We will display the flasks and show off our work for all to see!
Mrs. Gregory’s 5th Grade Science Class are excited to get started with their new Science Dimensions Vol 1 and 2 workbooks. Topics to be covered include Engineering & Technology, Energy & Matter in Organisms & Ecosystems, Systems in Space, and much more. We so excited for our Koala Scientists!
Thomas G. Connors Elementary School
Email: juliana.addi@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Website: http://www.hoboken.k12.nj.us
Location: 201 Monroe Street, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-356-3684