Cen10 DP Parent Fast Facts
A quick newsletter to keep DP parents informed
A Message from your IB Coordinator for August 2024
Welcome to a New School Year!
Good morning Huskies! I hope you all enjoyed your summer break and are ready for the new year! Please carefully read through each section of the newsletter for the most up-to-date information we can provide at this time.
As we continue to work towards a smooth transition this year, we ask for your patience and understanding. The decisions made by your Centennial Husky Administration, Counseling and teachers directly impacts 2800 students (not just IB). These decisions are carefully weighed and considered for the greater good of our entire school population (not just IB).
We strive to have a positive year for ALL students and our school community and appreciate your patience while decisions to ensure this is finalized.
Individual Course Schedules
All IB Diploma Program candidates have carefully considered schedules that meet both CA state graduation requirements and IB Diploma Program requirements. Changes to this schedules can have a direct impact on both.
When making scheduling requests please know that it must be approved by both IB Coordinator and Counselors to ensure we do not compromise your ability to attain your IB Diploma.
Schedules will NOT be amended for the reasons listed below:
- match your schedule with your friends
- request a specific lunch period, class period or teacher
- simply cannot be done within the structure of the Centennial HS system
Just as college classes are pre-set and fixed, our schedules are likewise locked! When classes get full at the university, students must amend their selections and make it work. We are mimicking the same issues here with over 2800 students on campus. We must consider the needs of all students (not just IB).
Thank you for your patience and understanding that we are simply unable to honor ALL requests. It's not realistic nor feasible.
Dedicated IB Counselors
I am thrilled to announce that for the first time in our Centennial IB History that we have TWO counselors dedicating themselves to our IB program! This is a phenomenal change in our program as it allows us to ensure that all schedules will meet CA state graduation requirements, IB program requirements and offer robust supports when it comes time for college applications, personal statements, FAFSA and more!
Please join me in welcoming Ms. Kanani (Hike) Sole and Mrs. Alexis Goddard to our team! More information on each of these fabulous individuals pending! They will also be contributors to our newsletter so you can stay up to date with all these counseling!
IB Diploma Requirements
In order to earn the formal IB Diploma, candidates must:
- Test in 6 subject areas with no more than 2 SL in their junior year
- Complete their TOK Essay
- Complete their Extended Essay with a C or better as scored by IBO
- Complete their 150 CAS hours including project (to be discussed in DP Core)
- accumulate a minimum of 24 points on exams (30 points for UC/CSU schools)
- accumulate a minimum of 12 points on HL exams as part of the minimum 24 points
- Complete Internal Asssessments in each class which will be scored as 20-30% of their exam grade by IBO
IB Candidates who miss one or more of those minimum requirements will not be awarded their IB Diploma. The work starts now! Let's get it!
The IB Diploma Program Education and Value
IB Team Calendar
Parents: You can help by reminding them to check in on this calendar, advocate for themselves in class and help them balance their outside obligations and responsibilities. We are focused on developing healthy, happy and balanced life long learners!
Please be advised, these dates are subject to change!
Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS)
Ask your students what ideas they may have to complete their CAS requirements!
Plan Ahead: Exam Fee Waiver
Sheila Nguyen
Physics Teacher
Email: sheila.nguyen@cnusd.k12.ca.us
Location: 1820 Rimpau Avenue, Corona, CA, USA
Phone: 951-739-5670