Eagle News
December 2024
December Observances
12/2 Special Education Day
12/2 - 12/6 National Inclusive Schools Week
12/9 - 12/15 Computer Science Education Week
12/14 Interscholastic Athletic Administrator's Day
December Calendar
- 6:00 pm Collegiate High School Information Night - FHS Auditorium
- 6:00 pm Winter Art Fest
- 7:00 pm Winter Concert 2024 - Sights and Sounds of The Holidays
- 7:00 pm - Orchestra Winter Concert
- 7:00 pm - Choir Winter Concert
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Celebrating Holidays around the World Winter Breakfast
12/23-01/03 Winter Break (no school for students; schools and offices closed 12/24-12/25 and 1/1)
- 12/25:Christmas
- 12/25 - 01/02: Hanukkah
- 12/26 - 01/01: Kwanzaa
UPCOMING - details to follow
02/27 Black History Month Festival
Eagles Nest
A quick peek inside a day at Freedom High School.
Arranged by Mrs. Chappell, AP US History and AP Psychology educator coordinated a guest speaker.
Mental Health Matters
Guest speaker
The amazing Missy Galina, FCPS strings educator, 2nd Chair Celloist for the Wolf Trap Orchestra, and my amazing sister-in-law, zoomed into AP Psych classes today to discuss the relationship between our bodies and music as well as music therapy as a therapy for mental health. She played us some very beautiful music and led a discussion about what imagery and emotions the music caused. She even demonstrated to us how sounds can affect our Nervous system response. She had nothing but positive comments about the students who were very engaged and asked lots of great questions.
Join us for the Winter Art Fest on Tuesday, December 10 6pm. The Winter Concert will follow this event at 7pm
Freedom High School Instrumental Music Department presents Winter Concert 2024; Sights and Sounds of The Holidays. Tuesday, December 10 7:00p.m.. Performing will be Freedom High Schools Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble
Breakfast with Santa: Celebrating Holidays Around the World
We are thrilled to announce the “Breakfast with Santa: Celebrating Holidays Around the World” will be held on December 14, 2024; 9am to 11:30am . Hosted by Family Career Community Leader of America (FCCLA) at Freedom High School, these festive gathering promises joy and cultural exploration. Based on last year's success, we anticipate welcoming approximately 200 adults and 300 children. This event is made possible through the generous support of our school and the enthusiastic participation of various school clubs.
In addition, please bring new winter socks to donate and keep those in need warm this season. The generosity will make a difference in our community. Mark your calendar for a morning filled with holiday cheer, delicious breakfast, and exciting activities for all ages. We look forward to the celebrations!
Hawah Kamara Nyenswah, Ed.D.
CTE/FACS Department
Freedom High School
Principals Advisory Council (PAC) - Next meeting date is January 15, 2025
The PAC serves both a representative and advisory function to assist and support our school Principal and Leadership Team (as outline in PWCS Regulation 230.01-1) by:
- Developing the school plan to include objectives, strategies, and action plans.
- Aligning the school plan and action plans with the division Strategic Plan;
- Aligning the school budget with the school plan;
- Reviewing the alignment of the school professional development plan with the school plan;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the plan; and
- Assuming other responsibilities as deemed appropriate by the principal and school.
PAC Zoom Meeting Link: 6:00pm
Meeting ID: 813 8637 5495
Passcode: 165468
Grad Coach Playbook
FACES: Family, Academic, Community, Engagement, Specialist
- Create a Culture of Engagement: Engage every family in our school community.
- Build Purposeful Partnerships: Foster meaningful relationships with our community.
- Family and Community Engagement encourages a school community that is informed, engaged and empowered to share the responsibility in creating thriving schools where every student succeeds and families flourish.
This Year's Focus:
Transforming the way families, schools and communities work together.
Get Involved
Contact Ms. Guyisha Riley, Graduation Coach, at rileygn@pwcs.edu.
Educational Re-engagement Opportunities
If you're a former Freedom High School student seeking to complete outstanding requirements for a high school diploma or GED, I welcome you!
Graduation Support
What is a Graduation Coach: https://freedomhs.pwcs.edu/students/graduation_coach
For additional graduation support, please don't hesitate to reach out:
Ms. G. Riley, Graduation Coach rileygn@pwcs.edu
Academic Support
Encourage your students to utilize their academic support services:
· After-school remediation (Tuesday and Wednesday) 2:15 pm -4:30 pm. Students can ride the activity bus home.
· Flex (Tuesday and Thursday) In-school Flex is for catching up on assignments and remediation.
Attendance Matters
A few quick tips for Excusing an Absence or Tardy and Arranging an Early Dismissal
Click on this link for the Attendance Policies: https://freedomhs.pwcs.edu/our_school/attendance
Excuse Same Day Or Absences Pre-Arranged In Advance
- Use ParentVue on the day of an absence or in advance of a planned absence.
Excuse Absences From Previous Days
- Email FDHS-attendance@pwcs.edu
Please reference the phase ABSENCE in the subject line of your email message.
- Parents must send written or electronic communication citing the reason(s) for the absence to the school no more than five school days following the date of the absence.
Excuse A Tardy
- Email FDHS-attendance@pwcs.edu
Please reference the phrase TARDY in the subject line of your email message.
To Arrange An Early Dismissal
- Email FDHS-attendance@pwcs.edu at least one (1) hour prior to the requested dismissal time. Be sure to include the full name of your student and the time of the dismissal.
Please reference the phrase EARLY DISMISSAL in the subject line of your email.
- Early dismissals are only permitted prior to 1:30 pm. After that time, you will have to wait for normal dismissal times/procedures. This helps ensure a safe and smooth dismissal for all.
*If you have any questions or concerns about attendance issues at Freedom High School, please contact the Attendance Office at fdhs-attendance@pwcs.edu.
Student Activities / Athletics
Athletics Calendar: Freedom High School - Woodbridge Eagles Calendar - Freedom High School - Woodbridge Eagles - Woodbridge, VA (freedomeaglespwcs.com)
Purchase your tickets on line: https://my.hometownticketing.com/agency/2ea7dece-1cc7-4e86-94db-0bf1b5863bc4 Freedom High School Woodbridge, VA
FYI: Winter sports tryouts begin November 11th. All student must have a VHSL physical completed and concussion training done on Parent Vue.
Student Clubs at Freedom High School
Join a club or activity at Freedom High School!
Class of 2025
Graduation Date
Click on this link for helpful details for the Class of 2025: https://freedomhs.pwcs.edu/seniors1/seniors
Class of 2025 Commencement will be held on May 31, 2025 at Eagle Bank Arena.
Seniors planning to participate in the graduation ceremony will need to have a cap and gown to participate. https://www.jostens.com
Parent Canvas and Parent Vue
Please visit our school web site for helpful information. This link will direct you to parent canvas and parent vue information:
This is Eric Kellum from Christ Culture Church. We have our FAMILY FOCUSED event of the year coming up that we believe can help cultivate connection among families during the holidays.
It is our Gingerbread Decorating & Christmas Caroling Karaoke. We know the families at your school will love it. $20 per person; Music, Games, Crafts, Prizes on Saturday, 12/14 at 3pm. 14607 Noblewood Plaza. Please click on QR code to register.
PWCS approved flyer- event is a community event and not in association with Freedom High School
Edu-Futuro offers FREE assistance to help you submit Federal Student Aid / Virginia Alternative Student Aid applications. Email edaponte@edu-futuro.org with any questions or WhatsApp 703-929-9151
- Edu-Futuro: Free Assistance filling out SNAP, TANF, Health Insurance, Refugees/Immigrants, Childcare, USCIS Applications (that do no require a lawyer) and other
- Support to find access to food and clothing
- Assistance looking for a job
- Learn about: email; Google Documents; develop a resume and cover letter; mock interview; online job applications; how to use google sheets
PWCS - You Belong Here
Apply Now
Food and Nutrition Flyer
Driver and Attendance Flyer