What's Happening At The Hive!
November 10, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, 11/11: 6:00 pm Board of Education meeting at 41 E. Elmwood Drive, Chicago Heights, IL
- Tuesday, 11/12: 6:30 pm Kindergarten Concert: students arrive at 6:15 pm
- Monday, 11/25: 1:00-8:30 pm NO SCHOOL Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign-ups coming this week!)
- Tuesday, 11/26: 8:15 am -1:30 pm NO SCHOOL Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign-ups coming this week!)
- Wednesday, 11/27 through Friday, 11/29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
- Monday, 12/2: School resumes
News and Notes
Congratulations to 4th and 5th grade students that grew in their Lexile reading levels in October in Achieve 3000! Way to go Hornets!
A letter for Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-ups was sent out last week. Conferences will be in increments of 20 minutes and will be held on Monday, 11/25 from 1:00-8:30 pm and on Tuesday, 11/26 from 8:15 am-1:30 pm.
Parent & teacher conference appointments are on a first-come-first-served basis.
The instructions for scheduling conference appointments in Skyward are here.
Please make sure to bring your child's report card and any questions you have to discuss with your child's teacher(s). If you have additional questions about our district's movement to Standards-Based Grading, please scroll down on The Learning and Instruction page to the section on "Standards-Based Grading and Report Cards" with many valuable resources for families. We're looking forward to meeting with parents/guardians and discussing progress!
Board Briefs: Update: 11.1.24
Tax Levy Update
The Board of Education heard from Ms. Fran LaBella, Associate Superintendent, on the tax levy options that will provide funding for fiscal year 2026. District 161 is eligible for the Property Tax Relief Grant, so we will once again be able to provide some positive relief to taxpayers, while still being able to offer high quality programs and services for our community. The Board of Education will discuss the tax levy again on Monday, November 11, 2024, before voting on the actual levy on Monday, December 2, 2024. This report covers a general overview of the available decisions and this presentation contains projection models and other information that you may find useful.
Construction Timeline
The District 161 Long Range Plan is in full swing and we are preparing for a lot of construction during the Summer of 2025. Because of the amount of work, we will need to push the start of the school year back approximately 2 weeks. While this will help the construction timeline, it may negatively impact families who have siblings attending a local high school or Parker students who take classes at HF High School. We are working closely with the HF administration to make sure that our students do not miss out on any important instruction next August. The plan is to present a draft of the calendar to the Board of Education in December for review.
Fall Data Presentation
Ms. Amabel Crawford, Director of Learning and Instruction, and Ms. Jackie Janicke, Director of Special Education, were excited to share the Fall Data Presentation with the Board of Education this week. This presentation shares school and district information about our Fall NWEA MAP and Aimsweb testing data. In addition, it contains behavior, attendance, and grade data that we use to identify and work with students who need additional support.
School Improvement Plan Updates
On a rotating basis, building leaders will update the Board of Education on the progress of their School Improvement Plans. As a school district, we are focused on maintaining clear alignment from the Board of Education all of the way to the classroom level. By frequently reviewing and discussing the work that is happening in our schools, the Board of Education and the community have an opportunity to hear about our improvement plans and to offer suggestions as needed. This month, Flossmoor Hills, Heather Hill, and Serena Hills reviewed their plans and the presentation can be found at this link.
Summer Academy Update
Every summer, we welcome students to continue their learning during our Summer Academy program. At our recent meeting, we discussed a presentation by Ms. LaTanya Bennett and Ms. Tamika Britten on the Summer 2024 experience. We are already preparing for next summer’s program and we are looking forward to being able to provide more focused student instruction using information and feedback from our standards-based grading process. We will be able to focus our efforts on the areas that our students need to develop the most to accelerate their learning.
Studer / Standards of Excellence
In order for us to increase the effectiveness of our school organization, we are partnering with Studer Education to refine our processes, gather meaningful feedback from our students, staff, and parents, and to assist with the development of a district scorecard that the Board of Education can use to track our overall progress. We are going to begin with the development of our Standards of Excellence [SOE]. The standards will guide how we work internally and how we serve the Flossmoor District 161 Community. This link will provide you with additional information, examples of some Standards of Excellence, and our next steps overall.
Digital Citizenship
Student Spotlight
Do you have a student accomplishment you'd like to celebrate with the Heather Hill community? Please email Principal Carol Humm at chumm@sd161.org and include a description and picture of only your student. We love to celebrate students' accomplishments!
Birthday Treats
In order to ensure the safety of all students, families may only bring non-edible birthday treats to school to share with classmates. We cannot accept any food items to distribute to students as many students have serious food allergies. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Crossing Guard
We are looking for a crossing guard for at least the next few months! Crossing guards would need to be available from 7:30-8:15 am and from 2:45-3:15 pm each day. If interested, please visit the Job Opportunities website with the Village of Flossmoor. Thank you!
Flossmoor Public Library
Attendance Matters!
We are continuing to work towards our goals of increasing student attendance to increase learning goals! Check out our attendance percentages from the Week of 10/7. We are working towards a goal of at least 93% attendance each week. Of course we encourage parents to keep children home if they are sick. Students should stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever subsides. Please consult a medical professional as needed for other symptoms including cough, vomiting, etc.
SD161 Student Handbook
Please view the SD161 Student Handbook for important information.
#Above and Beyond
Want to show your appreciation for outstanding work from a staff member? Nominate them for #AboveAndBeyond! Use this form to nominate a staff member today!
Flossmoor School District 161 23-24 Calendar
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please view the Heather Hill breakfast and lunch menus here!
PTO Happenings!
If you would like to participate in the PTO or have any questions please email them at heatherhillhornets@gmail.com.
Also, Please click on this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/2466905720251155 to join our Heather Hill Families page.
Email: chumm@sd161.org
Website: https://www.sd161.org/o/heather-hill
Location: 1439 Lawrence Crescent, Flossmoor, IL, USA
Phone: 708-647-7200
Facebook: facebook.com/gohornets161
Twitter: @TheHornetsHive