PTO Press
August/September 2024
Reid Elementary PTO would like to welcome all new and returning students and families back to school. The PTO is an organization of parents & teachers at Reid Elementary School. Our goal is to support the school, teachers, and students. We strive for continued parent involvement in helping build a better educational environment for our children. Through the volunteering and fundraising efforts, the PTO can donate funds to help purchase educational materials, equipment, field trips, assemblies and more.
For the PTO to be effective, it is essential to have involvement from as many parents and guardians as possible. Many people feel they cannot be included in the PTO because they can't come to every meeting or be on school campus during the day. There are endless possibilities in how you can help. Whatever your level of flexibility, we could use you in the PTO. Reid PTO truly appreciates their volunteers, as do our teachers and staff. Please feel free to contact any PTO member on how you can become more involved!
Once again we will be alternating our meeting times each month. Our first meeting will be held on Monday, September 16th at 7pm in the Reid cafeteria. The following month will be during school hours. We hope to see you there.
September Happenings
Rocket Run!!
Each year the PTO plans a lot of events for our families. We like to keep the costs of these events as low as possible. In order to do that we do have to fundraise. Our biggest fundraiser of every year is our Rocket Run. This is a school wide fundraiser where prizes are awarded in each grade level. In the past we had students raise a specific amount to qualify for the larger prize of a party after school hours. However this year we are setting a school wide goal. Every dollar raised counts towards our goal of $15,000. If we reach our school wide goal by the date of the Rocket Run, the PTO will be holding a Glow Party with everyone invited!!
Packets with additional information went home in your classroom packets at Open House.If you were unable to attend Open House, look for your packet to come home during the first week. Once again this year online donations will be accepted and encouraged. See below for the online donation link. Copy and paste the link on Facebook, in emails and texts to encourage more people to donate. Make sure to tell your friends and family to include your students name when making online donations. We will also accept Venmo payments.
Popcorn Fridays
Our first popcorn Friday is on September 6th. Bags cost $1 each, with a maximum of 2 bags per kid. Pre-payment for the year is permitted. If you'd like to volunteer your time, stop in the office after drop off on Friday morning. We are always looking for more hands and your kids love to see you in the school when you deliver to their room!
Restaurant Nights
Similar to last year, we will be partnering with local restaurants to raise funds for our school. This year we will be holding these nights on the second Tuesday of each month. With each order, the PTO earns a percentage back of the total sales. Each restaurant will have its own flyer that must be shown in order for the PTO to receive credit. These flyers will be sent home and available on our Facebook page.
Our first restaurant night will take place on September 17th from 4-8pm at Panera Bread.
Spirit Wear
Each year we like to offer our families an opportunity to purchase some Reid Rocket Spirit Wear. New this year the PTO will be offering Reid and Grand Blanc Bobcats spirit wear. The Spirit wear website is currently live and will remain open until September 13th. This will allow the PTO time to produce, sort and distribute purchases.
Homecoming 2024
The Grand Blanc Homecoming game is on September 27th this year. Leading up to the big game, the PTO will be hosting a spirit week during school hours. The daily themes have not been determined yet but will be coming home with your student soon.
Each year before the football game, Grand Blanc hosts a homecoming parade. We are encouraged to participate and we love coming up with new ideas for our float that showcases what a great school Reid Elementary is and how awesome our students, parents and teachers are. As we get closer to spirit week and Homecoming we will be discussing float decoration times and location. This is a major task and we would love additional help.
2023 Rocket
Reid Rocket Float
Final preparations for the 2023 Homecoming Float
PTO Meetings
Volunteers Wanted!
2024-2025 Upcoming Events and Important Dates
August 30th No School
September 2nd No School Labor Day
September 6th Popcorn Friday
September 16th PTO Meeting 7pm
September 17th Panera Night
September 23rd-27th Spirit Week
September 27th Homecoming Half Day
October 2nd Rocket Run
October 4th Popcorn Friday
October 4th Half Day
October 8th Restaurant Night - Q'doba
October 14th PTO Meeting 10am
October 17th Glow Party *If goal reached
October 24th Half Day
October 25th No School
October 29th Spooky Skate *Weather Permitting
November 1st Popcorn Friday
November 5th No School
November 12th Restaurant Night TBD
November 12th-15th Fall Conferences
November 18th PTO Meeting 7pm
November 27th-29th Holiday Break
December 6th Popcorn Friday
December 7th Holiday/Elf Shop
December 9th PTO Meeting 10am
December 10th Restaurant Night TBD
December 23rd Holiday Break Begins
January 6th Back to School
January 10th Popcorn Friday
January 14th Restaurant Night TBD
January 20th No School
January 21st No School (Students only)
February 7th Popcorn Friday
February 10th PTO Meeting 7pm
February 11th Restaurant Night TBD
February 13th Half Day
February 14th No School
February 17th No School
March 7th Popcorn Friday
March 7th Half Day
March 10th PTO Meeting 10am
March 11th Restaurant Night TBD
March 11-15th Spring Conferences
March 28th Half Day
March 31st Start of Spring Break
April 7th Return from Spring Break
April 8th Restaurant Night TBD
April 11th Popcorn Friday
April 14th PTO Meeting 7pm
April 17th Half Day
April 18th No School
April 21st No School
May 2nd Popcorn Friday
May 6th No School
May 12th PTO Meeting 10am
May 13th Restaurant Night TBD
May 16th 5th Grade Lock-in
May 23rd Half Day
May 26th No School
May 29th High School Graduation
June 5th Bummer it's Summer
June 9th Family Picnic
June 12th Last Day
June 12th Half Day
PTO Board Members
2024-2025 Board Members
President - Elizabeth O'Mara
Vice President - Carla Meier
Treasurer - Jennifer Lang
Secretary - Kristine Csuti
Communication - Co-Chairs Josie Peterson & Inna Shumpert
Email: GB.ReidPTO@gmail.com
Website: www.gbcs.org/reid
Location: 2103 E. Reid Rd Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Phone: 810-591-7128
Find us on Facebook
Search for: Reid Elementary PTO (Grand Blanc)
Please be sure to answer two questions when you request to join. In our private group we share numerous event photos and do not admit any one without a connection to the school. You may also email GB.ReidPTO@gmail.com for approval.