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September 13, 2024
![EAGLE NEWS September 13, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/73a9/65302b2850846454964542b7b6dec70a.jpg)
Central High School Newsletter
Important Dates
- September 16, 2024 Progress Reports posted on Infinite Campus portal
- September 18, 2024 Information Night for Juniors, Seniors and Families
- September 20, 2024 PSAT Registration deadline (10th & 11th graders)
- September 24, 2024 Two Hour Late Start; Teacher School Improvement
- September 26, 2024 College Fair; Central Cafeteria 8:00 AM- 10:30 AM
- October 2, 2024 Eagles Take Flight Day 9th/10th report to school & 11th/12th at home activity
- October 2, 2024 PSAT for 11th graders
- October 4, 2024 No School; Teacher Curriculum Day
- October 10, 2024 No School; High School Parent Teacher Conferences 12:00pm-7:00pm
- October 10, 2024 PSAT for 10th graders
- October 11, 2024 No School; High School Teacher Work Day
- October 22, 2024 PreACT for 9th & 10th graders at school dismiss at 1:00pm
- October, 22, 2024 No School 11th/12th grade only
- October 29, 2024 Two Hour Late Start; Teacher School Improvement
School Improvement Days
The Omaha Public Schools is focused on continuous improvement. Improvement Days are an investment of time to support schools in plan, do, check, act cycles. Students will have a two-hour late start while faculty and staff have professional development.
- Tuesday, September 24, 2024
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024
- Tuesday, January 28, 2025
- Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Below is the bell schedule for Improvement Days at Central High School.
Attendance Matters
Did you know it takes an average of three days for students to catch up for every one day they’re absent? Omaha Public Schools is committed to working with our families to support student attendance every day, because we know every minute counts. Our district has updated our action plan to follow state guidelines on assisting students who miss a significant amount of class time. Our student attendance team will meet with families of students who have 20 total absences, whether or not those absences are excused. The team will work with the family to create a collaborative plan to improve attendance.
You can make an impact on your student’s attendance now, and we’re here to help. If anything is getting in the way of getting your student to school, please contact your school’s principal, school support liaison, school counselor or bilingual liaison for help. Attendance Matters!
At Central, we expect our students to be in class before the bell rings. If they need to be in the hallway during class, they must secure a pass from their teacher.
Arriving Late: If your student arrives after the school day has begun, they must enter the main door on the west side of the building and check into the attendance office. Students will be given a pass to class. If your student was at an appointment, please send a note from the appointment so attendance may be recorded correctly.
Checking Out Early: We ask that families try to make appointments outside of school hours. If that cannot be avoided and you need to check your student out early, a parent/guardian must come into the building to sign the student out in the attendance office. Please have photo ID with you. The past practice of a password will no longer be the practice at Central High School.
Eagles Take Flight Day
Eagles Take Flight Day – October 2
This year’s Eagles Take Flight Day will occur on Wednesday, October 2. This day allows for unique college and career exploration activities that are fun and engaging.
Freshmen will spend half of the day doing a literacy-focused service project in partnership with the Omaha Public Library. The other half of the day will begin at Witherspoon Hall, located in the newly reopened Joslyn Art Museum. There, students will learn about Central’s College and Career Pathways and see how the results of the PreACT 8/9 they will take on October 22 may assist with their high school course planning, Pathways selection, and postsecondary opportunities.
Sophomores will spend half of the day engaging with some of the community partners that support Central’s College and Career Pathways. These career exploration activities allow them to connect with professionals in the field and see how the information they are learning in the classroom applies to real life. The other half of the day will be spent learning more about the PreACT they will take on October 22 and participate in some additional college, career, and test preparation activities.
Juniors and seniors will not be at Central on 10/2 unless they preregister to take the PSAT or ASVAB. Click the links to find out more about more about each test. Mr. Reilly is the counselor in charge of PSAT for juniors. Mr. Hunter is the counselor in charge of the ASVAB for juniors and seniors. Interested juniors and seniors should pay attention to announcements during Eagle Time and CHS Community and Announcements on Teams. Note: Sophomores interested in the PSAT will test on another date.
Juniors will use October 2 to independently prepare resumes or other products that support their mock interview experiences with Central’s College and Career Pathways partners later this year. This is also an ideal day for juniors and their families to schedule visits to colleges or other post-secondary training providers or for students to get ready for the ACT using ACT Online Prep test preparation software. It is recommended that juniors participate in a Saturday ACT before taking the state test on April 8, 2025. This is usually done in December or February. More information about registering for the ACT and fee waivers for students with financial need may be found in Central’s Counseling Center or by visiting https://www.act.org/.
Seniors will spend October 2 working through a list of key tasks provided by Angie Meyer, Central’s College Counselor. Most students improve their ACT scores when they retest, and there is still time to register and prepare for the ACT that will be administered in late October. This may help increase both college admission and scholarship opportunities. More information about registering for the ACT and fee waivers for students with financial need may be found in Central’s Counseling Center or by visiting https://www.act.org/. As you may remember from last year, all Central seniors have access to high quality ACT prep through ACT Online Prep, and October 2 creates space for uninterrupted study time. Students and families may also choose to reach out to colleges or other post-secondary training providers for a visit.
We look forward to this unique opportunity that expands access and elevates opportunities for Central students.
Sign up to take the PSAT (10th and 11th grades):
- Practice for College entrance exams
- Comparison of your scores to other college bound students
- Possible recognition from the College Board for Hispanic and African American students
- Eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship Program competition (11th grade only)
In order to minimize the interruption of instructional time, we are administering the test to students on 2 different dates when they will otherwise not be in the building:
11th Grade – Wednesday, October 2nd
10th Grade – Thursday, October 10th
To get signed up you can pay the $20 registration fee online at: https://poynt.secureserver.net/checkout/7f6f48f8-1113-4203-ab04-71063c13812c/CHS_PSAT . Please make sure to note the name of the student on the payment form. Once a student is paid for we will be in communication with them regarding specific test details. 11th grade students that qualify with the Educational Benefits Form can take the test for free, but still need to sign up with Mr. Reilly (thomas.reilly@ops.org).
-Any questions can be directed to Tom Reilly, 531-299-5662, thomas.reilly@ops.org-
Assessment Update
Pre-ACT 9th and 10th Graders
PreACT Test Day is Oct. 22 for 9th and 10th grade Students On Oct. 22, our 9th and 10th grade students will take the PreACT during the school day. Taking the PreACT allows students to become familiar with the test environment, plan for future high school courses and begin discussions about college and career. We expanded this opportunity to include 9th grade students this year to allow more students to benefit from the experience.
Here are important things to remember for the PreACT:
· Tuesday, Oct. 22
· 9th and 10th grade students come to school as normal
· Breakfast and lunch will be served.
· Students will be dismissed at 1 p.m., and buses will depart at approximately 1:10 p.m.
· No school for 11th and 12th grade students
· There is no charge to take the exam.
El día del examen PreACT es el 22 de octubre para estudiantes de 9.º y 10.º grado.
El 22 de octubre, nuestros estudiantes de noveno y décimo grado tomarán el examen PreACT durante el día escolar. Tomar el PreACT permite a los estudiantes a familiarizarse en el entorno del examen, planificar cursos futuros de la escuela preparatoria y comenzar conversaciones sobre la universidad y la carrera. Este año tenemos la oportunidad de incluir a estudiantes de noveno grado para que más estudiantes se beneficien de esta experiencia.
Cosas importantes para recordar el día del examen PreACT:
• El martes 22 de octubre
• Los estudiantes de noveno y décimo grado vienen a la escuela con normalidad.
• Se servirá desayuno y almuerzo.
• Los estudiantes saldrán a la 1 p. m. y los autobuses saldrán aproximadamente a la 1:10 p. m.
• No hay clases para estudiantes de 11º y 12º grado
• No hay ningún cargo por realizar el examen.
Standardized Testing 2024-2025
Progress Reports
Student in-progress grades are available for parent and student viewing by logging into the Infinite Campus Portal. Each grading period grades are posted as a way to measure student progress. Mid-quarter progress reports are posted in the Infinite Campus Portal on 9/16/24, 11/11/24, 2/3/25, 4/22/25.
Report cards will be available online as well as printed for parent teacher conferences; first quarter 10/10/24 and third quarter 3/6/25.
Final semester report cards will be available online and will be mailed to families via US postal service 1/3/25 and 6/1/25.
If you need help with your Infinite Campus Portal account, please contact Tish Finley for assistance at latesh.finley@ops.org
Counseling Notes
Information Night for Juniors, Seniors and Families
Wednesday, September 18th 5:00-7:30 PM
- Visit with local colleges and universities
- Learn about the new graduation requirement of completing the FAFSA from EducationQuest Foundation
- Order graduation cap and gown
- Sessions on writing college essays, ACT/SAT and a session "Just for Juniors".
The Pancake Man will be providing food. Families have been emailed an invitation. Please RSVP via the link in the email by September 9th so we have an accurate count for The Pancake Man.
Free ACT Test Prep Opportunity by Seventy Five North
Seventy Five North is partnering with Aim High Test Prep to offer a six week ACT prep seminar for students who live or attend school in North Omaha. This program is designed for college-bound Junior and Senior high school students to equip them with test-taking techniques for the ACT college-entrance exam.
September 20 is the registration deadline for the October 26 ACT exam
Students wanting to take the ACT on Saturday, October 26, need to register online at www.MyACT.org by September 20. The late registration period is September 21-October 7. Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for Educational Benefits. Email angela.meyer@ops.org to request a fee waiver.
To complete the Educational Benefits form, see the information posted in the newsletter below.
UNO Dual Enrollment---Registration Deadline is September 27
Dual Enrollment allows academically talented students to earn college credit while still in high school to maximize their time in advanced classes and get a head start on their college degree. Courses are taught by Central teachers who have been approved by UNO to be adjunct faculty.
The 2024-25 classes Dual Enrolled 1st semester with UNO are:
· AP Biology (Ms. Rumbaugh & Mr. Berzins)
· AP Calculus AB (Mr. Brent Larson)
· AP Calculus BC (Mr. Wolford)
· AP Computer Science Principles (Mr. Kumar)
· IB Computer Science 1-2 SL & HL (Mr. Wolford)
· AP English Literature (Ms. Wiksell - 12th grade)
· IB English Literature HL 1-2 (Mr. Flanagan)
· IB English Literature HL 3-4 (Ms. Stastny)
· AP Environmental Science (Ms. Gass)
· IB Environmental Systems SL 1-2 (Ms. Gass)
· AP French Language (Mr. Ringlein)
· IB French SL 3-4 (Mr. Ringlein)
· AP/IB German Language (Ms. Meyer)
· AP Human Geography (Mr. Raffety)
· AP Music Theory (Ms. Cowan)
· AP Physics 1 (Mr. Bullock)
· IB Physics SL & HL 1-2 (Mr. Kumar)
· AP Physics C: Mechanics (Mr. Hamill)
· AP Pre-Calculus (Mrs. Jensen)
· AP Psychology (Mr. Tucker)
· AP Spanish Language (Ms. Kuskie)
· AP Statistics (Ms. Monson)
· AP US Government & Politics (Mr. Boyer)
· AP US History (Mr. Wilson)
· AP World History (Mr. Forke & Ms. Paintin)
· H Anatomy & Physiology (Mr. Morley)
· H Calculus III (Mr. Wolford)
· H Creative Writing (Mr. Deron Larson)
· H Intro to World Religions (Mr. Forke)
· H Entertainment & Sports Marketing 3-4 (Ms. Kavanagh)
Central offers other dual enrolled classes through Metro Community College and Midland University. The registration for these dual enrolled classes were submitted in class due in early September:
Metro Community College:
- Honors Personal Finance (Mrs. TerBeest)
- Architectural Design Engineeering 3-4 (Mr. Lodge)
- AP English Language and Composition (Mrs. Porter)
- Honors Intro to Business (Mrs. TerBeest)
Midland University
AP and IB Chemistry (Dr. Elliott)
If you have questions related to Central High School Dual Enrollment, contact Mrs. Angie Meyer at (531-299-5659) or angela.meyer@ops.org.
Ms. Hill, School Social Worker’s Corner of the Counseling Department
The NEST is an onsite toiletry, clothing, school supply, and basic needs closet that Central offers students. Students can access the NEST through their assigned Counselor or the School Social Worker by submitting a request to visit during a noninstructional time. This can be done in person by a blue sheet request in the Counseling Center or by email address. See contacts here: Counseling / Counseling (ops.org)
The NEST is solely funded and supported by the generous communities of Central High School, sponsored by Ms. Hill, School Social Worker. Local community businesses, families, Central alumni and current parents, and churches bless the NEST yearly with thoughtful donations. This year started off with the most comprehensive filling of the NEST to date! THANK YOU.
Special gratitude to the following community partners:
Employees of Omaha Branch-Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Congregation Members of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, and United Way
Currently seeking donations:
Sweatpants/leggings/joggers (all sizes, genders), socks/ underwear
Cash is also a tax-deductible donation, kindly accepted for meeting student needs. Thank you for considering. Questions, contact Ms. Hill at dawnna.hill@ops.org.
Managing Mental Health
Ms. Hill is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, which is a certification of holding licenses for being a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner and a Certified Master Social Worker in the State of Nebraska. This certification allows her to serve in the supportive role for students and families in improving quality of life (and education) as it relates to mental health needs and supports.
Did you know that she can try to help with the following types of things?
· Helping to coordinate screening requests for teacher inventories for your student, to rule in or out any mental health concerns.
· Connecting your family to our professionals in the building to request more accommodation or support for your student.
· Being a link to your external behavioral health providers (with a current, signed release of information) to help school personnel understand your student's condition and needs.
· Helping to problem solve when nonattendance surfaces as a symptom of mental health needs. 2024 2025 Community Resources to Support Collaborative Attendance Improvement Planning.pdf
· Linking families to internal and external resources that fit well, to address mental health needs.
· Helping to transition students back from hospitalizations, treatment centers, juvenile placement centers.
· Having a SAFE office space available for practicing coping skills and working through reregulation and calming strategies.
If you are looking to add in additional supports for your student, feel free to reach out to Ms. Hill at 531-299-5637 or dawnna.hill@ops.org.
External Community Resources
Looking for extra support for your family? Wish you knew about community resources in our greater Omaha area? Ms. Hill looks to compile known community resources in her Padlet, that is available for your access. Check it out and see if there is a community resource that looks to serve you and your family! Know about resources that aren't listed? Send them in! 2024-2025 Community Resources (padlet.org)
Freshman Academy
Freshman Academy Explores Creighton University
Our Freshman Academy students recently had the privilege of taking multiple field trips to our neighbor, Creighton University. During these visits, our freshmen were given guided tours by enthusiastic undergraduate students, engaged in a Q&A session with Creighton Admissions, and attended a student panel to learn about the many exciting opportunities they could pursue in just a few years. We are especially grateful to our Central High Black Student Leaders, who joined us as upperclassmen mentors, exemplifying leadership and the Eagle Way through their maturity and guidance. These trips were an inspiring look into the future, and we are excited to watch our talented freshmen grow into their potential.
P.E.P. - Central’s Parent, Educator, Pupil non-profit organization.
P.E.P is off and running for 2024-25!
We had successful merchandise sales at CHS ASO and Dundee Day! We continue to sell Central gear on our website all year! Your order will be delivered to the school office for pick up.
Our first meeting of the year was on Monday 9/9 which allowed parents to come together, learn about ways to get involved this year, and what’s going on at Central from Ms Kirksey!
PEP will host an all staff lunch in Sept. to celebrate and thank all that the Central staff does each day for students! If you would like to donate to the cost of lunch, see link below.
Future Meetings in person in the school library or by Zoom!Monday, November 11th 7-8pmMonday, March 10th 7-8pmMonday, May 12th 7-8pm
Ways to support PEP:
We invite all parents and teachers to become a member of PEP SIGN UP HERE - membership for only $15!
Please assign your Kroger/Baker’s rewards, Caseys rewards, & TAGG to benefit PEP!
Instagram: @OmahaCentralPep
Facebook: Omaha Central High Pep
Thank you!
Nicole Morrison and Katy Dickerson, 2024-25 PEP Co-Presidents
Please contact us at omahacentralhspep@gmail.com if you have any questions.
PEP Announcements
Baker’s rewards, Caseys rewards, TAGG.TODAY can benefit PEP! We will be sending instructions in March regarding each of these in a separate email to help encourage everyone to join.
Featured Department: School Counseling
The Central High School counseling and social work team is here to support students. The OPS School Counseling framework is built on a strengths-based foundation, utilizing the American School Counselor Association model. Through classroom curriculum, group activities, and individual sessions, school counselors guide all students toward academic success and post-secondary education goals. Students are sometimes challenged with the demands of school and life. Decision-making, conflict resolution, problem solving, and healthy relationships are some of the topics school counselors discuss with students.
- If you need to reach out to a counselor for support in any of these areas here is the link to their contact information. CHS Counselors
Methodist Community Counseling
Omaha Public Schools has been partnering with the Methodist Community Counseling Program for over 25 years. Their behavioral health therapy services are provided by Licensed Mental Health Practitioners located at Central High School. We have one full time and one part time practitioner at Central High School. This service is another layer of support for students. The Methodist Community Counseling Program accepts most major private insurance, Medicaid and/or self-pay. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify to ensure no one is turned away due to the inability to pay. If you have any further questions or need further assistance, please call 402-354-6891.
Class Ring Packets
Sophomore Class Rings
Packets will be delivered in sophomore English class. The ring packets include a flyer of all class ring designs and an instruction sheet on designing and ordering online at Jostens.com. Rings may be ordered at Jostens.com at any time. The packet is optional to order the ring. Any grade can purchase a ring, but nobody is required to buy one.
Senior Class Panoramic Photo
Technology Update
We just received brand new iPads for ALL Sophomores and Juniors! We will distribute these iPads during English classes over the next few weeks. Here are some tips to make the transition go smoothly.
*This transition will start Thursday, August 29. Please bring your iPad each day and have everything backed up (if needed) by Thursday, August 29.
1. Students should bring their old iPads. We will not assign a student to a new iPad without having the old one to exchange.
2. If a student has photos or videos saved to their iPad and wishes to keep them, they should upload them to a cloud. The district is not responsible for backing up student photos, movies, or music.
For Personal Photos, Movies, or Music:
The student should upload them to their personal iCloud, Google Drive, or other cloud account.
For School-Related Photos, Movies, or Music:
a. On their current iPad, the student should open the OneDrive app
b. In the app, in the upper right-hand corner, click the + sign
c. Choose “Photos and Videos”
d. If prompted to allow OneDrive access to files, choose “Full Access”
e. Choose the category of files you wish to upload in the left-hand pane
f. Select each file you wish to upload in the right-hand pane. Unfortunately, there is no “Select All” option.
g. Press the Done button
h. Watch the blue bar at the bottom of the app to see when the files are finished uploading
i. Repeat for any additional categories of files
Best Practices
After uploading files to OneDrive, the students should be encouraged to set up file folders for various items, categories, file types, or classes.
This will help them manage their files, so they don’t have to scroll through hundreds of files when searching for their documents.
Please go here for additional iPad resources from OPS including the annual insurance: https://www.ops.org/studenttechhub
EBF Opportunities
Educational Benefits Form--Please complete
Completing this form online can give you access to many student and family opportunities.
Ater School Tutoring
Drop off and Pick Up
Thank you for your help with morning drop off on 22nd and James Fous St in the morning. We appreciate your cooperation so our students can be dropped off safely.
- Slow down and remember to stop at the security guard and wait for direction. Students are crossing and safety is our first concern.
- When dropping off on James Fous there are two lanes. To keep traffic flowing please have your student be ready to get out of your vehicle quickly. You will then turn north onto 22nd Street. You do not need to be in the front of the line for your student to exit the vehicle. Anything you can do to speed up the process is good for all Central families.
- Parent vehicles are not permitted in the faculty/staff lot at drop off and pick up.
124th North 20th Street Omaha, NE 68102-4895
Main Office: 531-299-2700
Website: www.ops.org/Central
Social Media
Twitter: twitter.com/OPS_Central
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OPSCentralHS