Decatur Virtual Weekly Update
Director's Corner
Dear Decatur Virtual Family,
The semester is winding down. There are only five more weeks of instruction before Finals Week at Georgia Virtual School. Final exam week is November 30-December 5. Remember that this school year, final exams will need to be proctored. We will post the finals week schedule for in-person and online proctoring opportunities in this newsletter next week. You will have to plan so that your exams can be proctored.
I encourage everyone to catch up and work ahead so that you can enjoy a work-free Thanksgiving break. It is exactly one month away. Please put in that extra time each week so that you are not leaving all your work to the last minute.
Ms. Whatley
DVA Events and News
October Meet Up: Bowling at Comet Lanes
Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024, 12:15 PM
1458 Church Street, Decatur, GA, USA
More Meet Up Dates
DVA has meet ups each month on early release days. There will not be check ins or student sessions on these days so that our kids will be free to attend. We hope all students will take advantage of these opportunities to meet up and interact with peers and adults each month. They will all be at noon unless otherwise noted at various locations around Decatur. Please mark your calendars:
Additional early release days:
Nov 22, 2024, Noon. Ebster Recreation Center 105 Electric Ave. The theme of this meet up is Thanksgiving. Let Ms. Whatley know if there is anyone you feel grateful for that you would like to invite. Come have some snacks, play some games, enjoy being with other DVA kids in person.
January 22, 2025
February 26, 2025
March 26, 2025
April 30, 2025
We had a great time in August and September. We look forward to seeing you in October!
Sign Up for DVA by Choice for Spring
The form to sign up for spring semester is open until December 6, 2024. Parents/guardians who want their student to attend DVA by choice in the spring semester need to complete the online interest and contract form by the first week in December. This contract is for students new to DVA or those who were not by choice for fall semester and wish to continue in DVA for the spring semester.
Counseling Corner
DVA students in grades 6, 7, 9 and 10 completed the BASC-3 BESS survey in their WIN (6th, 7th) and Tools for Success (9th, 10th) classes this week.
Do you have a question, concern, or need to set up an appointment with your DVA school counselor? To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jones, use this easy booking link: https://drkimberlyrjones.youcanbook.me/
DVA Resources
Presentations from First Week Events
Missed a Meeting? All the information is here:
Calendar and Important Dates
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Holidays
November 30-December 6: Final Exams Week
December 13-14: STAR Reading and Math
December 9-10: Milestones Winter EOC TestingDecember 10: Pearson Classes End
December 12: Final Grades Released
DVA Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
DVA Brochure
Be sure to sign the honor contract!
School and Community News
Please see your school newsletter for important news from your home school and CSD.