Field Elementary
Monthly Newsletter - Sunday, August 25, 2024
Second Week of School August 26th-August 30th
Monday, August 26th
Monday, Aug 26, 2024, 08:45 AM
Field (Eugene) Elementary School, East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, CA, USA
Week at a Glance
Monday, August 26th- "B" Monday for teachers/staff
Early Dismissal for Students 1:30pm
Tuesday, August 27th- Quiet Day of Instruction
Regular Dismissal 3:10pm
Wednesday, August 28th- Quiet Day of Instruction
Back to School Night 5:30pm-7pm
Early Dismissal 12:25pm
Thursday, August 29th- Quiet Day of Instruction
Regular Dismissal 3:10pm
Friday, August 30th- Quiet Day of Instruction
Regular Dismissal 3:10pm
If I missed an important point and/or you still have a burning question after reading my message, please include your question(s) HERE.
We have an early dismissal time from school on our Back to School Night day for all students at 12:25pm. This is on Wednesday, August 28th.
This coming weekend is a 3 day weekend for all PUSD schools and district offices. In observance of the Labor Day Holiday on Monday, September 2nd our school will be closed. We will resume classes on Tuesday, September 3rd at 8:45am.
Welcome to the New School Year!
Summer Communication:
Sunday, June 2nd Communication
Sunday, June 30th Communication
Sunday, August 11th Communication
Saturday, August 17th Communication
Sunday, August 18th Communication
Wednesday, August 21st Communication
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Be Present, Be Engaged, and Watch YOUR Knowledge Grow!!
Welcome to School Year 2024-2025
Simple Dismissal Distribution
Enrollment Count (REPEAT w/ UPDATES)
Eugene Field Elementary School- Reminders (REPEAT w/ UPDATES)
Back to School Night
Parent Involvement & Leadership Groups (REPEAT)
School Site Council (SSC) Board Parent Interest Form
Share 1st Day of School Photos (REPEAT w/ UPDATES)
Parking Opinion Survey 2024
Homeroom Parent Contact Information Explicit Permission Form 2024-2025
Upcoming Events
Simple Dismissal Distribution
We have completed a majority of our Simple Dismissal number distribution to our new Field families. If you have not retrieved your child's number (sibling sets) please report to the front office to pick up your children's number. TK/Kinder families should report to your child's homeroom teacher to retrieve your number.
Starting on Monday, August 26th all students will remain in their classroom and parents will report to either the TK/Kinder walking gate to have your number entered into the system or drive through the carline and have your child's number entered there. Younger students from the B and C Building are escorted to their respective locations for pick up. Older students from the A Building are dismissed to their respective locations. Younger students that attend an afterschool program are picked up by their after school program coordinators. Please follow their pick up requirements for each respective after school program. You will not need to show your Simple Dismissal number in the after school program.
Enrollment Count
UPDATE: We are halfway through our enrollment count as required by the district to determine our class sizes and to determine the number of teachers assigned to our school site. This period of time also gives us time to determine students that have not returned to our school for this school year and accept students that are waitlisted for various grade levels. Thank you for your patience during this time.
During our enrollment count period every student on campus is on a "stay put" status to determine total class sizes based on students that enter our doors the first day/week of school and students that need to be dropped from our system due to a "no show" status the first week of school. All email requests have been documented and requests will be considered after our enrollment period ends.
If you have attempted to contact me via email and I have not responded please utilize another method of contact as I average 100+ emails on a daily basis as the school year starts (from teachers, students, parents, district, community members and spam). The school's phone number is 626-396-5840 and a message can be taken by our wonderful front office staff in order to assist you with your concern(s) and/or question(s). If your concern/question is in reference to your child's teacher, please make sure to reach out to the teacher first so that they have the opportunity to resolve the concern/problem. Thank you!!
Eugene Field Elementary School- Reminders
Reminder #1:
The front semi-circle drive is for carline drop-off and pick-up only. This area will not have adult supervision or volunteers in the morning for drop-off. The east side TK/Kinder Gate is for walking students only. The parking lot on the east side of our campus is for teachers/staff only. Please refer to the map of the area HERE.
Reminder #2:
Doors/gates will open at 8:25am and all students should report to the multi-purpose room (MPR)/cafeteria and surrounding areas until 8:35am. The first bell is at 8:40am and the final bell is at 8:45am.
At 8:45am (final bell) all teachers will have their students line up on their respective playgrounds.
NEW: Please let us know if we offered extended care from 8am-8:25am if you would take advantage of this drop off period HERE
Reminder #3:
Simple Dismissal numbers have been issued to a majority of our students on campus.
Great job TK/Kinder/New Students at Field! You will now remain in your classrooms to wait to be dismissed based on whether you should report to the carline or TK/Kinder walking gate. Parents that have not picked up your child's Simple Dismissal number please report to the front office (sibling sets) to retrieve your number. TK/Kinder parents please see your child's homeroom teacher for your Simple Dismissal number.
Carline Pick-up (Front Semi-Circle)- Please place your parent number placard in the right passenger window for pick-up.
Walkers (TK/Kinder Gate)- Please have your parent number for pick up as you request your child after school.
Independent walkers- Please complete this form HERE in order to designate your child as an independent walker for the school year.
Afterschool Programming- Students will be released by their teacher based on completion of this form HERE.
Back to School Night
We will welcome our TK-5th grade families this coming Wednesday, August 28th for our Back to School Event. The childcare service hosted by PTA & LEARNs is now closed. This is a non-student event. Chairs will be placed outside of the teachers doors to ensure students are not in the classrooms as the teachers present their materials. Due to our limited parking we will host two sessions for the evening to ensure we have enough locations for families to park. We are encouraging our TK-2nd grade families to join us from 5:30pm-6:10pm and our 3rd-5th grade families to join us from 6:20pm-7pm. This timeframe will allow for a 10 minute transition period for TK-2nd grade families to leave and allow 3rd-5th grade families to park and join their child's classrooms. Sibling sets can choose either time slot that works best for your family. Further instructions will be shared with the community before this event.
This event is an opportunity for parents to get an overview of the materials and responsibilities your child will have during this school year. Specific concerns and issues should be privately addressed with the teacher during a parent/teacher conference to ensure the teacher is able to address classroom procedures and information for the entire classroom. Our parent/teacher conference day is scheduled for Friday, October 11th which is another opportunity for you to meet with your child's teacher. Again, please do not monopolize the time that is set aside for the teacher(s) to explain information that is important for all students. Thank you!
Parent Involvement/Leadership Groups
African American Parent Council (AAPC)
Annual Fund
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
School Social Committee (SSC)
School Site Council (SSC) Parent Interest Form
If you are interested in running for a seat on the School Site Council (SSC) Board please complete the form HERE. Please complete this form by Friday, September 6th.
Metro Card Survey
If you are a returning or new Field Family you have an opportunity to receive a new Metro Card or you can reload your Metro Card as a returning family. Please see the information below in the flyers provided. Please share your interest HERE
Share 1st Day/Week of School Photos
Thank you for sharing wonderful 1st day of school pictures! If we missed you, please use the link below:
Please share your first day/week of school pictures HERE! We would love to share them with the community either on our PowerPoint slide show in the front office and/or on Instagram!
You can follow us on Instagram
If you would like your child excluded from all posts for Instagram, please complete the form HERE.
Parking Opinion Survey 2024
We will meet with PAZ NAZ representatives over the next few days. Please enter your concerns, issues, suggestions, and/or considerations by Monday, August 26th HERE. This survey will not collect email addresses and it will be optional if you would like to leave your name and information. Please be respectful in your responses as this information will be shared. Thank you!
Homeroom Parent Contact Information Explicit Permission Form 2024-2025
Please complete this form to provide school officials (teachers/staff) to share your information with other parents in your homeroom cohort. Your homeroom teacher will also share this form with you. Please complete the form HERE
Upcoming Events/Information
Back to School Night Wednesday, August 28th 5:30pm-7:00pm
1st Schoolwide Celebration Assembly
Celebration of July/August/September Birthdays
Breakfast Menu (August/September)
Picture Day
Additional Afterschool Programming
Latino Heritage Month Celebration
PTA hosted Mid-Autumn Moon Festival