S.O.A.R Weekly
Freedom Park Newsletter
Welcome Back!
On behalf of our faculty and staff, I would like to officially welcome new and returning students to the 2020-2021 school year-whether attending virtually or in person! While there are some changes such as new social-distancing in our classrooms, fewer students in the building, and mandatory face-coverings when traveling in large groups and social-distancing is not possible we have no doubt this will be a fantastic year at Freedom Park School.
Dr. Titania L. Singh
Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form
Please Complete Form
Bus Stop Finder
Meal Delivery for Virtual Students
Parent Conferences
Progress Reports - September 29th
Early Release - October 8th
No School - Fall Break October 9th - 12th
Arrival and Dismissal Tips
Arrival Procedures
Arrival Time:
Please do not drop students off before 6:50 am. Please use the carline (at the rear of the school) to drop off students. Do not use the parking lot in front of our building or the bus lane to drop students off. This is an unsafe practice.
Early PickUps
Classroom Interruptions
Constantly calling rooms for dismissal so that individuals can “beat the lines” interrupts the last minutes of instruction and confuses our students. It is also hard for students to hear all calls due to the movement in the building. We will not call students for dismissal after 1:45pm.
Poor Attendance
Checking students out early results is a tardy even if it is a few minutes before dismissal. Three tardies result in an absents. The school day ends at 2:30 pm. Please help us to keep a great attendance record.
Hassle Free Dismissal Tips
The following are tips to make your dismissal experience pleasant.
Dismissal by Surname. Please use the last name of your oldest student.
- If your last name begins with A-M please arrive at 2:15 for the car line and wait patiently in your car.
- If your last name begins with N-Z please arrive at 2:30. The lines will be much shorter and you will have less time to wait in your car.
- Talk with your student about moving quickly to the carline when they are called for dismissal. While we understand the need for goodbyes and last minute conversations, it is not conducive to an efficient dismissal.
There are no parent walkups or pickups from the front office to walk home with your students. This is in an effort to keep our staff and students safe in this COVID season. #keepemsafe
Communication @ Freedom Park
- Weekly newsletter
- School website: www.rcboe.org/freedompark
- Robocalls/ Robotext
- School Dojo
- Class Dojo (please contact your teacher)
- Remind (please contact your teacher)
- Social Media Pages
EFMP - ABA Therapy
Presenter: Stephanie A. Northington, PhD.
Call 706/ 791-3579 to register.