Clow School News
March 6, 2025
School News Highlights
- Important Upcoming Dates
- State Assessments Notification Letters (grades 3-5)
- 5Essentials Survey - Help us Have a Pajama Day!
- Upcoming Anderson's Bookshop Book Fair
- 24-25 School Yearbook Orders
- District 204 Mental Health & Wellness Symposium
- District 204 Volunteer Program Information
- LMC Birthday Book Club
- School Hours
- Reporting Student Absences & Late Arrival Procedures
- School Lunch Menus
- Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
- Arrival & Dismissal Map
- Information on MyStop Mobile App
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, March 7th - School Spirit Day (wear green/gold, Clow Spirit Wear)
Wednesday, March 19th - 2nd Grade Musical Performance (details coming soon!)
Friday, March 21st - End of Quarter Three
March 31st - April 4th - No School (Spring Break)
Thursday, April 10th - PTA Bingo for Books
Friday, April 11th - School Spirit day (wear green/gold, Clow Spirit Wear)
Wednesday, April 16th - PTA Meeting (9:30 am, LMC)
Friday, April 18th - No School
Wednesday, April 23rd - Chorus Concert (4:30 pm)
State Assessments Notification Letters (Grades 3-5)
Please use the attached links to review the notification letters regarding upcoming testing that will take place for students in Grades 3-5.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will participate in either the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) or the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment (DLM-AA). 5th Grade students will also take the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA).
5Essentials Survey - Now Open!
Help us reach our goal today!
Parents across Illinois have the opportunity to participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey was designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child's school from the perspective of teachers, parents, and students. As a parent, your voice is essential! All survey responses will be kept confidential.
To take the parent survey:
1. Visit IL 5Essentials Survey Link
2. Type and select “Dupage” as "County." (The county is the location of the school district's main office.)
3. Type your school's name into the "School" field and select your school.
We need your help to reach our goal of at least 20% of parents sharing their feedback! If we meet our goal, we'll have a SCHOOL-WIDE PAJAMA DAY! As an added incentive, if we reach 50%, classes will earn an EXTRA recess, too!
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Upcoming Anderson's Bookshop Book Fair
Spring is in the air & our LMC is excited to host an Anderson’s Bookshop book fair!
March 18th-21st
There will be books for every type of reader and interest level.
Please consider shopping and adding some favorite titles to your home library.
All purchases benefit our school!
*Please Note:
- This will be a NO TAX fair. The price listed on the item is what you pay!
- Payments accepted: Cash, Credit or Checks
(**Please make checks payable to Clow Elementary)
Shopping Hours:
*All book fair shoppers need to enter and exit at Door1 for the duration of the week.
- March 18 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm)
- March 19 (9:00 am - 6:00 pm)
*If you are shopping the fair before the 2nd grade spring musical on 3/19, please exit door 1 and reenter at Door 10 for the performance. (Doors open at 4:15.) If you intend to shop the fair after the performance, please exit Door 10 and reenter at Door 1.
- March 20 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm)
- March 21 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Students will have a chance to preview the fair and will bring home a wish list beforehand. They may shop during the school day Tuesday through Friday.
Thank you!
24-25 School Yearbook Orders
You can now place an order for your child's 2024-2025 yearbook. Don't miss out on all the fun memories from this school year. Order your copy today using this link: book | HR Imaging Partners. You will need to type in "Robert Clow Elementary School" and your student's first and last name before being directed to the order form. The order deadline is Friday, March 28th. We will not be able to accept any late orders, so please be sure to get yours in before the deadline. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our school office.
District 204 Mental Health & Wellness Symposium
District 204, in collaboration with five neighboring school districts, will hold the 3rd Annual Mental Health and Wellness Symposium on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at Metea Valley High School from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm. The keynote will be presented by Doug Bolton, author, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Director of School Consultation for Formative Psychological Services. The symposium will include breakout sessions for students and adults, a community resource fair, a book fair, and childcare for ages 3-10. The first 500 adult attendees will receive a free copy of Doug Bolton's book - Untethered: Creating Connected Families, Schools, and Communities to Raise a Resilient Generation. The first 200 student attendees will receive a free t-shirt. New this year - experience sessions for adults and students and a complimentary boxed lunch for all attendees. For more information, visit ipsd.org/symposium or register here.
District 204 Volunteer Program Information
District 204 is pleased to announce the launch of a district-wide volunteer tracking program using the Raptor Technologies system, in alignment with our Strategic Plan. This program aims to promote and recruit volunteers across the district to support areas such as Boosters, Fine Arts, LMC, PTA, and IPPC events.
All volunteers must complete the district's original volunteer form and a new online application via the Raptor Technologies system. Upload the original volunteer form into the online application. Access the forms on our Volunteer Program webpage. This process ensures consistency across all district schools.
If you have questions about the program, please contact Jeannie Dina, Assistant Director of Community Relations, at jeannie_dina@ipsd.org.
LMC Birthday Book Club
Are you looking for a great way to celebrate your child’s birthday at school? Whether your child already had a birthday this school year, or it is coming up... Clow LMC has the answer! You can donate a book to Clow’s LMC to honor your student AND help build our library collection!
Here are two ways to participate:
1. Go to Amazon.com. Use the following link to access our wishlist:
https://a.co/3hgh2n9. You will find books to add to our library collection to purchase for the LMC. The book(s) will be sent directly to our school from Amazon. It's that easy!
2. Fill out the Birthday Book Club permission slip that came home and return to school at your earliest convenience. If you have misplaced that form, please send an email to nicole_fader@ipsd.org letting me know your student is able to participate. Shortly thereafter, you will see a $15 fee in PushCoin. Your student will be able to come to the LMC and select a brand-new book that we are eager to add to our collection!
With either choice, I will add your student’s picture inside the front cover of the book commemorating the donation and hang his/her picture on the wall of the LMC.
Thank you for considering this program! If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me @ nicole_fader@ipsd.org.
School Hours
Regular school hours are 9:05 am – 3:35 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students may begin arriving each of these days at 8:50 am.
Wednesday school hours are 9:15 am – 3:35 pm. This late start allows time for staff to engage in professional development opportunities. All arrival procedures, student supervision, and bus service will be delayed by 10 minutes every Wednesday of the school year.
Reporting Student Absences & Late Arrival Procedures
When students arrive to school on time, they are able to follow their classroom routine and get the day off to a great start. We do understand that situations may arise that can impact a child arriving to school on time. If you know your child will be arriving to school late on any given day, due to an appointment or other obligation, we encourage you to make the classroom teacher aware of the expected late arrival as well as ask that you contact our school office. Students arriving late to school should come to the front, main entrance doors. A parent/guardian must come in with the student to sign him/her into the office and share the reason for late arrival. Students should not be dropped off without an adult. Thank you for your assistance in getting your child(ren) to school on time each day!