Hilhi Newsletter
January 21, 2023
How our athletes preformed in the state competition
Congratulations to State Champion Wrestler Preston Echeverria at the 182 pound division.
Congratulations to other State Placers:
Sebastian Echeverria 3rd place at 220 pounds
Jaden Echeverria 3rd Place at the 285 pound division
Skylar Salzman 5th place at the 138 pound division
Congratulations to other Boys Wrestlers who represented Hilhi at State:
James Blackwell, Brian Walker and Gregory Wallace
Congratulations to Girls Wrestling State Placers:
Nina DeLeon 4th Place at 100 pounds
Kyla Badua 4th place at 130
Congratulations to other Girls Wrestlers who represented Hilhi at State:
Maria Siquina Can, Natalie De Leon, Namulondo O'Donnell and Rebecca McGee
Congratulations to Champion 100 Meter All Level Para Freestyle
Ruth Gongora
2nd Place in the All Level Para 50 Freestyle
Ruth Gongora
Also representing Hilhi at the State Swim Championships
Charlie smith
Smarter Balanced State Assessments
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Here is some important news about this year’s statewide assessments for English language arts and mathematics. Oregon adopted national standards called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to elevate academic expectations for our students in grades K-12. With the CCSS, Oregon students are now gaining important critical-thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills, and we, as educators, now have a template that clearly identifies what students should know by the end of each grade and what to do if they are not quite where they should be.
To accurately measure our students’ learning as well as help our educators pinpoint areas in need of improvement, we use the Smarter Balanced State Assessments (also known as SBAC or SBA) in English/Language Arts and mathematics, which are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. These tests provide an academic check-up and are designed to help teachers and parents know whether students are on track to be career- and college-ready by the time they graduate. Student performance on these assessments helps teachers and school leaders do a better job of making sure your child receives the best education possible.
Smarter Balanced assessments offer significant improvements over other types of assessments including writing at every grade, a variety of question types, and Performance Tasks that ask students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world problems. SBA includes question formats that allow students to demonstrate a broad set of skills, like critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical writing rather than just regurgitating facts.
At Hillsboro School District, students in 11th grade will take the Smarter Balanced tests sometime between March and the end of the school year. Tentative dates are ELA week of April 17th, Math Week of April 24th, Science Week of May 1st. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have about state testing this year. If you would like to quickly access more information about SBA, visit the Hillsboro School District website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/Page/2291
Mr. Montes
After school tutoring
Athletics Updates
Monday, February 27
4:15 JV Girls Basketball vs Hood River - Dismiss 3:15
4:15 JV Boys Basketball vs Hood River - Dismiss 3:15
5:45 9th Boys Basketball vs Hood River
5:45 Varsity Boys Basketball vs Hood River
7:15 Varsity Girls Basketball vs Hood River - Senior Night
Tuesday, February 28
4:15 9th Boys Basketball vs Parkrose - Dismiss 3:15
5:45 JV Boys Basketball vs Parkrose
7:15 Varsity Boys Basketball vs Parkrose - Senior Night
5:30 JV Girls Basketball @ Parkrose - Dismiss 3:00/Depart 3:15
7:15 Varsity Girls Basketball @ Parkrose - Depart 4:30
Wednesday, March 1
6:30 Unified Basketball vs Century - Senior Night
Black Village Family Advisory Committee
College and Career News
Many Scholarships have application deadlines between now and March 1
OSAC Scholarships Link - Apply multiple scholarships with just one application! Over 600 scholarships for Oregonians here. Opens Nov 1, Due March 1, 2023
HHS Scholarships Link Ever changing list of scholarship opportunities that come to the College and Career Center at Hilhi
Check the schools which you have applied to for scholarships and deadlines - Many of these deadlines are between now and March 1
Need Help? Come to the College & Career Center
Steps to receive maximum financial aid for students potentially going to PCC or any community college (these steps can be done in any order and are free to do)
1. Complete Financial Aid Applications
FAFSA or ORSAA link - All students and their families considering education after high school (college, university, community college, trade schools) should fill out either the FAFSA or ORSAA as soon as possible.
Not sure which form to fill out for your situation - check here
2. Apply to Portland Community College
PCC Application Link - PCC has opened admissions, apply now to gain access to PCC specific scholarships before others! No cost to apply to community college.
3. Complete Oregon Promise Application
Oregon Promise Link for additional funding (free money) for Oregon residents for community college
Remember you will never get admitted to a school that you do not apply to and don’t leave money on the table by not applying for financial aid or scholarships!
Juniors - Career Related Learning Experience Opportunities (Open to all Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors)
Juniors - remember you need to complete a CRLE this year for part of your career development credit.
The Washington County Chamber of Commerce has just released its most recent events - use this link or come to the College and Career Center to register
Construction Consulting/Management - Feb 23 - 1:15 PM to 2:55 PM Location: Zoom
Airline Pilot - Mar 2 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: Washington County Chamber of Commerce
PGE Electric Safety Specialist - March 23 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Location: Zoom (online)
Theater Careers - April 20 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Location: Zoom (online)
Sophomores and Juniors: Early College Application Openings
The Early College application is open for current 10th and 11th graders. This is an opportunity for students to complete their junior and/or senior years at PCC, earning high school and college credit. The program is designed for students that might have barriers to accessing college. Students and a guardian must attend an Information Session. Please see the resources below for more information.
Early College Family information Sessions:
***All in-person sessions will be held in the school library. All students/families are welcome to attend any session regardless of where they attend school.
All sessions will be held in both English/Spanish:
Tuesday, January 12, 2023 @ Century @6:00-7:00pm
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - Virtual @ 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Thursday, February 2, 2023 @ Glencoe @ 6:00-7:00pm
Monday, February 13, 2023 @ Hilhi @ 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday, March 2, 2022 @ Liberty @ 6:00-7:00pm
Class of 2023 Information
Caps, Gowns, Tassel information:
We will have Caps, Gowns, and Tassels to lend to students who are unable to purchase their own. More information will be shared at our next senior class meeting in January.
Class of 2023 Information:
Class of 2023 Important Dates: Please review the list of important dates for the class of 2023 LINK. Note all dates are tentative, please check our school website and calendar for the most updated information.
Este es un momento emocionante y ocupado para nuestros estudiantes y sus familias. Queremos brindarle información importante sobre eventos para personas mayores y fechas límite para el año. Hemos tentativamente todos los eventos que normalmente tendríamos. ¡Estos son eventos planeados para ayudar a las familias mayores a navegar el último año y también dar tiempo para honrar y celebrar el trabajo de la Clase de 2023! LINK
Cap and Gown Ordering information
Grad-plan meetings:
Parents/Guardians of seniors who are not currently on track to graduate in June will be contacted during the month of October to schedule a Graduation Planning meeting. This meeting will be in person with Parents/Guardians, seniors, and the 12th-grade Support Team (Morgan Quimby- Assistant Principal, Carl Almquist- 12th-grade Counselor, and Rosa Rodriguez 12th-grade Graduation Coach)
Stay Connected Using ParentVUE and StudentVUE
ParentVUE is a web portal that allows parents to access real-time information related to their student's education progress. Parents/Guardians can view their student's attendance, grades, assignments, and more. ParentVUE offers a single sign-on to view school information for all enrolled students, regardless of their grade level or school of attendance. ParentVUE is also used at the start of each school year to verify student and parent/guardian contact information.
Don’t yet have a ParentVUE account?
If you have not yet set up a ParentVUE account, the first step is to obtain a ParentVUE Activation Key from your student’s school. Once school is back in session, contact your student’s school via phone or email and request an activation key. Once you have obtained an activation key, go to this linked website and follow the instructions for creating a ParentVUE account: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/Page/2051
Already have a ParentVUE account but forgot your password?
If you already have a ParentVUE account, but have forgotten your password, go to the ParentVUE login page here:
https://myvue.cascadetech.org/hillsboro/PXP2_Login.aspx and click the “Reset Password” link on the ParentVUE login page. Sometimes accounts become disabled due to incorrect login attempts or other security reasons. To reactivate your account, call your student’s school.
Is ParentVUE in multiple languages?
Yes! ParentVUE can be viewed in English or Español. Click on the English or Español link in the lower right corner of the login screen to change language.
What is StudentVUE and how does my student access it?
StudentVUE allows students to access their class schedule, assignments, grades, and more. Students access StudentVUE using their school username and password. If your student is new to the district, they will be issued their username and password once school has started.
What is Online Registration/Verification and why is it important?
Throughout the year, your student’s school and the district will be reaching out to families via emails, phone, and Remind messages/texts when there is important information to share, so ensuring that we have your current contact information is extremely important. Beginning on August 16, you should login to your ParentVUE account, open Online Registration, then select the 2022-23 Verification option to review and update your family information. You can access Online Registration/Verification in both the web and mobile app versions of ParentVUE. Instructions: https://bit.ly/3iPuvWh
Esté Conectado Usando las Cuentas de ParentVue y StudentVue
ParentVUE es un portal en internet que permite a los padres tener acceso a información actualizada relacionada con el progreso educativo de sus hijos. En este portal los padres/tutores pueden ver la asistencia, calificaciones, tareas y mucho más sobre su estudiante. ParentVUE ofrece un inicio de sesión único en el cual ven la información escolar de todos sus estudiantes inscritos, independientemente de su nivel de grado o la escuela a la que asisten. ParentVUE también se usa al comienzo de cada año escolar para verificar la información de contacto del estudiante y de sus padres/tutores.
¿Aún no tiene una cuenta de ParentVUE?
Si aún no ha hecho una cuenta de ParentVUE, el primer paso es obtener la clave de activación de ParentVUE en la escuela de su estudiante. Cuando la escuela vuelva a estar en sesión después de las vacaciones, comuníquese con ellos por teléfono o correo electrónico y solicite su clave de activación. Una vez que haya obtenido esta clave de activación, vaya al siguiente sitio en la internet y siga las instrucciones para crear su cuenta de ParentVUE:
¿Tiene una cuenta de ParentVUE pero olvidó su contraseña?
Si ya tiene una cuenta de ParentVUE, pero ha olvidado su contraseña, vaya a la página de inicio de sesión de ParentVUE aquí: https://myvue.cascadetech.org/hillsboro/PXP2_Login.aspx y haga clic en el enlace "Restablecer contraseña". A veces, también las cuentas se desactivan/deshabilitan debido a varios intentos de inicio de sesión incorrectos u otras razones de seguridad. Para reactivar/rehabilitar su cuenta, necesitará comunicarse con la escuela de su estudiante.
¿Está disponible ParentVUE en varios idiomas?
¡Sí! ParentVUE se puede ver en inglés o español. Haga clic en el enlace English o Español que está ubicado en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla de inicio de sesión para cambiar el idioma.
¿Qué es StudentVUE y cómo lo accede mi estudiante?
StudentVUE permite a los estudiantes acceder y ver su horario de clases, tareas, calificaciones y más. Los estudiantes entran a su cuenta de StudentVUE usando su nombre de usuario y contraseña de la escuela. Si su estudiante es nuevo en el distrito, se le proporcionará su nombre de usuario y contraseña una vez que haya comenzado la escuela.
¿Qué es el registro/verificación en línea y por qué es importante?
A lo largo del año, la escuela de su estudiante y el distrito escolar se comunican con las familias a través de correos electrónicos, por teléfono y por mensajes de recordatorio/textos cuando hay información importante para compartir, por lo cual es extremadamente importante asegurarse de que tengamos su información de contacto actualizada. A partir del 16 de agosto,ya podrá iniciar sesión en su cuenta de ParentVUE, abrir el Registro en línea y luego seleccionar la opción de Verificación 2022-23 para revisar y actualizar la información de su familia. Puede ingresar al registro/verificación en línea tanto en la versión web como en la aplicación móvil de ParentVUE. Instrucciones: https://bit.ly/3iPuvWh