St Cecilia's News
September 2024
Welcome back!
I hope you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful summer break together. It's been such a joy to see the children returning full of fun and exciting stories to share. It really is lovely to have them back at school once again.
A very warm welcome to all our new families joining us, whether in Nursery, Reception, or throughout the school. We're so happy to have you with us on our learning adventure.
It certainly feels like Autumn has arrived, doesn’t it? Thank you so much for helping us get the children home quickly yesterday during that big downpour—it was quite the rainstorm!
As we settle into the Autumn term, we know it can be a long and busy one, but it’s also an exciting time. We're gently encouraging the children to step up into their new year groups, whether they're just starting out in Nursery or preparing for Year 6.
There are plenty of events to look forward to, and we’ve listed many of them below. Please do keep an eye on your Class Dojo and the school’s online calendar for updates.
Wishing you all a happy and fulfilling school year ahead.
Best wishes,
Vince Burke
Parent Governor Election
This is a formal process and you will receive a separate letter from the school office asking for nominations. Please have a chat with either Mrs Martin or myself if you are considering the role and would like some more information.
Applications open for 2025
Marsden Coffee Morning
We have our traditional welcome back to school coffee morning in aid of one of our local charities, the Royal Marsden Cancer Centre, on Thursday 26th September.
If you can make and donate a cake that would be most welcome. It's a good chance to catch up with others and meet some new parents. Doors open at the start of the school day and we aim to end by 0945. We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you there.
Class Dojo
They are improving the app and we do keep our use of it under review, we're happy to receive any feedback. It seems to work really well and is an important part of our communications strategy.
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Contact us:
General queries -
Report an absence -
Anything finance -
Extra Curricular Activity booking -
Childcare -
Special educational needs -
Admissions -
Phone: 020 8337 4566
Diary dates
Please note that Y6 Bikeability has moved to the summer term.
Monday 23rd - ECAs begin - we will send out information soon, there is no need to contact us.
Thurs 26th - Marsden Coffee Morning in aid of the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity - for parents - from school drop off in the morning until 0945.
Weds 2nd - Y5 two night bushcraft adventure at Penshurst.
Tues 8th - Y1 Phonics Workshop - 0900, school hall
Weds 9th - Y1 Knights and Castles day
Weds 16th - Junior Citizen for Y6 at Sutton Central Library (late return around 3.45 -4pm)
Thurs 17th - Y1 Harvest Festival 0900
Mon 21st - Assessment Week in school
Tues 22nd - Sky TV visit for some pupils
Mon 28th - Friday 1 November - Autumn half term - school closed.
Thurs 7th - School photographer for all year groups.
Sun 10th - Remembrance Sunday
Thurs 14th - Guardian Consultations - all year groups - book online from late October
Tues 19th - Y6 World War II Workshop and Y4 Roman Workshop
Tues 19th - Guardian Consultations - all year groups - book online from late October
Thurs 21st - St Cecilia's Day Concert
Fri 22nd - St Cecilia's Day
Sun 1st - First Sunday of Advent
Mon 2nd - ECAs end this week
Mon 2nd - Y5 swimming fortnight begins
Tues 3rd - Flu Immunisation Day
Thurs 12th - Y2 Nativity - Y2 parents welcome.
Weds 18th - Candlelit Carols
Thurs 19th - End of term for Nursery
Fri 20th - End of term at Midday, no after school childcare, breakfast club as usual.
January 2025
School reopens for all year groups on Monday 6 January, childcare as usual.
Community News
Girls Football opportunity
As the opportunities for girls in football grows both in school and outside of school South London Girls Football Academy is continuing to provide professional coaching sessions for girls of all abilities as a platform to the game.
Please see below for their flyer, if you are interested please contact them urgently as they start the new season this weekend.
Local swimming lessons
There is capacity for swimming lessons at Cheam pool, please see the advert opposite and get in touch with them directly if you are interested.