Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
July 25, 2021
a note from the principal
We had a great first week at school. Thank you for helping to make it such a successful opening for our students. The energy in the building was great as students and staff are so happy to be together in person and not on Zoom!
Lunch Menu
The lunch menu for the week is posted below. Once a schedule is published by the Food Services department we will make sure it is link in this newsletter, on the Facebook page, and school website. Until then I will be sure to include the menu in this update. Starting next week students will have two choices.
Summer Reading Program
Thank you to all who participated in our library’s summer reading program. We have two winners that earned gift cards to the Regulator Book shop. We appreciate everyone’s hard work. Keep reading!
Kindergarten Color Days
Our kindergarten team is inviting everyone to participate in our Easley Color Days for the next two weeks. Students are encouraged to wear the color of the day as we welcome our newest eagles to the Easley. Please see below for the specific colors for each day.
Covid Guidance DPS Parent Letter
Please read the letter below for the specific health and wellness district protocols as it relates to student sickness and Covid exposure.
Morning Arrival
In an effort to help streamline our morning arrival and the pace of the carline drop-off, it would be helpful to have students gather their belongings and put masks on as you are waiting to pull up to the front of the school. Shaving off a few seconds in each car will have a larger impact for the group as we try to get students out of the car and in the building.
Afternoon Dismissal
We know afternoon dismissal is taking longer than it has in the past. This is happening for a variety of reasons. It is the beginning of the school year and we have 100 new families who are learning how carline works for the first time. We also have more car riders than we had last year when a third of our students were still in remote learning. In additional to the return of all students, we have fewer bus riders this year. I am reaching out to local law enforcement Monday morning to see if they can take a look at traffic patterns and possibly offer assistance as I am hearing there is a long back-up on Guess Road and it is difficult to make a left hand turn on to Lebanon. One way you can help is by staying in your car and pulling off to the side after your child is loaded if they need assistance buckling, as to not hold up the line. Thank you for your patience as we continue to iron out kinks and get the process streamlined.
Bus Transportation
Thank you for your patience with bus transportation as the routes get sorted out and streamlined, as well. Please know it will still take a little time before the buses schedule get gets in a good groove as there are many new stops, new drivers, and new students. If you have specific concerns with timing or questions about bus stops, please contact Northern Transportation 919-560-2877.
Easley PTA
Please consider joining the PTA. Our first meeting will be on July 26th at 6:00 PM via Zoom. I thought we would be able to hold these meetings in person but at this time we are required to hold them on Zoom. I hope to get more information this week. At this meeting we will be discussing and approving this year's budget, planning for the year, and reviewing open positons and sharing volunteer opportunities. You can access the Zoom link in the Sunday email.
2020-2021 School Improvement Team
We did not get any responses for parents interested in serving on the School Improvement Team. Please considering putting your name forward to serve in this capacity. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have specific questions.
We have four parent seats opening up for the 2021-2022 school year. The SIT is the governing body of the school and positions are elected. The team meets once a month on Monday evenings at 5:30-6:30. There is typically one additional meeting as we draft the new School Improvement Plan. The time commitment on this team is minimal beyond the monthly meetings. As a member of the team you will learn a great deal about the inner workings of our school and programs and become a part of the decision making process in terms of budgeting and programming. An electronic ballot will be sent out in next Sunday's update, August 1st, with our first meeting being held on Monday, August 2nd. If you are interested in serving on the SIT, please complete the survey below no later than Friday, July 30th. School Improvement Team Interest Form
Easley Back to School Information
You can view Easley specific inform, including arrival and dismissal procedures in the presentation below:
Easley Elementary Virtual Open House Information
Easley Elementary Open House Information - Español
Meet the Easley Staff
Please click here to learn more about the Easley teachers and staff.
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here. Current monthly promotion is - Save $5 off any order of $35 or more with code HOTSAVINGS
Monday, July 26th
- Kindergarten Color Day - blue
- Lunch: grilled cheese, green beans, applesauce
- PTA Meeting at 6:30 PM via Zoon - link in the Sunday email
Tuesday, July 27th
- Kindergarten Color Day - green
- Lunch: chicken nuggets, fries, pears
Wednesday, July 28th
- Kindergarten Color Day - red
- Lunch: hot dogs and chili on a bun, sweet potato fries, mixed fruit
Thursday, July 29
- Kindergarten Color Day - brown
- Lunch: rotisserie chicken, candied sweet potatoes, dinner roll, peach cobbler
Friday, July 30th
- Kindergarten Color Day - purple
- Lunch: pizza, spinach, peaches