May 6, 2024
North Brandywine Middle School
Greetings Parents and Guardians,
I hope this e-mail finds you and your family well.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. As we celebrate our teachers, feel free to send teachers an e-mail of gratitude.
Music Trip Student Meeting - Tuesday, March 7: Students scheduled for the music trip will meet with Ms. Mangi and Mr. Wagner on Tuesday, during WIN.
Free Sports Physicals: If you think your child will be interested in playing a sport next year (Fall, Winter and/or Spring) or if he/she is already playing a sport, please read the attached information. The CASD will hold a free sports physical opportunity on July 17, so please register your student. Students must get a physical every year to play a sport. If this opportunity on July 17 is missed, it will be the parents’ responsibility to provide the school with verification that a private physician completed a PIAA physical.
Save the Date Events:
- May 14 - Family Engagement Night at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be served. Please RSVP via e-mail to robertse@casdschools.org.
- Spring Fling: May 17 at 6:00 p.m. Cost $5.00
- Spring Concert: May 22 at 7:00 p.m.
Math and ELA Benchmark Assessments: This week, students will be participating in their end of the year benchmark assessments so we can determine their level of growth from the beginning of the year. Our goal is for students to be on grade level or above.
Algebra I Keystone Exam
- May 20 (Monday) and May 21 (Tuesday)
Student Conflict: If your student has a conflict with another student, please encourage your student to report to the office to see Ms. Dzedzy or Mr. Reid. Parents can also call the office or send an e-mail, so the administration is aware.
Have a wonderful week.
Dr. Eugenia Roberts, Principal
E-Mail Address: robertse@casdschools.org
Phone Number: 610-383-3745
This Week's Schedule - Spirit Day ends Tuesday, April 30
Monday, May 6 - Cycle Day 3
Tuesday, May 7 - Cycle Day 4 - Boys JV Baseball vs. Fugett – Home
Wednesday, May 8 -Cycle Day 5
Thursday, May 9 - Cycle Day 6 - Art Club 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Girls Lacrosse vs. Avon Grove – Home
Friday, May 10 - Cycle Day 1 -Student Council 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - Boys Varsity Baseball & Softball vs. Great Valley – Home
Hear them Out: Foster open communication about vaping
Here are some tips to help parents initiate an intervention to optimize their child’s ability to hear them:
- No matter who you are, this will be hard. And that’s okay. Any confrontation of a hidden behavior or addiction will be messy and take time to resolve. Expect your child to be embarrassed, outraged, anxious, fearful, sad, or completely withdrawn.
- Consider widening the circle. The goal is to give your child the best possible chance of hearing your concerns and being open to getting help. Having a third party that genuinely cares about your child in the room could really help, especially if dynamics at home have become tense. Is there any trustworthy person outside the family that your child still respects, trusts, and feels safe with? It could be a coach, a grandparent, a member of clergy, a counselor, or even a family friend.
- Prepare a quiet, safe time and place. Find a place where everyone will feel safe and able to focus. This might require meeting outside the home. whether it is at the school counselor’s office, a church, or even a park that is not busy.
- Tell the story – don’t accuse. Simply share what you have observed. Focus on what was said or done and the impact. Reserve bringing out any discovered paraphernalia for when it comes up in the story. Avoid discussion of motives, accusations, etc. Stick to what was done and how you have observed it affecting each person. Between people sharing, give your child an opportunity to acknowledge what they heard.
- Invite your child to share. Listen to find the struggles and challenges that they are attempting to get vaping to solve. Is it a distraction from anxiety? Is she just lonely, and the only friend(s) she has enjoy vaping? And… how long has it been going on? Has it already become an addiction? Vaping causes its own problems, but it is also attempting to mask, dull, or compensate for something else. Listen to what is going on beneath the vaping. Work together to find new ways to resolve these deeper needs.
- Seek help. Look for help that starts to meet the needs you see. Counselors and therapists are a great place to start. Your child may benefit from mentors, safe places to go before/after school, service activities or team sports.
Family Engagement Night - Literacy & Open Gym - May 14 @ 6:00 p.m. - Free Food
Please come out on May 14 with your family, no matter the age, eat and have fun. We will have a meal prepared that will fill your appetite, enrich your knowledge regarding what we are doing at NBMS regarding literacy, and we will end the night with fun, games, and prizes.
Please RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/h78AgAykjS. The deadline to RSVP is May 1.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Rising 8th Grade Cheerleading Interest Meeting During Lunch
Tuesday, May 14 , 2024
Save the Date: Spring Concert - May 22 at 7:00 p.m.
2024-2025 Information for FREE Sports Physicals
CASD through Lancaster General is offering 1 FREE Mass physical day:
When: July 17, 2024
Where: High School Campus school
Time: 5pm-8pm
Register: you MUST sign up through Sign Up Genius.
Downingtown Mountain Bike Team 2024 Season Information
School Bus Safety and Expected Behavior Brochure
We truly appreciate our bus drivers and acknowledge their dedication to drive every day. Drivers are responsible to drive up to 72 students to and from school every day regardless of the weather. To ensure a safe ride, Krapf created a School Bus Safety Tips brochure (attached).
Important School Attendance Notice
Attending school every day is important; however, we also understand that when students are sick, they need to stay home. Per CASD Policy 204, “Absences shall be treated as unexcused until the School District receives a written excuse from the Parent explaining the absence. Such written excuses must be submitted within three (3) days after the return from the absence. The written excuses shall be required in advance for types of absences where advance notice is possible..." Absence notices should be e-mailed to the following address nbattendance@casdschools.org.
We also request that if you are planning an outing that parents try to schedule vacations based on the CASD calendar. Teachers are not obligated to provide work in advance and students must make up missed work upon their return.
FYI: The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has mandated that all public schools must deliver 180 days of instruction and 990 hours of instruction this academic year. Therefore, it is imperative students attend school and inform their teacher if they do not understand and set up a plan to get additional assistance. Research has proven that once students get behind in their academics, they begin to lose interest in attending school.
§9.3 The Principal may deny a student credit for a course if the student fails to attend at least ninety percent (90%) of the scheduled classes of anyone (1) credit course (meets every day) or half (1/2) credit course (meets by semester). In determining whether to deny credit, the principal may take into consideration, among other things, the recommendation made by the SAIP Team and whether the student is complying with the School Attendance Improvement Plan."
Please note the following:
- Teachers are not obligated to provide student work in advance. Students can check the teacher's Canvas page, Students will be required to make up work missed or they will receive a zero.
- All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts.
- §4.6.2 After eighteen (18) or more days of absences in one school year, an informal review of the student’s record including days of absence, discipline, and academics may be made by the principal and recommendations, if any, shall be made in writing to the respective director regarding retention in grade.
- §6.1 Student is Truant - When a student has been absent for three (3) days during the current School Year without a lawful excuse, School District staff shall provide notice to the Parent who resides in the same household as the student within ten (10) School Days of the student's third (3rd) unexcused absence.[31]
Please read the CASD Attendance Policy 204 in detail. http://go.boarddocs.com/pa/coat/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CB7RJN6BC4B6
Social Media Form - Please complete
In August, parents received a packet of forms to complete and this included the Social Media Form which allows students to be photographed. This form is important for the yearbook and photos taken during the year. If you have not done so already or if you are not sure, please click the link and it will be sent directly to Ms. Kadel: https://forms.office.com/r/ije5z5cymm. Thank you.
Chromebook Parent Obligation
Chromebooks: Students must bring their Chromebook and charger to school every day. Students will be engaged on Chromebooks everyday so it is important that every student complies with this request. Please be aware of the following:
Moving forward, every student will have a Chromebook and take it home every day and he/she must bring it back to school the next day. Our teachers use their computer daily to deliver important instruction and resources are available to help students improve their ELA (Lexia) and Math (IXL). Students can also log onto their teacher’s Canvas page to complete missing assignments. Please understand that every parent is responsible to pay the Chromebook insurance (Technology Insurance Fee - TIF) unless eligible for a waiver. Please take the time to read this passage, if you have not paid for the insurance.
Every student and parent must sign the 1:1 agreement. Please complete the 1:1 agreement by clicking this link https://forms.office.com/r/7cJTj4uRDq , if you have not done so already. If you are not sure, please submit the form. This agreement must be signed for students to continue to use their Chromebook.
Every parent must pay the TIF which is $40 per student, $80 for 2 students and $100 per family. The TIF must be paid every year. Payment can be made on RevTrak at this link https://coatesvillearea.revtrak.net/casd-technology/ or by cash, check or money order.
If you do not have the finances to pay the TIF, you can apply for a fee waiver by clicking this link compass benefits.
Once you are approved, log onto https://coatesvillearea.revtrak.net/casd-technology/ and the amount that you owe will be zero. We will receive the report and the fee will be waived.
If the TIF is not paid, and your student's Chromebook breaks or is destroyed, you will be responsible for the replacement ($325.00). Additionally, if the TIF is not paid, this will count as an obligation that must be paid ASAP and if not paid, this will follow the student through high school. Please note that the obligation will not affect the school dance pending further review. If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail.
21st Century After-School Program (Free with transportation)
The 21st Century free after school program has open enrollment. The program operates at NBMS, Monday – Thursday from 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM. Please consider enrolling your student in the 21st Century Program. Students receive homework assistance in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and STEAM. Students will also participate in enrichment activities. This program is free, and we would like students to participate with parental/guardian support. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Julie Dieffenbach: Coordinator of Program Activities for CASD at (484) 401 – 6385 or send an e-mail to JulieD@cciu.org. To apply for this free program, click the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/1qM7vY8EYE
Free YMCA Membership
The YMCA offers 7th grade students a free membership. For students to be considered, parents must take the application (attached) and documentation (student's schedule) to the YMCA. Parents must schedule a wellness Orientation prior to a student receiving their membership. If you want your student to go to the YMCA after school, the student must show their YMCA Key card and submit to Ms. Kadel (NBMS secretary) a signed Walkers Form (attached).
Cell Phone Policy
All cell phones must be away and concealed. Students are not permitted to walk around with their cell phones in their hand nor have their cell phone on their desk. Cell phones can be in a student's pocket, locker, or bookbags. Students can use their cell phone at lunch; however, they must be concealed prior to leaving the cafeteria.
Bike Club
American Red Cross Installs Free Smoke Detectors
The American Red Cross provides and installs smoke detectors in any CASD students’ homes where they are needed and instructs their families on their use and maintenance. This is done free of charge.
If you do not have a smoke detector(s) or one(s) that don’t work, the Red Cross can schedule a time to visit your home and install new devices. Simply call the Red Cross at 1-800-Red Cros or visit the Red Cross website.
Contact Information
Website: www.casdschools.org/north
Location: 256 Reeceville Road, Coateille, Pa. 19320
Phone Number: 610-383-3745
Additional Contact Information
Dr. Eugenia Roberts, Principal. E-mail Address: robertse@casdschools.org
Ms. Kathy Kadel, Principal's Secretary. E-Mail Address: kadelk@casdschools.org
Dr. Wilson Lambert, Assistant Principal. E-Mail Address: lambertw@casdschools.org
Ms. Gail Dadd, Assistant Principal's Secretary. E-Mail Address: daddg@casdschools.org
Ms. Jaclyn Dzedzy, Guidance Counselor. E-Mail Address: dzedzyj@casdschools.org
Ms. Patty Nelms, School Nurse. E-mail Address: nelms@casdschools.org