Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Spring EOC Testing
Spring EOC testing is right around the corner! Please review this info to ensure you and your students are prepared.
Class testing:
*Students taking any of the following classes will test on Tuesday & Wednesday for 3 consecutive weeks. Specific testing locations will be established and shared with students/families & staff once established. Please note that each EOC test has a part 1 and a part 2.
ELA II: 4/16-4/17 (one part each day)
ALGEBRA I/ GEOMETRY: 4/23-4/24 (one part each day)
BIOLOGY: 4/30 (both parts on the same day)
AMERICAN HISTORY/ GOVERNMENT: 5/1 (both parts on the same day)
We will use the above rotating schedules on class testing days and bells will be programmed accordingly. Tuesday’s you will have bells 1, 3, 5, 7. Wednesday’s you will have bells 2, 4, 5, 6. Non-testing students do not need to be here during the testing session, they will be permitted to arrive at their delayed start time. Should a non-testing student arrive prior to their delayed start time, they will be held in the cafeteria until testing concludes (10:15/11:30) before being released to bell 1/2.
Re-testing/ Make-ups:
Students re-testing to demonstrate competency and students completing make-up testing will be pulled from their regular class schedule to complete testing throughout the testing window. Additional information will be shared with these students/families as we get closer to testing.
Questions about EOC testing can be directed to Mrs. Hess at hessb@talawanda.org
School Counseling Office
Reminder- Students who are interested in taking CCP classes this fall need to register by June 1st.
Staff Appreciation
Our THS Teacher and Staff Appreciation Mexican Fiest luncheon will be held on May 6, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. There are a number of ways you can show your support; see the available items on THS Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon SignUp Genius.
NHS Seniors: NHS graduation stoles may be ordered from Ms. Klovekorn in room 220 at THS by no later than April 19, 2024. The cost is $25.oo each, and the graduate keeps the stole. This year, we will wear white stoles to contrast with the blue graduation gowns everyone will wear. It is fine to borrow an NHS stole from an older sibling or friend, but please make sure it is white. We will NOT wear the light blue stole from the past. Please contact Ms. Klovekorn directly with questions at klovekorna@talawanda.org
Please bring $25.00 cash or a check payable to Talawanda High School by April 19.
*If you have not paid your $10 dues, you may put that on the same check for a total of $35.
Art News
Good luck to THS artists Olivia Andrews, Jaylyn Byers, Anna Claire, Ashley Felblinger, Lillian Franks, and Melody Miao, as their artwork competes this weekend at the Champion Mills Conference Center, for the US Representative Warren Davidson 2024 Congressional Art Competition. This is a prestigious competition, with the winning artwork going to represent the 8th District in Washington, D.C., by being displayed in the U.S. Capitol as part of a year-long exhibit. Other winning pieces will be showcased in Warren Davidson's D.C. and local district offices. The virtual exhibit will be available through the following link
Club Meetings/Information
Monday, April 15th
3:00-4:00pm Robotics Club, Room 412
Tuesday, April 16th
3:00pm Setting Stone, Room 320
3:00pm Art Club, Room 603
Wednesday, April 17th
2:55-3:45pm Chess Club, Room 603
3:00pm Diversity Club, Room 400
Thursday, April 18th
Friday, April 19th
**Setting Stone Coffee House will be on Friday, May 3rd. Signups begin on Monday, 4.15. Sign up to perform outside of Mr. Aerni's room, 320
Sunday, April 14th
Monday, April 15th
Tuesday, April 16th
8:15-10:15am English Part 1 EOC Testing
Wednesday, April 17th
8:15-10:15am English Part 2 EOC Testing
3:00-7:00pm Makeup Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, April 18th
3:00-7:00pm Parent Teacher Conferences
6:00pm NHS Volleyball Tournament
Friday, April 19th
Saturday, April 20th
7:00am-1:00pm Kiwanis Pancake Day
Final Forms
TSD will prompt parents in the first week of August to begin updating their child's school forms for the 2024-25 school year. We know sometimes parents begin doing this early, but it's important to wait for the prompt from the district, as some forms will be changing for next school year. The updates will be made in July, after all of the summer programs are completed.
Talawanda Student Services
Click HERE for all upcoming local events through the Student Services Department.