The Paw Print
December 16-20, 2024
* Gates will be closing at 7:45 a.m. Instruction begins at 7:50 a.m.
* Toys & other items - students should not bring toys, games, recess equipment (i.e. footballs, tennis balls, soccer balls, etc.) to school.
What's Happening This Week
Monday 12/16
Holiday Gram sales continue (see flyer below)
2:15 - Chess Club
3:30 - ELAC Parent Meeting on Zoom (see flyer below)
6:00 - i-Ready Parent Meeting (see flyer below)
Tuesday 12/17
Running Club (recess, weather permitting)
2:25 - Student Council Meeting
Wednesday 12/18 - Early Release - 1:15 dismissal
Wear college/career gear
Holiday Gram Sales END
Thursday 12/19
Running Club (recess, weather permitting)
Friday 12/20
Bear Hug Store at lunch
Holiday Grams Delivered
2:15 - ice cream sales
Have a wonderful winter break! See you on January 6, 2025
Coming up...
12/31: Last day to register for The Wizard of Oz musical. Use this link to register and find out more details: https://forms.gle/1i2iP6sD3Q2qdcqd7
1/6 - School Resumes
1/6 - PTA Meeting
1/22: Musical auditions after school
1/29: Musical rehearsal: after school 1st-6th graders
i-Ready Parent Information Night
24-Hour Attendance Line (714) 986-7110 press 3
Every Day Counts
As the holiday season nears, we remind you that regular school attendance is key to your child's success. Each day offers valuable face-to-face learning and social interactions that support emotional well-being and development. Missed days can lead to challenges requiring extra support, which depends on consistent attendance. Let’s work together to help every student thrive! Learn more at www.pylusd.org/everydaycounts
English Learners
ELAC Meeting
You are invited to attend
Brookhaven’s Parent ELAC meeting!
December 16th at 3:30-4:30 pm
Via Zoom Meeting ID: 879 2455 3158
Or https://pylusd-org.zoom.us/j/87924553158
You are the most important link!
Your presence is important to us and your child.
We will be discussing:
How to be a member and/or officer
Survey Results
Brookhaven Performance Data
Brookhaven SPSA Goals
*Raffle prize for one lucky winner and their family
Email kamidon@pylusd.org
DELAC Presentation
English Learner Needs Assessment
If you are a parent of an English Learner, please Click here to take the survey.
Please complete a SEPARATE survey for EACH child that you have who is currently classified as an English learner.
Por favor complete una encuesta ESPECÍFICA para CADA hijo(a) que tenga actualmente clasificado como aprendiz de inglés.
Brookhaven PTA
🎬 Enjoy movies with a purpose! 🎬
Brookhaven Elementary is giving you the best reason to head to the cinema. Until December 20, 25% of each Regal Movie Ticket Bundle you purchase will be donated back to Brookhaven Elementary, when you buy via our fundraising sales page. Treat yourself, your friends, and family to an unforgettable movie night in support of a great cause! Grab your tickets here: grouprai.se/regalcinemas51531s
Donations for Bear Hug Store
We are currently accepting donations of new items for our Bear Hug store. Items can be brought to the front office with a label indicating it's for the store. Thank you in advance!
Brookhaven Musical
The Wizard of Oz
We are excited to announce that our 2025 musical will be The Wizard of Oz!
Use this link to register and find out more details: https://forms.gle/1i2iP6sD3Q2qdcqd7
We encourage all kindergarteners through 6th-grade students to participate.
Important dates:
Auditions for 2nd-6th grade (lead roles only): Wednesday, 1/22/25 after school.
Rehearsals on Wednesdays after school beginning 1/29/25.
Tech week: Sunday, March 30th-Thursday, April 3rd.
Shows are on Saturday, April 5th and Sunday, April 6th.
If you have questions, please email our Musical Chair, Michelle Kadera, at brookhavenmusical@gmail.com
6th Grade News
Outdoor Ed Payments
6th Grade Students will be attending Emerald Cove Outdoor Science Institute (ECOS) from January 13th to 17th, 2025. If students do not attend camp, they must come to school daily and will have a designated classroom to work on work provided to them by their teachers.
The total cost is $590 per student. You may pay for camp in four installments of $147.50 on the following dates: October 4th, November 1st, December 6th and January 10th. Fundraising opportunities will also be available. Checks should be made out to Brookhaven PTA.
Holiday Grams (6th Grade Fundraiser)
Holiday grams are our last fundraiser to help offset camp costs. They go on sale next Monday 12/9 until Wednesday 12/18 with delivery to the classrooms happening on 12/20. Jessica Ruggles has created the sign up genius below. She needs help with running the tables before and after school as well as assembling, delivery and some candy cane donations. Please sign up and help because we need your help to make this a success!
Please reach out to Jessica at jessruggles4@gmail.com if you have any questions or need additional information.
District News
Placentia-Yorba Linda USD is now live with the new electronic flyer communication tool called "Peachjar." To view school-approved eflyers, simply click the Peachjar button on our district website homepage.
No action is required on your part. You will receive a welcome email from our service provider (Peachjar) that includes a login link. This is provided to give you the opportunity to manage your account and flyer delivery preferences. You do not need to login to receive or view school eflyers.
To ensure smooth delivery of this communication, we suggest you add school@peachjar.com to your email contacts. When you receive your first eflyer, be sure to click "always display images."
For more information on this eflyer service visit www.peachjar.com.
School Choice Coming Soon!
The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) School Choice Transfer Request periods for the 2024-2025 school year are coming soon. During this time, parents of any current or incoming students who wish to attend a PYLUSD school other than their home school of residence for the 2024-2025 school year should fill out a School Choice Transfer Request.
Students in 1st Through 12th Grade in 2024-25
January 10 to February 9, 2024
Request notifications will take place on or before Friday, March 15, 2024.
Students in Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten in 2024-25
March 18 to March 29, 2024
Request notifications will take place on or before Friday, April 12, 2024.
Transfer approvals are subject to space availability. In any situation where the number of requests exceeds the space available, approval of transfers will be determined by a random and unbiased selection process. Applications received during the school choice window are not processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
During the respective windows, interested families may complete a School Choice Transfer Request in the Aeries Parent Portal (instructions on the PYLUSD website) or receive in-person assistance completing the online request at the PYLUSD Student Services office located at 1301 E. Orangethorpe Ave, Placentia, CA 92870.
Please note that PYLUSD school sites do not distribute nor accept School Choice Transfer Requests. In addition, once a student has been approved to their school of choice, that school becomes their designated school of attendance. For approved transfers in TK-6, this transfer will remain in effect through middle school. Families with a school choice transfer through middle school do not need to submit a new application. Current 8th graders attending a middle school on a School Choice Transfer must reapply if they wish to attend a PYLUSD high school other than their home school of residence.
Additional information about School Choice may be found online at www.pylusd.org/schoolchoice.
Community News
NOCE Spring Parenting Classes
NOCE offers free parenting classes to help families build stronger connections and foster student success through positive discipline, communication, and behavior management strategies.
OCSD Parent Project
Orange County Sheriff's Department is presenting the Parent Project, a ten week course, helping parents with 'strong willed children', including substance use and school issues.
The English class will be January 9th through March 13th, 2025, 6 pm to 9 pm at the Yorba Linda Community Center. The Spanish class presented will be held at Foothill High school from Jan 6 through March 24.