Monday, October 7, 2024
Tuesday, October 8th is World Dyslexia Awareness Day. We would love for you to wear RED Tuesday as a way to help promote the understanding of dyslexia and show support to our students with dyslexia. The color red was chosen as a way to reclaim the color.
The dreaded red, which we’ve all seen throughout our education. The red marker used to highlight the mistakes of our work is all too familiar for dyslexics around the world. Dyslexia groups have chosen red to take back its meaning and globally promote dyslexia awareness in a fun and positive way.
- Doors open at 7:25 am
- Be in the car rider line no later than 7:45 am in the morning. We will close the line at 7:45 to ensure that our staff has time to make it to their teaching assignments and ready for students. After 7:45, parents will need to PARK and walk the student inside to the front office. Please refrain from dropping students in the parking lot and letting them walk in. This practice is not safe.
- Refrain from using your cell phone in the car rider line
- Afternoon car rider line will close for cars to enter at 3:10 pm. Remember, the end of our school day is 3:00 pm.
- Please STAY INSIDE the car. The staff will unload and load the student from the passenger side
- Please pull into the parking lot if you need to help your child buckle up, so that you do not hold up the carline.
- Wait for the staff to move all 12 cars forward. Please do not go around cars in the car rider line.
IMPORTANT: Please remember, there is no picking up of students in the front office after 2:30 pm. If a parent is not in the car rider line by the designated time, they can enter the office, but will need to wait until those who are in the car rider line are served. We will release car riders from the front office desk after the car rider line is finished. Please understand that this is us respecting the many families who are following campus procedures. With 1100+ students there is no immediate pick up system for students.
All students at YES in grades K-5 are eligible for Katy ISD transportation. We have many of our students taking transportation to/from school each day. In order to help with our traffic in the area, you may want to consider bus services.
Katy ISD will continue with the bus rider tracking system, SMART tag on all of our buses. Parents will be able to monitor their child's ridership and bus route through the SMART Tag Parent Web Portal. The system will enable parents, bus drivers, and school administrators, to review in real-time when and where a student is picked up or dropped off by a school bus. Student identification (ID) cards for eligible riders will include the SMART Tag ID information. Buses will be equipped with a tablet that will read each student’s ID every time they enter and exit their bus.
If your student is a bus rider, look for the white route number on the side of the bus when tracking their bus this school year! And make sure to download the Smart tag™ app from your mobile Google Play Store or Apple App Store! The Smart Tag app allows parents to set their preferred notifications, including when their child’s bus is expected to arrive. You can also see when and where your student boards and exits the bus.
Our PTA is always looking for parents to support our children and staff. Support could be from near or far. Please consider supporting our campus by becoming a member of our PTA.
There will be several opportunities this year to get involved.
Memberships are so vital for helping the PTA work in partnership with the school to make great things happen for our learning community.
Please click on the link below to volunteer for a Watch D.O.G.S. day at YES. On scheduled day, dads should plan to arrive with ID between 7:15 and 7:25 to check in at the front office. Watch D.O.G.S. can bring their lunch or purchase lunch in the café.
Sign Up Genius - Watch D.O.G.S.
Reminder, all dads will need to complete the Katy ISD Volunteer Registration through Raptor and purchase a Watch D.O.G.S. shirt prior to your scheduled day.
- Register as a volunteer through Raptor (District Volunteer Application)
- Order Watch D.O.G.S shirt WATCHDOGS (dadsofgreatstudents.com)
Looking forward to having our Watch D.O.G.S. on campus.
Please only sign up for one day.
Dates to know:
Tuesday, October 8th
- World Dyslexia Awareness Day - Wear RED
- 1st Read, Deed, Run Meeting (for those registered) 3:30 pm-4:45 pm
Monday, October 14th
- NO SCHOOL Students/Staff
Tuesday, October 15th
- Wear Crazy Socks-Digital Citizenship
Wednesday, October 16th
Thursday, October 17th
- Wear your favorite sports gear--Media Balance
Friday, October 18th
- End of 1st nine weeks
- House Rally- Wear your House shirts/gear
Monday, October 21st
- 2nd nine weeks begins
Wednesday, October 30th
- Character Parade @ 9:30 am (park along the street on Longenbaugh)
- TRUNK-R-TREAT at Freeman High School (more information to come)