Crimson Reader
Monthly JDHS Yadaa.at Kalé Library News
2024-2025 in the Library
Welcome to our first year as a consolidated school and consolidated library. This year brings many challenges starting with our library full of books! Good news is we've got a lot of it!! I will be working to get as many of these titles available to you as soon as possible. First, textbook distribution will happen the first two weeks of school. Please have your student ID ready. I am the only librarian but I am hoping to get some amazing students to help in the library as student library aids. This could be you! If you love books, and love helping match people with books, please come see me. Many hands make light work. Thanks for your patience as I get the library space up and ready for you to inhabit :-) I am very excited to meet each and everyone of you.
🤫 ENRICHMENT during finals week in library = quiet study time🤫📖⌛
in 1990, Congress authorized a presidential proclamation designating November as National American Indian Heritage Month.
& some activities that you may be able to check out via Zoom: https://www.nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov/
& a rich resource for TEACHERS: https://www.nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov/for-teachers.html
AND come check out some books by many new Filipino-American writers like Randy Ribay and Gina Apostol. I've got quite a few in our library
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
If you still have materials from last year, please return them now. Let's start the year with a clean slate.
New Semester New Books! WELCOME to 2023!!
Fall Happenings
- Battle of the books begins! Check out the books we plan to read. Join us!!
- A plug for YB - go to the YB website to submit any and all yearbook-related
ALL library materials are due this week unless...
MAY: Let's celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage
APRIL: Poetry Month (and Earth Day!)
Recent Reads
Also, check out ebooks and audiobooks here. Email me if you have questions.
Fall Reads
We have lots of new books for you to check out
If you missed the Halloween Book display, look for books with a black dot -- those would be the horror you've been looking for.
Happy almost Halloween
Banned Books, books to movies etc
Come visit the library and explore many newly published books and some books that are finding new interest now that they're going to be in film/TV: Kindred, Dear Evan Hansen, PS I Still Love you, Dune
Happy mid-September celebrations
Welcome Back to our library!!!
Hello, students and teachers!
The library is open for Enrichment starting August 25th. For now, there will be a 50-person capacity restriction due to COVID. Please keep at least 3 feet distance from each other and keep face masks on at all times. I am very happy to see all of you and will be smiling behind my mask when I see you!
PS...if you got a reminder from me to return materials, drop them off at school anytime between 9:00a.m - 3:00pm Monday through Friday. There will always be someone in the front office or in the counseling office this summer. They will gather the books for me until I return in August.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month ~ May 2021
National Poetry Month ~ April 2021
Check out some wonderful poetry here and discover the beauty and joy that reading poetry brings.
Women's History Month ~ March 2021
My recommended reading this month: Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Read Across America ~ March 2021
Check our our ebook selection...Several recently published ebooks are here for your reading pleasure. A few recommendations:
- take a break from the stress of college applications and read about someone else' instead. In You Asked for Perfect by Laura Silverman Ariel navigates the stress of AP classes and keeping his perfect GPA and his friendships.
- Layoverland by Gabby Noone
- The Upside of Falling by Alex Light
- A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
Celebrating Black History Month ~February 2021
Books by Black Writers
Place a hold on a physical copy or check out our e-book selection.
Happy January!
CURBSIDE SERVICE ~ Returning Books/Picking up books - resumes January 4, 2021
Happy Winter Break!!!
Meanwhile, rest, rejuvenate, read:
Borrowing books
Yes, this is still happening! If you want a hard copy of a particular book, you can place a hold on this right on our Destiny Library System.
Borrowing ebooks
You can borrow ebooks from our Alaska Digital School Library. Make sure you are logged in to our school's system through your student ID.
Final Exam Week: December 14-18, 2020
Want to borrow e-books? Read HERE.Interested in using Audible?This is your final week to email me for an account.
If you already have an Audible Account from last year but forgot your account number and password let me know. I can help. However, this pilot program is no longer supported so we do not have technical support from the company. You still have your credits to use if you haven't done so. They expire on December 24th. Use it, or lose it.
Books on Native American Heritage
We have these books on Native American heritage in our library. Log in to jdhslibrary.org to access destiny library system. From there, it's a single sign on system so just follow the steps. email me if you have questions.
Get to know your librarian
- you may return books between 8am - 4pm M-F
- still have books from last year, return them now, please.
- the virtual library is open 24hrs if you wish to borrow ebooks or audiobooks.
Ms. Reyes, Teacher-Librarian
Email: karina.reyes@juneauschools.org
Website: www.jdhslibrary.org
Location: 1629 Glacier Avenue, Juneau, AK, USA
Phone: 907-5231508