Wolves Newsletter

May 1, 2024
A note from the principal
Dear Park Brook Families,
MCA testing is coming to an end at Park Brook Elementary, however, students will continue to engage in academic learning throughout the rest of the school year. As soon as the students finish testing for the year, they begin preparing for next year. MCA's measure growth from year-to-year, not just September through April. Please see Park Brook Website for MCA dates as a few tests will be given in the next week. Truly, one full month of learning in school takes place after the MCA's.
I welcome families to join us for the Mile Run on Friday of this week. The Mile Run is one of our fitness tests. We welcome parents/guardians to come and cheer on the students as they complete the Mile Run in Hartkopf Park. Pre-k and kindergarten students run a short distance while the rest of the grades run the full mile. (Many, perhaps most students, run/walk at least this distance every day during recess.)
Mr. Scott W. Taylor
Jump Ropes for All - Provided by Title I
All students will receive a jump rope with different ideas for how to use the jump ropes at home. The purpose is to encourage students to be active this summer.
On Tuesday, May 14 there will be an all-school jump rope event.
The chart pictured shows the relationship between physical fitness and academics. In math, 26% of the group of students who pass one fitness test are proficient in math, while 71% of the students who pass all physical fitness tests are proficient in math. Increasing physical fitness increases academic growth. These studies/research have been repeated with the same results.
Park Brook is a school with a Focus on Fitness Initiative to increase academic growth.
Title I funds were used to purchase the jump ropes to provide families a means, in addition to what they already have, to be active this summer.
Field Day - Monday, June 3
Volunteers are needed to run stations during Field Day. All equipment and activities are planned. Staff and others will be at stations, but volunteers to assist are greatly appreciated and make the day special for students. Morning and afternoon shifts are available. If you are available to volunteer, please call Mrs. Cathrine Wadler, Volunteer Coordinator at 763-549-2406 or email wadlerc@district279.org .
PTO Input
Families gathered for the April 16, 2024 PTO meeting to provide feedback regarding Title I and the school in general. Families enjoyed a taco bar dinner. Below are a few items shared; follow-up will occur at the coming PTO meetings.
- Discussed nature-based learning along with hands-on learning activities for students.
- Field Trips
- A question was asked about field trips that are offered at Park Brook and how many are provided each year.
- Information purposes only, field trips during 2023 - 2024 school year:
- Twin Cities 5K (Weekend), Grades 1 - 5
- Resilinator (Weekend), Grades 1 - 5
- Base Camp (Weekend)
- Girls on the Run 5K (Weekend)
- Orchestra Hall, 5th Grade
- Indian Education Field Trip
- University of Minnesota Science Field Trip, 5th Grade - STEM
- Physics Force, University of Minnesota, 4th Grade (Cancelled day of field trip due to situation at the U of M.) - STEM
- Kindness Retreat, 4th Grade
- Minne-Loppet - cross-country ski event at Wirth Park, Grades 3 - 5
- Next Gen Ski Race and Luminary Loppet (Weekend), Grades 3 - 5
- Kidarod (Weekend), Grades 1 - 5
- Double Dutch Field Trips
- Caterpillar - Girls STEM Day, 5th Grade Girls - STEM
- Eastman Nature Center, 1st Grade - STEM
- Field Trips Scheduled for May & June
- Bridge Building Competition, U of M - STEM
- Patrols to Mall of America
- Stages Theater, 2nd Grade
- Girls on the Run 5K (Weekend)
- Garden & Indoor Greenhouse
- An indoor greenhouse will be purchased as a result of this discussion.
- Salad Bar
- There is interest from parents in attendance to have the salad bar as a lunch entre again.
- If you are interested in discussing lunch options or the salad bar, please email Mr. Taylor at taylors@district279.org and he will connect you with food service.
- Swimming/water safety lessons
- Prior to COVID, Park Brook 3rd graders traveled every day for a week to the YMCA for water safety lessons. Mr. Taylor will follow-up to see if this program can begin again.
- Summer Camp for students entering kindergarten
- Discussion regarding the idea of a camp to prepare students for kindergarten.
Next PTO Meeting: Tuesday, May 14 at 6:00 p.m.
Lynde Greenhouse Fundraiser
Note: This ticket can only be used Monday - Friday.
This ticket is also available on Facebook.
Science - Art - Experience!
While the eclipse was not visible, students learned and experienced the day getting a bit darker during the eclipse. Students remained enthusiastic even though staff were disappointed after a couple months of planning.
Wolf Way Awards
Wolf Way Awards - March - Presented on March 21, 2024
Students are recognized each month for following the Wolf Way.
- W - We Will Respect Other and Ourselves
- O - Own our Actions
- L - Listen and Learn
- F - Follow Directions
March Math Awards
Not all classes are pictured this month. Students in all classes, grades 1 - 5, received awards, however, pictures were inadvertently not taken.
Mrs. Morrisette's Class
Mrs. Morrisette's Class
Mrs. Sala's Class
Mrs. Karris' Class
Caterpillar STEM Day - 5th Grade Girls
Fifth grade girls spent April 18th, at the Caterpillar Plant in Maple Grove. Employees designed a day specifically to introduce STEM (Science, technology, engineering and math) careers to girls in 5th grade at Park Brook Elementary.
This is the second year Caterpillar has worked with 5th grade girls who attend Park Brook.
Eastman Nature Center - First Grade
First grade students spent a day at Eastman Nature Center. The students engaged in pond studies and other learning activities. Eastman Nature Center kindly provided the transportation for this field trip.
5th Grade Commemoration
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 - 1:30 p.m.
Fifth-Grade Commemoration is a time for 5th grade students to celebrate this stepping stone with the adults in their lives.
We will begin seating at 1:00 p.m.
Siblings and relatives in other grades will remain with their own class during the Commemoration Ceremony. Siblings in middle school and high school should continue with their regular school day.
Students are welcome to dress up for the event, but some prefer not to, and that is just fine.
Students need to be in attendance all day in order to participate in the Commemoration Ceremony, unless they have a note from a doctor.
Families are welcome to park in the bus circle, but all cars must be out of the bus circle by 2:55 p.m.
Thank you to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Congregation for volunteering during the commemoration and 5th Grade Formal Breakfast. (The 5th Grade Formal Breakfast is for 5th Grade Students and their teachers.)
The six student representatives along with Mr. Taylor traveled to Arizona to distribute school supplies to the students in Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico. Along with delivering school supplies, the students visited the University of Arizona, the Sonoran Desert Museum, Kartchner Caverns State Park, and more. Click on title, above, for more information.
Students currently in 4th grade will have the opportunity to write an essay in September if they would like to be considered to be the Park Brook Representative for Students Connecting Through International Service.
International Children's Day Party at the U.S. Border
Students and staff from Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico along with SCTIS student representatives
At the border
Boot Camp - First Day Pictures
The first day of Boot Camp students participated in activities inside due to the weather.
Boot Camp is an after-school program designed to increase academic growth and positive behaviors. Research indicates that increasing physical fitness increases academic growth and positive behaviors.
Chess Club is sponsored by the City of Brooklyn Park.
Black Joy Club is sponsored by District 279's Department of Equity in Education.
Mile Run
Friday, May 3 - 2:00 p.m.
Students may be checked out of school after the event, but we kindly ask that you wait until the end of the entire event to check your child out. You may sign your child out, and then after the event they will go back to their class to get their belongings and then meet you in front of the school.
Staff Workshop - No School for Students
Monday, May 6
Orchestra Concert
Thursday, May 9
6:30 p.m.
Osseo Middle School
Boot Camp - Last Day
Wednesday, May 15
Black Joy Club & Chess Club - Last Day
Monday, May 20
Memorial Day - No School for Students
Monday, May 27
A day set aside to honor and remember those who gave their lives for the United States of America.
Field Day
Monday, June 3 (Rain date - Tuesday, June 4)
A.M. - Pre-K and 3 - 5
P.M. - Pre-K and K - 2
Please see website calendar for exact times.
Last Day of School
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Calendar Items for 2024 - 2025 School Year
Please see calendar on Park Brook Website.
Review Park Brook!
According to Great Schools, Students at Park Brook are making far more academic progress given where they were last year, compared to similar students in the state.
High progress with low test scores at Park Brook means that students are starting at a low point but the school is doing a great job at supporting their academic growth compared to most other schools.