Views at Valley
October 2019
A Note from Mrs. Johnson
Hello, Valley Mills Families,
We are so excited about our Fall Festival coming up this Thursday! The students are voting for the best pumpkin by bringing in their change. The winning pumpkin will be dropped from the top of the fire truck ladder at 6:30. Our second graders will be performing at 7. Please come out and enjoy our Fall Festival with your family. Remember to bring cash, as cards will not be accepted.
Fall break begins October 11, at the end of the day. I hope you are able to enjoy this time with your family. Please make sure your child reads 20 minutes every day and practice their math facts! We don’t want their academics to slip while we’re out of school.
Halloween is fast approaching. Students will be permitted to wear their costumes on October 31st, as long as they are not scary (no blood) and do not have a mask or face paint. We are excited to see the creativity of all the costumes. If you are having trouble obtaining a costume for your child, please call the school and we will make sure your child can participate! We don’t want anyone to feel left out.
I hope all of you have a safe break and we will see you when we return!
Valley Mills Elementary
Principal: Rebecca Johnson
Assistant Principal: Stephanie Werner
Lead Teacher: Jennifer Keller
Treasurer: Sheena Turner
Secretary: Toni Leedy
CIS Coordinator: Kirsti Binette
Nurse: Hailey Music
Email: rkjohnson@decaturproud.org
Website: decaturproud.org
Location: 5101 South High School Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 856-6363
Facebook: facebook.com/Facebook
Twitter: @vmvikes
Dates to Remember:
10/8-2nd Grade Fire Safety
10/10-Fall Festival
10/14-10/18 No School Fall Break
10/21-10/25 Red Ribbon Week
~Monday- Jersey Day
~Tuesday-Hat Day
~Wednesday-Neon Day
~Thursday-PJ Day
~Friday-Red Day
10/24-Fall Picture retakes
10/25-Cool Smiles
10/30-Safe Halloween @ DCHS
10/31-Vision Screening
10/31-Safe Halloween
Fall Festival 10/10 5:30-7:00PM
Pumpkin Painting Contest
Vote on your favorite Pumpkin
In Our Community
4-H Genealogy Project
Julie Ferguson, Decatur Township 4-H Director, is offering a unique opportunity to all Decatur Township students (although this is a 4-H project, you do not have to be a 4-H member to participate). On October 18th, from 10:00am to noon, students are invited to the Decatur Township Library Branch to learn about researching their genealogy. A person with several years of experience in genealogy will teach the students how to use Ancestry.com and will donate paperwork, notebooks, and materials to help the students begin research on their genealogy. Students are asked to bring their own tablet, but four laptop computers will be available to use/share for those without a tablet. Students below grade 3 should have a parent/guardian to help navigate the websites. Questions may be directed to Julie Ferguson at jaferg98@yahoo.com.
Decatur Junior Basketball Association
Sign up @ djba.org
Upward Sports
DC Youth Wrestling Camp
DC Youth Wrestling Camp
Date: Oct 28th-30th
Location: Decatur Central HS Wrestling Room (Enter Door 16)
Time: 6:15pm-7:45pm
Cost: $35
Sign Up: https://dchawks.com/wrestlingcamp/dcyouthwrestlingregistration/
Lunch with some of our township Heros
Our MSD Decatur Township Firefighters will come to Valley Mills the first Friday of every month, on rotation visiting with our 1st-4th graders.
We will be selling popcorn on Fridays during lunch/recess. All proceeds in October will go to our VM staff fund.
Bus Drivers Needed
Bus Drivers Needed
Flexible Hours:
6 am to 9 am and 2 pm to 5 pm
You only work when students are in school
Pay: $16.00 per hour for sub drivers
Free and completed in 6 weeks
Please call 317-856-8060 ext 204
Mark Anderson
Lunch Information
2019-2020 Calendar
From the Board of Education:
It is the Board’s commitment to provide a safe, positive, productive and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. Any individual who believes a student has been or is the victim of discrimination, bullying, or harassment should report the situation to the building principal or designee or complete the School District’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying report form, which is available online at www.decaturproud.org.