We are the MIDDLE
WMS Demons
From the Office of Mrs. Kennedy
With the excitement of the school year beginning, we are also concerned about our students' safety. The arrival and dismissal procedures are necessary for everyone to follow as it is essential to keep everyone safe. Last spring, student arrival and dismissal procedures were changed so as a community, we could increase the safety of our students and drivers on Meade Ave.
Student Arrival
- If arriving by bus, students are dropped off on the far south end of our building on Meade and make their way to the playground.
- If walking, students will make their way to the playground
- If being dropped off by car, students are dropped off on N. River Ave., behind WMS. Cars are to pull off to the side of the road. There is an opening in the fence for students to enter the playground
- If your student arrives after 8:00, please drop them off in front of the building on Meade Ave. note curb paintings and bus area (no parking) signs.
Student Dismissal
- If riding the bus home, students will go to the playground and their bus.
- If walking, students will leave and walk home.
- If getting picked up by a car, drivers are to pull over to the side of the road, obeying curb paintings, bus area signs, and driving laws while waiting for students to arrive.
If someone else is dropping off or picking up your student, please ensure they know these procedures. Often, older siblings, grandparents, etc., help out families with pick up and drop off. Thank you for being so helpful in keeping our students and drivers in the area safe!
In partnership,
Katy Kennedy
Washington Middle School
1st Annual WMS Back to School Bash
Why: Why NOT? Let’s get together as a WMS Community and celebrate the start of a new school year with fun, food, and the WMS family.
Who: WMS families. Students must have an adult present.
Where: WMS Gym, use the main gym doors to enter.
When: Thursday, August 17th from 5:00pm-7:00pm
- Games and activities for families to participate. Throwing a pie in someone’s face (maybe Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Swanson, Ms. Wilcox…), WMS trivia, creating art, and SO MUCH MORE.
- Seeing your friends and making new connections.
- Food is available for purchase to keep your hunger away.
- Variety of prizes to win.
We are lucky to have food vendors such as:
Black Sheep Market
Thursday, Aug 17, 2023, 05:00 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Students Allowed to Bring Cell Phones to School?
If a student does not follow the rule above, the cell phone will be put in the office. The parent/guardian will be called to pick it up. The student will not be allowed to bring a cell phone to school any longer.
The office phone is always available for students to make calls. If you need to reach your student, call the office at 406.377.2356, and leave a message with Mrs. Lighter.
Can Students Bring Backpacks to Classes?
Who can Pick Up my Child During the School Day?
If your student needs to be picked up by someone else, please call the office ahead of time.
Is my Child Allowed to Leave WMS for Lunch?
1. A parent/guardian comes and picks the student up.
2. A parent/guardian sends a note to give to the office for another adult to take your student to lunch.
3. Students living in the designated areas close to school (within three blocks) may walk home for lunch with written parental approval. Parents must sign off on the WMS form giving this approval.
The above situations DO NOT include:
1. A student leaving school grounds with friends to eat at a friend’s house.
2. A student leaving to eat at a local establishment.
3. A student leaving with their older sibling for lunch.
4. A student leaving with a friend's older sibling for lunch
We'd Like to Introduce to you...
Ms. Huston! Our new Girls' Health and P.E. Teacher.
Favorite colors: orange and teal
Favorite book: Verity by Colleen Hoover
Favorite place: in the mountains
Favorite hobby: hunting
Favorite thing about WMS: the community and staff
Favorite thing about middle schoolers: They are one step closer to finding who they are and embrace it
WMS Parent Q and A Meeting (Optional)
Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023, 08:45 AM
WMS Cafeteria- Enter the Main Doors
The Main Office will reopen on July 24th. Can't wait to see you!
Beginning of the Year Things to Note
- WMS Student/Parent Handbook will be shared as soon as possible. Changes from last year are waiting for board approval.
- WMS Activities Handbook will be shared as soon as possible. Changes from last year are waiting for board approval.
- Lots of forms, forms, forms will be coming home the first days of school. We know you are busy, but we appreciate your assistance filling out the necessary information and returning the forms with your student.
About Us...
Email: wms@glendiveschools.org
Website: https://www.glendiveschools.com/o/wms
Location: 505 North Meade Avenue, Glendive, MT, USA
Phone: 406.3772356
Facebook: facebook.com/wmsglendive