The Dolphin Dispatch
"HERE WE GROW" October 28th, 2024
Important Dates Ahead:
Important Dates Ahead:
Oct. 26 - SCG Fall Festival, 12-3 PM
Oct. 31- Halloween Parade- Parents invited- details below in snapshots (Kinder/TK Parents, remember that this is an all student EARLY BIRD DAY for your kids)
Nov. 1- Friday- No School- District Professional Development Day
Nov. 9th, Saturday- Please come with your kids to our SCG Fall Community Garden Day English, Spanish
Daily Bell Schedule
SUESD Elementary Academic Calendar
TK/ Kinder Academic Calendar
Principal's Message
Greetings Santa Cruz Gardens Families!
Happy Autumn Tidings. Since the last Dispatch, we have had some great site staff PD, Teacher Data Talks, a rocking Career Cafe Week, and our EPIC SCG Fall Festival.
Thank you to our parents that volunteered to teach classes about their work for Career Cafe! You had engaged minds as you brought all the careers out there to real life in front of their eyes. They loved it! : )
Thank you to our Counselor, Ms. Sue, for helping to set this cool opportunity up!
The Fall Festival is always an amazing time, and last Saturday was no exception! Food, fun, games, and the celebration of SCG Culture and Community!
We look forward to inviting you back on campus this Thursday morning for our Halloween Parade. The details and times to show up on campus are below in the Snapshots.
Please keep in mind that we do not allow masks, weapons, or anything too scary at SCG.
If you would like to contribute any physical art or photos to our community Ofrenda in the MU Room, please bring them to the office or with your child before Thursday!
Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to the SCG Teacher Team! We had our Fall Data Talks last week, and the depth of knowledge and care they have for their students is truly outstanding. Lots of productive discussion and action steps for our focus from now until the Winter Data Dive.
In Partnership,
Principal Carlo Albano
Science of Leaves with TK class
Career Cafe in Ms. Clark's Kinder Class
Elaine's Dance crew at SCG Fall Festival '24!
SCG Home and School Club Announcements
The Annual SCG Fall Festival- Sat., Oct. 26th from 12-3 PM. The School will have food trucks, an inflatable obstacle course, petting zoo, face painting, games, and more for some family fun! Halloween costumes encouraged. If you can help with set up, clean up, or ticket selling at the event, please sign up to volunteer here - we can only do this event with our wonderful volunteers!
Snapshots, Links, and Upcoming Event Details
- You are invited to our annual Halloween Festivities this Halloween Thursday, 10/31. Specifically, you are invited to our Halloween parade, and if there are any classroom parties. The Halloween Parade will be on campus from about 10:45- 11:30, ending in a costume dance party on the black top!
Our Halloween parade will snake around the school, and end in a dance party calling costume themes to the middle. This will be right after big kid recess, and we will be swinging around to pick you up and grow our parade class by class. Usually this goes from about 10:45- 11:30. Schedule and Route here.
The November 5th Ballot and Measure P- We would like you to be aware that SUESD has a General Obligation Bond on the Ballot. Here is a link to the presentation slideshow to Home and School Club last wednesday. A vote yes means that this money would go towards needed facility repairs and upgrades including:
- Repairing or replacing leaky roofs
- Upgrading deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems
- Making health, safety, and security improvements
- Upgrading inadequate electrical systems
- Modernizing/renovating outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities, including playfields and playgrounds
Our Drive for Schools Fundraiser finished up October 18th. We made it so close to our goal of 10K, and fundraised 2k more than last year! Thank you for all the hard work everyone, thank you Home and School Club!
Drop Off and Pick Up
Thank you for continuing to exercise caution and patience at drop off- our school is a place to be extra patient, super mindful, and cell-phone free please! The parking lot has been good, but there have been some concerns on driving into the lot and the intersection. Please be careful.
If your child is biking, scooting, or skating, please have a talk with them to make sure they are stopping at the stop sign, following bike rules, and are being careful.
- Don't forget to take a look at the Home and School Club Calendar of Events and reach out to our community about ways to get involved. We need you! You make our community better! : )
- Santa Cruz County Extensive Support Needs Program & SCG Elementary- Lead teacher Caleigh Haley has been stopping into each classroom to read the book "Just Ask," and normalize our new students with different needs and abilities. It has been going so well, your kids have been very kind and inviting, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to build inclusion and community at SCG!
TK/ Kinder Calendar (keep a copy at the ready to refer to TK/ K Families- there are some differences to the other grades).
Whole School Elementary Calendar- new families, note that all Fridays are Minimum Days with release times by lunch.
SCPL Library Offerings: Awesome reading programs, homework help and more!