The Owl Post
September 2, 2024
Dear Vernon Community,
Hello Vernon Families and Friends,
I am happy to report we have had a successful first week back at school! It was great to see so many returning students, as well as welcome many new families to the Vernon community. Vernon staff will continue to do all they can to help make learning meaningful for our students, while at the same time, juggling all that it takes to get the year off to a great start.
Each week we will send out an Owl Post email with important information, updates on the week, and upcoming events you should be aware of. It will include information about curriculum, specials, staff, and other features. Our PTA will include information as well.
We began the year with just over 570 stuednts. We are excited to start the year with so many wonderful Vernon Owls! We look forward to a great year of meaningful learning with our students and families.
Below you will find some helpful information to help navigate various aspects of the school.
Vernon Proud!
Ben Keefer
Bell Schedule for 2024-2025
8:38am – PYP & MYP (K-8th) First Bell
8:45am – PYP & MYP (K-8th) Classes Begins
*Breakfast is available for all Vernon students in the cafe from 8:20-8:40am.
3:15pm – PYP (K-5th) Dismissal Bussers and walkers waiting for older siblings will wait with staff in the garden/MPR until MYP (6-8) dismissal
3:30pm – MYP (6-8th) Dismissal
School Office Hours
7:30am – 4:30pm – School Office Hours
School Visitors and Volunteers
Currently, families are allowed into the building to drop off or pick up their student/s. We welcome volunteers at Vernon. If you wish to be a school volunteer, all the needed information and links can be found here.
If you do want to visit the school, you will need to make an appointment and check in at the Vernon office. While on the premises, you will need to wear a visitor's identification badge. You will be stopped by staff if you are not wearing a visitor’s badge. For those dropping off and picking up students, you do not need a badge or to check in with the office. Due to health and safety issues, pets from home are not allowed in the building.
If you are interested in being a SMART reading volunteer and reading with our students one-on-one on a weekly basis, please email vernon@getsmartoregon.org.
Other volunteer opportunities can be set up directly with classroom teachers and will be offered in our weekly newsletter “The Owl Post.”
Student Building Access Before and After School
Students should not arrive at school earlier than 8:20 AM, as there is no student supervision before 8:20am. Students eating breakfast should use the Cafeteria entrance on NE 22nd Avenue between 8:20 AM and 8:40 AM. For students who are not eating breakfast:
- 6-8 students must enter through the back SW playground doors from 8:38 AM - 8:45 AM.
- K-5 students are asked to enter the doors designated for them. Grades 4 and 5 enter the NE Killingsworth main doors. Grades 2-3 enter the SE blacktop doors. Grades K and 1 enter the doors in the middle of the building on Killingsworth. All K-5 students can enter these designated doors from 8:38 AM - 8:45 AM. Students arriving after 8:45 will need to enter the building through the main entrance near the office.
Expect to see the Principal and Assistant Principal, as well as other Vernon staff greeting students and families each morning. SUN School and YMCA students may re-enter the building through the Cafeteria entrance on NE 22nd Avenue.
Kindergarten Pick Up: Parent/guardian and/or approved individuals pick up students from their classrooms at 3:15pm.
Grades 1-8 Dismissal: Teachers escort students to the playground for dismissal at 3:15pm. Brothers, sisters and friends who are going to walk home together should arrange a meeting spot outside the building where they can wait for one another. Parents can meet students on the playground. Students in grades 6-8 stop by their lockers before proceeding to the playground. K-5 students who are not walking home on their own and are not picked up by 3:22 will walk with their teacher to the office so they can call their families.
Car Pick Up: We ask that car pick ups please turn off your car engine while waiting for student dismissal and observe the no parking and bus only signs. All car pick-ups of students should take place on NE Emerson Street (directly behind the playground) rather than on NE Killingsworth Street due to safety reasons.
Transportation: If your child will ride the bus to school, please review the schedule to determine the time and location to catch the bus each day. Bus schedules can change as deemed necessary by transportation. The following link will take you to the most current bus stop information. Bus Route Information (https://sites.google.com/pps.net/gt-bus-schedule//)
SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) After School Program
Vernon is proud to be a SUN Community School. SUN’s primary activities are considered to be extended-day academic and enrichment programs that are linked with the school day. Some examples of these after-school enrichment classes include music, art, drama, dance, STEAM, gardening, mentoring, homework help, recreational sports and fitness, computer and technology classes and leadership opportunities. Families are also brought together for fun family evening events throughout the school year.
YMCA Before/After School Care
The YMCA will be in the Cafeteria. If your student will attend the YMCA, please park at the gate entrance on NE 22nd Ave. for drop off and pick up. This will give you direct access to the Cafeteria. The YMCA will be offering before and after school child care at Vernon for grades K-6. To register, call 503-223-9622 or email ychildcare@ymcacw.org Fees are based on a sliding scale.
Student Cell Phone Use
The policy for cell phone use for PYP (K-5) students is: cell phones and devices are off and away the entire school day.
The policy for cell phone use for MYP (6-8) students is: cell phones and devices are off and away the entire day, with the exception of recess and lunch. Students are allowed to use their phones in the cafeteria and outside at recess. We will be monitoring and revisiting this policy as needed if phone use becomes a distraction to learning and student climate.
This means that no cell phones should be out in the hallways, classrooms, or bathrooms at Vernon. If a student violates the policy, the following steps will be taken:
- 1st violation- Phone will be confiscated and turned into the office to be picked up at the end of the day by the student.
- 2nd violation- Phone will be confiscated and parents will have to pick up the phone in the office.
- Repeated violatiuoins will result in a plan set up for phone check in.
If your student needs to reach you, they need to come to the office to make the call, so the office is aware of any emergency or concern. Please do not engage in phone or text conversations with your child during the school day. Instead, please contact the Main Office at 503-916-6415
Upcoming Events
Back to School Night
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024, 06:00 PM
Vernon K-8 School, Northeast Killingsworth Street, Portland, OR, USA
Did you know our school goes through 14,000 pencils and 900 boxes of tissues each year?!
This year the PTA has compiled the supplies lists from all teachers, to be able to place a bulk order for supplies for all students. The cost per student comes to about $40, but feel free to donate what you can toward the fund. If you're interested in sponsoring a student, feel free to add on to your order! All supplies will be available for every class, (including headphones), so all you'll need to send with your kids to school is a water bottle and a backpack!
(And a change of clothes for the younger grades.)
Just trying to take something off your to-do list!
Visit the PTA store to contribute to the fund!