Wolves Newsletter
Welcome to Park Brook Elementary

Monday, September 23, 2024
A note from the principal
Dear Park Brook Parents and Guardians,
A few years ago I began a school-wide effort to increase math fact speed. The purpose is to have students participate in mathematical discussions and think mathematically without having to 'count dots' or think through every math fact. We want students to have math facts automatic to allow them to think mathematically. The math growth at Park Brook, as noted by MCA scores, has been some of the strongest in the district.
Each month we recognize students for their growth, and also for being in the top 10% for their grade level. The goal is for growth.
- First graders work on addition facts.
- Second graders work on subtraction facts.
- Third graders work on combined addition and subtraction problems to increase math fluency moving from addition to subtraction.
- Third graders move to multiplication in February.
- Fourth and fifth graders work on multiplication facts.
With a Desire to See Each and Every Park Brook Student Thrive,
Mr. Scott W. Taylor
Lunch Forms
Please complete the form BEFORE the end of September. Our funding for next year is dependent upon these forms.
This year, the funding we received based upon these forms assisted us with: academic skills teachers, increasing special education teachers, additional support for students learning English, and more.
While breakfast and lunch are free for all students in the State of Minnesota, the forms are important for funding purposes.
Free/Reduced Forms - Paper Copies
Please stop in the office, or call, and we will be more than willing to get you a paper copy of the free/reduced lunch form.
Park Brook Night at McDonald's
Wednesday, October 2
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
McDonald's in Brooklyn Park is donating 15% of all sales between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4.
7685 West Broadway - Brooklyn Park
Park Brook will be using the funds from this fundraiser, thanks to the generosity of McDonald's in Brooklyn Park, to support our before and after school programming.
Park Brook Night at McDonald's
Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024, 04:00 PM
7685 W Broadway, Brooklyn Park, MN, USA
After School Activities
The following activities begin soon!
- Ukulele Club - grades 3,4 and 5 - begins Friday, October 4, 8:00 a.m.
- Black Joy Club - grades 4 & 5 - begins Monday, October 7 - limited to 10 students - 3:20 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
- Flag Football - Boys - grades 4 & 5 - limited to 26 students
- When seeking input from parents, one request that has been shared with us the most is to have a group for boys, just as we have Girls on the Run. Flag Football will also include a community service project.
- Choir - grades 3, 4 & 5 - begins Wednesday, October 9, 3:20 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
- Game Club - Grades 2 - 5 - begins Friday, November 10, 8:00 a.m. (Siblings of students are welcome to participate.)
- Reading Club - Grades 1 & 2 - October 16 - December 18, Wednesdays, 3:20 - 4:15 p.m. (Space may be limited.)
ISD 279 Boundary Changes - Input Requested
Several boundary change options will be created mid-October through December of this year using the considerations shared. These scenarios will be presented at a school board meeting and via other means shortly after winter break. Edits may be made based on that feedback, and again presented with the opportunity to share comments. The overall process is expected to wrap up in the spring. The new attendance boundaries will go into effect fall 2026.
Input needs to be shared by October 6, 2024. Information has been available on the Park Brook Website since September 10, 2024.
District 279 Foundation
Several staff members joined the fun with the District 279 Foundation's Reading is Fun 5K on Saturday, September 21. The 5K is a fundraiser to provide resources for all media centers in the the Osseo Area Schools, District 279.
The District Foundation supports all schools in the district and has provided a number of grants to enhance the experiences for students at Park Brook.
District Planning Advisory Council - DPAC
District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC)
We need two parents from each elementary site and three parents from each secondary site to serve on the District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC). In addition, each high school can have up to three students participate as members. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear the perspectives of our students. The District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC) provides community and ISD 279 staff involvement in planning for and evaluating existing instructional programs. DPAC membership is based on interest, not educational expertise.
Meetings take place from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
October 7
November 11
December 2
January 6
February 10
March 10
April 7
May 15
May 20th (School Board Presentation)
Meetings will be held at the Educational Service Center (11200 93rd Ave North, Maple Grove) Subcommittees may, at their discretion, schedule additional meetings or extend their meeting.
Committee Structure
DPAC operates with three subcommittees. DPAC members select the subcommittee on which they want to serve. The three subcommittees with brief descriptions are listed below:
Achievement & Evaluation:
Members of the Achievement & Evaluation Subcommittee advise the district on student assessments, achievement expectations and the levels of achievement reached by ISD 279 students. The group examines multiple sources of information, including data from standardized tests. Analyzing trends over time, the subcommittee recommends priorities for improving achievement in certain curricular areas and student populations.
Program & Assessment:
This subcommittee offers input and advice to subject areas in the pre-assessment phase of the Program Improvement Process. Typically, the subcommittee focuses on one of the subject areas that is in pre-assessment phase. Activities include gathering information, identifying trends, analyzing needs, and preparing recommendations. In addition to being included in the DPAC report to the School Board, these recommendations are forwarded to the assessment team for that subject area.
Student Services:
This subcommittee reviews the student support service areas which enhance and supplement regular education programs. The service may be directed to a student or groups of students and/or consultation to regular education classroom and leadership staff. Typically, this subcommittee will select one or two areas to review and make recommendations for improvement. The student support service areas are as follows: Community Education, Counseling and Guidance, Health Services, Media, Special Education and Gifted Education.
If interested in representing Park Brook, email using the button below, or call Scott Taylor at 763-561-6870.
Pre-K/Kindergarten/New Family Dinner
Mrs. Beeskow, Pre-K Teacher; Ms. Jayasekera, Kindergarten Teacher; Mrs. Shober, Kindergarten teacher
Ms. Johnson, Library Media Specialist; Mrs. Booth, Counselor; Mrs. Tucker, 2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Anfang's Class in woodworking.
Mr. Woebke's Class
All - School BBQ - Thursday, September 26
Families are welcome to enjoy a BBQ hamburger lunch with their children on Thursday, September 26.
Kindergarten: 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
1st Grade: 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
2nd Grade: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
3rd Grade: 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
4th Grade: 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
5th Grade 12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Cost: $5.25 per adult or child who is NOT a Park Brook Student. - Total/family $10.50.
Credit cards not accepted.
Picture Day - Wednesday, September 25
- Families will order pictures online (online only) after pictures have been taken on Wed. Sept. 25.
- A link will be sent via email to each family to approve your child's picture. Please make sure you have the correct email on file with the school.
- Information will be posted on the school website, perhaps the 2nd week of October as to who you should contact if you have questions.
- Picture retake day is October 16th. This is only for students who missed picture day, and for students IF their parent/guardian has requested their child's picture to be retaken. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school if a student should have their picture taken on retake day. (If a student is absent on picture day, they will automatically be on the list to have their picture taken; no need to let the school know.) Communication needs to be between adults-at-home with adults-at-school.
Mile Run - Friday, September 27 -- NOTE DATE CHANGE
The Mile Run is one of the physical fitness tests that all students in grades 1 - 5 take. At Park Brook, the entire school participates at one time, with a fun-filled community feel to the event.
We kindly ask that parents/guardians not join in as we are timing each student, but parents and guardians are encouraged to come and cheer on the students.
Parents/guardians are welcome to take their children home, but we ask that you wait until the entire event is finished. There will be sign-out sheets available, and then after the entire event is finished all students will return to their classes and then those signed out will come out to meet their families.
Please do not have high school and middle school students leave school early to come and cheer on their siblings.
Resilinator - Grade 1 - 5 - Saturday, October 26 - 1:30 p.m.
The Resilinator is an outdoor obstacle course sponsored by the YMCA of the North. Thanks to a generous donation, there is no cost for Park Brook students; normally the cost is $39 for an individual to participate.
Registration forms need to be turned in by Wednesday, October 16. We may be able to accept registration forms after that date, but no guarantees.
A $5 commitment fee is required for this event.
Registration form is available here, and also will be distributed at school.
Boot Camp
This session of Boot Camp ends on Wednesday, October 2.
Twin Cities 5K - Saturday, October 5 - Grades 1 - 5
Registration closes at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, September 23
All families will receive their commitment fee back IF their children who are registered participate, or the family lets the office know by noon on Friday, October 4 that their child is not able to participate. The only families who do not receive their commitment back are those who register and don't show up.
With the number of students registering, we have reserved more than one bus. Each additional bus is approximately another $300. We will order as many busses as we need, and have staff to supervise all of the students, but we don't want to waste money on busses that are not needed.
Saturday, October 5 -- 7:15 a.m.
Gaga Ball - Astro Turf
Our district put Astro Turf into the gaga ball pit. This will greatly help as the gaga ball pit turned into muddy mess with just the dirt.
School Calendar
Fall Conferences
Conference Scheduling
A memo will be sent to each family with their specific conference time. We aim to meet with 100% of our families.
Lost & Found
Please label your child's belongings with the name or initials. These items are in lost & found with no names. As the weather changes, many jackets/sweaters/sweatshirts end up in lost and found with no names or initials.
The Wolf Way
- W - We will respect ourselves and others.
- O - Own our actions.
- L - Listen and Learn.
- F - Follow Directions.
Coming Events
- Monday, September 23 - Registration forms due - Twin Cities 5K
- Wednesday, September 25 - Picture Day
- Thursday, September 26 - All - School BBQ
- Friday, September 27 - Mile Run
- Wednesday, October 2 - Last Day of Boot Camp
- Wednesday, October 2 - Fundraiser - McDonald's - 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Saturday, October 5 - Twin Cities 5K - 7:15 a.m.
- Monday, October 7; Wednesday, October 9, & Tuesday, October 15 - Conferences
- Wednesday, October 16 - Picture Re-Take Day
- Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18 - No School - MEA Weekend
- Tuesday, October 22 - PTO Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday, October 26 - Resilinator
- Thursday, October 31 - Pajama Day
- Thursday, October 31 - Girls on the Run is not meeting on this day
Useful Links
parkbrook@district279.org (email)
phone: 763-561-6870