25-26 HPES School-Parent Compact
August 5th, 2025
What is a School-Parent Compact?
A School-Parent Compact is an agreement that families, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how families and teachers will work together to make sure all students are successful.
The HPES School-Parent Compact is discussed and given out at our Title I Annual Meeting in August.
Jointly Developed
The families, students, and staff at Highland Park Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact during our Needs Assessment Leadership team meeting in April 2025. Meetings are held throughout the year to review the compact and make changes based on student needs.
Families are welcome to contribute comments and suggestions any time.
Leadership Team
If you would like to serve on the Leadership Team, please contact Paula Belew at pbelew@mauryk12.org or 931-388-7325 ext. 6464.
Building Partnerships
Activities are planned to meet the needs of our parents. Surveys are sent home at our Title I Annual Meeting.
August: Title I Annual Meeting
October: Math Night
December and May: STEAM Night
March: Reading Night
April and May: Transitioning to Kindergarten and Middle School
Parent/Teacher Conference Dates:
September 18, 2025
November 6, 2025
February 10, 2026
March 9, 2026
Our Goals for Student Achievement
District Goals
Welcome to Maury County Public Schools where our mission is to provide the educational instruction, tools, and environment for every child to succeed in LIFE as Lifelong Learners, Independent Thinkers, Fearless Innovators, and Exemplary Citizens.
Our vision is to educate every child for LIFE.
For grades K-2, increase the percentage of students above the 50th percentile in the norms on the universal screener in ELA and Math.
For grades 3-5 TCAP, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations in Math from 32% to 36.3%.
For grades 3-5 TCAP, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations in ELA from 33% to 37.2%.
School Mission
HPES students will strive to follow our school behavioral expectations:
- Be Ready
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
Mission: Highland Park is a safe, caring place where we achieve success EVERY DAY!
Teachers, families, students - Together for Success
In the Classroom
Each classroom at HPES will work with students and families to support students' success in reading and math. Some of our connections with families will be:
- Offer Parent/Teacher conferences during the school year
- Offer special sessions and community resources throughout the school year
- Provide newsletters that outline expectations
- Parent Square app for specific needs
- Family Resource Room
- Math, Reading and STEAM sessions at family nights
- A list of essential standards will be provided and discussed
At Home
- Check parent communication folder daily
- Look for classroom newsletters
- Come to HPES to participate in family engagement activities
- Read to your child and let your child read to you
- Practice math facts with your child
- Ask your child about their day
- Make sure your child comes to school each day
- Limit the time your child spends on devices
- Check Parent Square frequently
- Make sure you are on Parent Portal
- Talk with my family about new vocabulary words and what I am learning in Math.
- Bring home our class newsletter and invitations for Family Engagement Nights.
- Read for enjoyment at home....comic books, library books, lyrics from songs
Communication About Student Learning
Highland Park Elementary School is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about student learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:
- Note in communication folder
- Parent Square
- Phone calls
- Emails
- Text messaging
- Updates on school website
- Parent/Teacher conferences: AccuTrans
- Weekly or monthly newsletters