Discovery Update
SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
Educational Model Survey
Dear Families;
This is a reminder to please complete the learning model survey regarding your plans for the learning model you would choose for your child when we reopen in-person school. You should have received a automated call today also, but I thought it might help to resend the information below in case you need to locate the survey or directions. If you have already filled it out, thank you! You do not need to do anything else. We need this information by tomorrow so we can be ready for your child's needs..
As the COVID data and numbers improve in Pierce County, we, along with all the Pierce County districts, are making plans for a ‘hybrid, in-person learning model’.
Please select the best learning model for your child from the two choices below. Please understand that it’s very likely, that as we move to two types of learning models, your child may have a different teacher or teachers. At Discovery we will do our best to keep children in the same room and honor parent input, but this may not be possible in all cases. Decisions will will be based upon our staffing survey and the results of this family survey.
This link will take you to Skyward, where each family will need to login and complete the survey for each child in your household.
We have also provided step by step instructions for accessing Skyward and the survey.
The survey includes the following questions:
The best learning model for my child will be:
- In-person, hybrid learning model. This model has students at school, in-person, two days a week, Tuesday-Friday, alternating every other day (T/TH, W/F). Mondays will stay as they are now. Students will be in remote learning, with lessons/work designed by teachers, for the other two days of the week. We will follow our ‘normal’ bell schedules. Students may have a different teacher or teachers. We will prioritize having family members being on the same A/B schedule. Strict health and safety protocols will be followed for students returning to in person hybrid instruction. This includes 6 foot social distancing, wearing face coverings, hand washing and sanitizing, as well as daily health attestations. Buildings will be cleaned and disinfected each day.
- Full-time online learning model. Students will remain in our present online learning model. A third party provider may be needed for certain grade levels and classes. Families should know that not all classes are available with distance learning, and it is likely that students will have a different teacher or teachers. If a family selects distance learning, this choice will remain in effect for the remainder of the semester. Details for distance learning will be finalized once the exact number of interested families is determined.
We also need input regarding transportation.
If you are selecting the in-person, hybrid learning model, please let us know:
- My child will be riding the bus.
- My child will not be riding the bus.
Next steps: Once survey data is received from all families, new schedules may need to be built across the district at all schools to accommodate requests. Our goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible for all students.
Please complete the survey by September 25th.
Thank you!
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Primary School