Honeoye Central School District
Monthly Newsletter ~ May 2024
HCS Superintendent Updates
Greetings HCS Students, Families, Staff and Community Members!
As every Senior (and their families) knows, we have officially started the countdown to commencement! The HCS Commencement Ceremony is merely a month away and scheduled for Friday, June 28 at 7:00PM in the auditorium. Our Class of 2024 Seniors are a source of tremendous pride to the Honeoye learning community and I look forward to sharing in the celebration of their accomplishment(s) at graduation! It has been an incredible year of teaching and learning at HCS and we could not feel more #HoneoyePROUD of the accomplishments of ALL our learners!
REMINDER: Memorial Day Weekend
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 24 or Monday, May 27. The extension of the Memorial Day weekend (Friday date) comes as a result of not utilizing any of our snow days this school year. I hope that you all enjoy the long weekend!
2024-25 Budget Vote
A school budget represents more than just numbers. It outlines the resources we allocate to academics, extracurriculars, infrastructure, safety, and operations to sustain the quality of programming and services provided by the district.
On May 21, the HCS Board of Education will put forth a budget proposal to voters which represents a budget to budget increase of 2.98%. Under this proposal, the total tax levy will increase by .75%, which is below the New York State Tax Cap limit. The 2024-25 budget proposal provides sustainability for the current scope and quality of educational programming and services and equitably advances strategic planning centered around the below essential priority areas:
High Levels of Learning and Engagement
Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Community Partnership and Engagement
Fiscal Stewardship
More information about the 2024-25 Proposed Budget may be found on the HCS website. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of the 2024-25 budget proposal.
Annual Election: Board of Education Seats
There are currently three BOE Seat Vacancies up for election on May 21, 2024:
Expiring term of James Helling, 3 year term
Expiring term of Jerry Passer, 3 year term
Expiring term of Tori Penrod Clark, 3 year term
There are five candidates running for the vacant seats (listed as on order of ballot):
James Helling
Jerald L. Passer
Kayleigh Schultz
Tori Penrod-Clark
Michael Hayward
Elections will be held Tuesday, May 21, 2024 from 8:00 am-9:00 pm, at the Honeoye Central School.
More information about the candidates may be found in the 2024-25 Budget Newsletter on the HCS website. If you have any questions or concerns about the Annual Election and Budget Vote on May 21, please call the District Clerk at 585-229-4125.
Director of Pupil Personnel Services Vacancy
Our Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Tina Stover, has resigned effective May 31, 2024, to pursue an exciting new professional opportunity with the Office of Special Education for the State Education Department. Please join me in wishing Tina the very best as she continues her professional journey!
The district will proceed with a hiring process to fill this vacancy with utmost urgency to ensure continuity of services and and minimal disruption to programming. In the interim of securing a new Director of Pupil Personnel Services, the district is currently solidifying a plan for appointment of a part-time Interim Director of Pupil Personnel Services. It is my intent to make recommendation to the BOE on 5/22 for interim appointment with a start date the week of 5/27 to allow for a couple days of transition time with Tina Stover.
The tentative timeline for the hiring process of the Director of Pupil Personnel Services vacancy is as follows:
- POSTING: May 1 - 22
- VETTING OF CANDIDATES: May 23 (Administrative Cabinet)
- SEMIFINALIST MIXED GROUP COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS: June 3: 8:30 - 3:30+ exact times to be determined upon identification of number of candidates selected for interview
- Objective: Mixed internal and external stakeholder committee groups interview semifinalist candidates to identify finalist candidates for interview with superintendent.
- Committee Members: 10+ HCS faculty members, 2-4 Parents/Guardians
- Committee Interview Structure: 45 minutes - Traditional Interview Q & A, ~18-20 questions
- Process for Feedback: Following the committee interview process, each committee member will provide electronic feedback (strengths, concerns) and confidence rating scales to the superintendent. Feedback and confidence rating scales will be utilized to identify and move candidates on to the final round interview with the superintendent.
- I hope to have 2 - 4 parents/guardians participate in the process as mixed interview committee members.
- Participation is voluntary and will require participant availability from approximately 8:30 - 3:30+ to interview up to six candidates on 6/3/2024. Exact times are yet to be determined and will be based on the number of highly qualified candidates identified to move on in the process to SemiFinalist interviews. The time commitment may be significantly less if fewer than six candidates are moved on to Semi Finalist round of interviews.
If you are interested in serving on this interview committee, please email me directly at bridget.ashton@honeoye.org by 9:00AM on Wednesday, 5/22. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request!
District Safety Team and 2024-25 District Emergency Response Plan
- District Safety Team members engaged in review of the District Emergency Response Plan on 5/8. This function of the team is in compliance with NYSED Regulation which requires that the District Emergency Response Plan is monitored and maintained by the District Safety Team and reviewed annually on or before July 1st of each year.
- The 2024-25 Emergency Response Plan will be included on the June 12 BOE meeting agenda, followed by a 30+ day public comment period.
- Upon expiration of Public Comment period, the 2024-25 ERP will be recommended to the BOE for adoption during the August BOE meeting.
May 31, 2024: District Wide Safety Drill
HCS will hold an emergency early dismissal or "Go Home Early Drill" on May 31. This drill is required by SED regulation and must be conducted annually by all NYS school districts. Please refer to building specific communications (linked below) for more specific information regarding times/other about the drills in each of our buildings.
Graduates of Distinction Nominations: Still Being Accepted thru 6/1/2024
The HCS Graduates of Distinction Program was created and designed to recognize individuals who have achieved distinction through outstanding accomplishment or achievement. Honorees MUST be HCS alumni of ten years or greater post graduation date who have demonstrated themselves to be exemplary citizens AND who have distinguished themselves through service, exceptional career achievement or lifetime accomplishment in their post secondary lives. This program is further intended to offer inspiration about the promise and potential of postsecondary life for current and future HCS students.
Selection Process Criterion:
- Nominations must be completed and submitted electronically or via mail to the Honeoye Central School District no later than June 1.
- The Graduates of Distinction Selection Committee will convene within the first two weeks in June to review and evaluate nomination materials.
- Rating scales will be utilized by the selection committee to evaluate the eligibility of a candidate for identification as an HCS Graduate of Distinction.
- Nominee credential materials (nomination and supporting letters) must speak to and emphasize postsecondary service, exceptional career achievement, lifetime accomplishment or other notable contribution.
- Nominee credential materials MUST include the nomination AND three letters of support.
- Nominee credential materials must earn a committee rating of 75% or higher to be considered for the candidate to be selected and identified as a Graduate of Distinction.
- Up to five (5) Graduates of Distinction will be selected and recognized each school year.
- The Selection Committee may be petitioned to exempt the above criteria if extraordinary circumstances exist.
On September 29, 2023, it was the district's distinct pride and privilege to announce and welcome the very first Graduates of Distinction honorees for the 2022-23 school year. Recipients included:
Major Zachary Deats, Class of 2003
Robb Delisanti, Class of 1997
Michele Hamele, Class of 2000
Megan Miller, Class of 1996
Warmest regards,
E. Bridget Ashton
Elizabeth Bridget Ashton
Superintendent, Honeoye Central School District
8528 Main Street
Honeoye, New York 14471
On Twitter: @EBridgetAshton
HCS Will Proudly Host Commencement Ceremony for Class of 2024
2024 Commencement Ceremony
Class of 2024 Graduation
The class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony will be held on June 28th at 7:00p.m. in the HCS Auditorium. A mandatory Graduation rehearsal will take place from 10:00-12:00 on June 28th. Following Graduation rehearsal, each graduating Senior will be given 8 tickets for family/friends to attend the ceremony. On the evening of the ceremony, after ticket holders have been seated, doors will open to admit additional guests as capacity allows.
Friday, Jun 28, 2024, 07:00 PM
8528 Main Street, Honeoye, NY, USA
Mark Your Calendars: The Final Weeks of June
Guest Writer Contribution: Get Kids Moving This Summer From Cynthia DiLaura Devore, M.D., F.A.A.P. Pediatrician
Summer is an opportunity for children and adolescents, free of school responsibilities, to be outside running, playing sports, swimming, biking, and being physically active. Yet, recent studies suggest that the opposite may be true, and the risk of excess weight gain over the summer is even greater, as children and adolescents spend their time on “screens”, watching TV, surfing the web, or
being involved in social media. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that all children and adolescents should try to get at least 60 minutes each day of vigorous physical activity.
When they are outside, be sure they are wearing sunscreen and a hat, and staying well-hydrated. If they are playing in or near water, please take care that they are always well-supervised. Drownings can happen in minutes when a watchful eye is turned elsewhere. If they are in an area with lots of mosquitoes, ticks, or other biting insects, it is a good idea to use a bug spray made specifically
for children, and to check them for ticks when they come home. If they go to a sleep-away camp, it is helpful to check their hair and scalps for headlice which can be picked up in camp settings.
The Centers for Disease Control has information on suggestions for parents to encourage physical activity in their children and adolescents. Have a wonderful summer, stay safe, and thank you for promoting a healthy attitude in your children this summer.
For more information, please see:
Shout out to CAST & CREW of Willy Wonka Production!
Senior Reflection ~ Submitted by Class of 2024 Senior, Ashley Thomas
Nearing the end of my senior year I've had a lot of time to reflect. All of the memories, moments, friendships, and so much more will always be cherished by me. The only way to describe the feeling of graduating is bittersweet, although I will miss the normalcy of what I've known for years on end. Having a change and moving on to a new chapter in my life is much needed and honestly exciting. During my time as a Honeoye Central School Student I've been a part of multiple different groups, sports, and activities.
My athletic career is the highlight of my time in highschool, all of the friendships it has brought me, the memories, the achievements, the awards, but most importantly the feeling of belonging somewhere is something that I will miss dearly. It seemed to me at the beginning of 6th grade, little me, that graduating was so far away, but it has come in a blink of an eye. This time next year my life will be completely different, which is scary, but it is also something that I very much look forward to.
The reflection of my time in highschool is flooded by many memories, the good, the bad, the stress, the many assignments, tests, friendships, and teachers. One of the hardest things about graduating that is not talked about enough is having to leave behind your friends in the grades below you. It hurts to know that I will be hours away and won’t be able to say “see you tomorrow”.
As the time comes when I leave for college it could be months on end that I don't see my friends, and that is something that has been staying with me as the days count down. If I could tell my younger self anything, I would tell her to not take the time she has in highschool for granted, as long as it may seem, the time really does fly by and you can’t get any of it back, so make the most of it.
WFL Champions: HCS Varsity Baseball Team
HCS Athletics is on a roll this spring. Not only are we breaking records, we are winning league championships. Congratulations to our Varsity Baseball team who became the Finger Lakes West League Champions after their win over Marcus Whitman on May 8! Keep it going...We are proud of you!!
You may remember the song:
We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions
Of Finger Lakes West Baseball League!!!!
Please congratulate the members of the baseball team on this astounding accomplishment:
Coach Yale
Coach Bott
Coach Carrier
Dylen Abrams
Chris Shannon
Billy Covey
Owen Cuba
Samuel Clark
Kevin Schmitt
Chrisitan Lead
John Gawel
Dylan Washburn
Collin Wilfeard
Kyle Schmitt
Andrew Fraser
Track at WFL Championships
On 5/17 the track team will head to Marion for the WFL Championships. They take the top 32 performances in each event. We have some stellar athletes and cannot wait to see what Coach Moran sends us for outstanding results on our team! Please wish our track team the BEST OF LUCK tomorrow night!
Bailey Takes Title
Coach Morgan reports that at Penn Yan on 5/13, Alyssa Bailey captured a Wayne-Finger Lakes Division 1 title in the pole vault, clearing 8 feet 3 inches to out-jump thirteen other competitors. Alyssa will go for the Finger Lakes league sweep this Friday at the League Championship, where she will be the top seed.
Daniel, THE FLASH, Gawel has DONE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!
On Tuesday night, 5/7, in Penn Yan, Daniel continued to re-write the Bloomfield-Honeoye Track and Field record book, breaking the boys 200-meter dash record with a fast 23.81 seconds. Daniel has now set THREE B-H program records this season!! He currently holds the all-time program best marks in the 200, 100, and discus.
Daniel Gawel continues to break track records this spring! On Tuesday, April 30th, Gawel did it again! At East Rochester, Daniel set his second Bloomfield-Honeoye Track & Field program record of the 2024 spring season in the discus event with a heave of 121 feet, 3 inches, eclipsing the previous mark by almost 3 feet! That throw ranks Daniel in the TOP 3 throwers in the Wayne-Finger Lakes League and TOP 6 in Class B2. Congratulations Daniel!!
Instrumental Music Students Rank!
Both the 6th grade band and the 7th/8th grade band received an excellent rating, and the 7th/8th grade band won the award for the best overall middle school band at the festival.
There is no place like Honeoye...
This Just In from Mark Pulver
It is going to be a busy weekend here at HCS, as both the Varsity Baseball and Softball teams will be hosting pre-quarter games!
- Our Lady Bulldogs will host Red Jacket on Friday, May 17th @ 5:00 PM.
- Our Boys will host Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School on Saturday, May 18th @ 1:30 PM.
Please come out and support both teams. Each coach and athlete has worked very hard!
Concessions will also be open for both games!
Upcoming Events at HCS - Please Mark Your Calendars
Please check the district website for updates to the HCS calendar. Dates subject to change.
FUTURING: Secondary End of Year Events & Celebrations
- 5/24: NYS Science Test
- 5/21: K-2 and senior jazz concert
- 5/17: Senior Picnic
- 5/23: Special Olympics
- 5/24: NO SCHOOL
- 5/27: Memorial Day Holiday
- 5/29: 6-12 Choir Concert
- 6/4: Yearbook Distribution to Seniors (hopeful)
- 6/7-Senior band and 6-12 choirs to Seabreeze
- 6/8-9: Senior Trip
- 6/17: Senior Picnic
- 6/19: Juneteenth Holiday
- 6/23: Commencement 2023 is scheduled for Friday, June 28 at 7:00PM in the HCS Auditorium.
FUTURING: ES End of Year Events & Celebrations
- May 20-22 - Roller Skating
- May 24 - NO SCHOOL
- May 27 - No School - Memorial Day
- May 29 & 30 - 4th Gr Abbey Road Schoolhouse FT
- June 3-6 - Kindergarten Screening
- June 7 - 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
- June 4 - Gr 3-5 Concert & Band Perforamcne
- June 12 & 13 - 5th Gr Challenger FT
- June 14 - 4th Gr Erie Canal FT
- June 19 - No School - Juneteenth
- June 20 - Award Ceremony
- June 20 - Kindergarten Graduation
- June 21 - Dawg Gone Fun Day
- June 28 - Senior Graduation
- July 8-August 1 Summer Academy
NYSED Public Comment Survey for Proposed Amendments to the Accountability System in the NYS ESSA Plan
- The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is opening a public comment opportunity on proposed amendments to the New York State consolidated state plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The proposed amendments initiate the first part of the Reimagine Phase of the accountability system for the 2025-26 school year using 2024-25 school year results.
- NYSED is seeking feedback from teachers, principals, superintendents, parents, and other stakeholders on this proposal via an online survey, which can be found on the NYSED School and District Accountability webpage. This survey will be available through Friday, May 31, 2024.
- To inform survey responses, NYSED has prepared an informational webinar titled, “Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Accountability Reimagine Phase,” which is available on the NYSED ESSA Accountability Webinars webpage. It is highly recommended that stakeholders view the webinar in full before completing the public comment survey.
Content Order of May 2024 District Newsletter
- At the Secondary Level...From Mr. Nate Schneckenburger
- At the Elementary Level...From Mrs. Natalie Pfluke
- From the Desk of HCS AP, Ms. Mikey Davanzo
- In the Event of Question or Concern: Chain of Contact Document Link
- From the Desk of Tina Bush, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
- Reminders from the Health Office, Mrs. Marybeth Tonkery
- Scribbles from the School Social Worker, Ms. Molly Perrin
- Message from the HCS Wellness Coordinator, Mrs. Lorri Campbell
- HCS Prevention Educator, Ms. Nicole Drost
- News from the HCS Technology Department, Mrs. Erika Asquino
- Teaching and Learning at HCS
- Extracurriculars and Club Information
- Athletics
- Updates from Kitchen Service Manager, Ms. Amiee Levesque
- From The Desk Of . . . Mr. Michael D. Bastian, HCS Business Administrator
- Safety Information and Reminders
- ***Safe School Helpline
- ***Intersection of Code of Conduct, DASA and Title IX
- ***GoGuardian and Beacon Alerts
- Partnering with PTA
- Updates from Community Partners
- Employment Opportunities: Substitutes
- ***HCS Employment Opportunities QR Code Available
- Please Mark Your Calendars
At the Secondary Level...Notes and Updates From Mr. Schneckenburger
At the Elementary Level...Notes and Updates From Mrs. Pfluke
Pre-register for UPK and Kintergarten
If you have a child to enroll in UPK or a new to our school Kindergarten aged child, please notify Kathy Hoertz in the elementary office to pre-register your child for the 2024-2025 school year.
*Important to note: if your child will be 4 years old on or before December 1st, 2024, he/she will be eligible for UPK. If however, they are 5 years old on or before December 1st, he/she will be eligible to enter Kindergarten (and not UPK).Feel free to call the office anytime with questions.
From the Desk of Mikey Davanza, AP/Data Coordinator
As we approach the nicer weather, it can become more challenging for students to stay focused and finish the school year strong. This can be more difficult for those students that have regents and final exams to take before starting the summer. Here are a few tips to help your student be successful with finishing the school year strong.
Help your students maintain their routines and stay organized. With the school year wrapping up, it can be easy to deviate from your routine and take part in additional events that may come up. This can lead to students putting off their responsibilities and they can start to fall behind. In order to stay on track, support your student with keeping their normal routine or schedule as much as possible.
While routine is important, it is also important to find school-life balance. Planning outside activities is beneficial as well as reflecting on the successes and achievements of this past school year. This balance is important to help ensure students do not burn out at the end of the school year.
As we wrap up the school year, remind your student of all the hard work they have already put in. It can be easy to forget all the progress made throughout the year. Reminding them of this, can often help to re-focus and keep them on track to finishing the school year strong.
From the Desk of Tina Bush, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Dear Bulldogs,
As I prepare to step down from my role as Director of Pupil Personnel Services, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. After five years with the Honeoye Central School District, it is with a mixture of emotions that I announce my departure.
Reflecting on the time spent here, I am profoundly thankful for the opportunities to grow professionally and personally. Together, we have faced challenges, celebrated successes, and, above all, tirelessly worked to enhance the educational experiences and wellbeing of our students.
I am proud of the strides we have made in expanding our services to meet the diverse needs of our student population. Initiatives such as integration of the NY Social, Emotional and Learning benchmarks, Teen Mental Health First Aid, creation of a School Social Worker position, Restorative Justice practices, and Ontario County Evalumetrics Survey, will always stand out as highlights in my career. I take with me invaluable lessons and cherished memories of our collaboration and camaraderie.
Please stay in touch. I look forward to hearing about the continued success of Honeoye Central School District and hope our paths may cross again in the future. Thank you once again for the support, inspiration, and friendship over these years. Wishing you all the best in continuing the important work we’ve started together.
Warm regards,
Tina Stover
Health Office Reminders & News from HCS School Nurse, Marybeth Tonkery
Scribbles from the School Social Worker, Molly Perrin
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
Though we recognize mental health every month, May is a special month to acknowledge the prevalence of mental health challenges, and highlight resources that help to support resilience and recovery.: Despite recent strides in how our society approaches mental wellbeing, many still don’t have access to the high-quality, comprehensive treatment and care they need. Just take a look at some of the staggering data about mental health in the United States:
1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.
Only 47.2% of U.S. adults with mental illness received treatment in 2021.
1 in 6 U.S. youth have a mental health condition, but only half receive treatment.
50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.
Honeoye is committed to fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for students, which includes supporting student mental health. Just a few of the initiatives/supports in place include;
HCS Mental Health Team- Two school psychologists (Andrea Johsnons & Rachael Davis), two school counselors (Kate VanLare & Evan Carrier), and one school social worker (Me, Molly Perrin!). Though we all hold different roles and responsibilities, one commonality is our ability and willingness to meet with students on a one-time, or regular basis, to support their mental wellbeing.
Ontario County Mental Health Satellite Clinic: We could not be more proud and excited to host a co-located satellite clinic of Ontario County Mental Health on HCS Campus! We are so excited to welcome a co-located therapist, Cassie Webster, on Mondays to our building. Students experiencing mental health challenges who have barriers accessing care in a clinic (i.e. lack of transportation) are candidates for this service
Mental Health First Aid: HCS is proud to have in-house trainers for both Youth Mental Health First Aid (adults supporting young people), and Teen Mental Health First Aid (teens supporting their peers). These important training teach our community to identify and respond to warning signs of mental health challenges in those around them.
The HCS Community Resource Guide is continually updated, and contains information about mental health, medical, food, and financial resources that are accessible to you throughout Ontario County, and beyond. Feel free to reach out with any questions, or if you would like support in connecting with area resources! In addition, if you know of area resources that are not on this list, and may be accessible to our families, please let me know!
Feel free to reach out to me at any time- I would love to connect with you!
Molly Perrin, LMSW
School Social Worker
Honeoye Central School District
(585) 229-5171 Ext. 2066
Counselors' Corner with Kate VanLare
I can't believe graduation is almost here! In preparation, seniors need to complete a GRADUATION BIOGRAPHY FORM no later than Friday, May 31st!!!!
This form gives seniors the opportunity to share any information they would like announced at graduation. NOTE: This form MUST be completed using your HCS email account. Parents/Guardians can certainly help collaborate with their seniors on this, but MAY NOT complete this form FOR seniors.
Get Connected to the Resources Students Need to Prepare for College
- High school students and their parents can sign up to receive text messages from the NYS Higher Education Services Corporation to get connected to the resources they need to prepare for college and apply for financial aid.
- Text messages include key information about financial aid programs, how to apply, important deadlines, available events to assist students in completing applications, and resources to help put them on the right path toward their college careers.
- Sign-up is quick and easy at HESC Text Messaging Registration.
From Lorri Campbell, HCS Wellness Coordinator
Ontario County Clinician: Cassie Webster
Ontario County Mental Health (OCMH) has partnered with HoneoyeCentral School to expand mental health services offered in a school setting. The School-Based Mental Health Clinic will provide mental health services within a safe, comfortable school environment so that high quality care is within easy access to students regardless of socioeconomic status. Costs for these services are covered by health insurance and if additional financial assistance is needed grants within the community. This partnership will allow clinicians to provide mental health treatment to students in the safety of their own school and reduce lost classroom time for the student receiving treatment.
Cassie Webster, LMSW will be the clinical provider co-located at Honeoye School. She is a Licensed Master Social Worker employed by Ontario County Mental Health. Cassie currently provides school based mental health services in the Canandaigua School district as well. Cassie has worked with families and youth in Ontario County for the past 18 years in several different capacities. Cassie is also a Honeoye Alum and continues to reside in the community with her family.
This partnership will provide students with consistent treatment while reducing the barriers in accessing services. School professionals are able to refer students for services (with parental consent) and the student will have a shorter wait time to begin services. This partnership improves communication between mental health providers and school, which improves the quality of care the students receive. Clinicians are able to work with school staff to build and create interventions that encourage success. The clinicians ensure confidentiality is maintained and does not share specific treatment information of any student with school staff or outside individuals without authorized consent by the family.
Cassandra Webster, LMSW
Staff Social Worker
Ontario County Mental Health
3019 County Complex Dr.
Canandaigua NY 14424
(585) 396 - 4363
Fax: 585-396-4993
HCS Prevention Educator ~ Submitted by Nicole Drost
I can’t believe it is already mid May! We started the month with guest speaker, Sarah Palarmo. She shared the story of her daughter, who was killed by a drunk driver. As I observed her presentation, I could see that she made an impact on the Senior and Junior students as they prepared for the prom a few days later.
It is also important to note that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The Ontario County Mental Health Center (OCMHC) offers a variety of services for children and teens through adulthood. According to the World Health Organization, multiple factors affect mental health. Peer pressure, substance or alcohol use, home life, violence, bullying are examples of factors that can affect the mental health of youth today. It is crucial to take care of your mental health because it is just as important as your physical health.
If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached via email at nicole.drost@honeoye.org.
Nicole Drost
School Based Prevention Educator
Honeoye Central Schools
585-229-5171 X 2019
Chromebook Collection Update
The Honeoye Central School District’s one-to-one initiative provides every district student with a Chromebook to be used as a learning tool. To encourage ongoing educational opportunities, students in grades 6-11 will keep their Chromebooks, power adaptors, and cases over the summer. Students are encouraged to use their devices to pursue academic learning, hobbies, and other passions as long as those pursuits would be appropriate on a school device. Examples include coding, audio-visual production, reading, writing, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities. High school students should also consider using summer months to research colleges and apply for scholarships.
Device Damage: These devices do not require regular maintenance over the summer and can be safely stored on a shelf with the charger nearby. If your Chromebook is in need of repair over the summer, please complete the Technology Help Request Form or email techhelp@honeoye.org.
We have learned that broken screens are the most common repair at HCS. Please be constantly aware that a Chromebook screen is a sheet of glass. Try and get in the habit of gently placing the Chromebook into a backpack and always keeping it in its case.
Filtering: All Chromebooks will continue to be filtered according to local, state, and federal policies and will remain the property of Honeoye Central School.
Withdrawal: If a student is withdrawing from Honeoye Central School at the end of June 2024, or anytime throughout the summer, the Chromebook, charger, and case must be returned to the Counseling Office.
Alumni Spotlight
We're thrilled to share the exciting news that Honeoye Central School alum Clay Battle (2018), along with his team, PlanRoadmap, has soared to the top ranks of the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition! Out of thousands of teams worldwide, Clay's team has clinched a spot in the top 3, securing a guaranteed $50k prize.
Their innovative startup, Roadmap, designed to assist individuals with ADHD, has captured attention for its personalized coaching software. By addressing executive function deficits and leveraging AI technology, Roadmap offers tailored strategies to help users overcome obstacles and initiate tasks effectively.
Clay attributes much of his success to the invaluable lessons learned at Honeoye Central School, particularly through the Cross Country & Track Program. The program instilled qualities like tenacity, discipline, and teamwork—qualities that have propelled Clay and his team to the global stage.
As they prepare to compete in the finals on May 21st in Seattle, we couldn't be prouder to see Clay representing Honeoye with excellence and innovation. Join us in cheering them on as they vie for the top spot in the world!
For more information about Roadmap, visit their website at planroadmap.com.
Learning and Literacy: Alison Farrell, Literacy Coach
Summer is just around the corner. As you are planning fun family activities, travel, “staycations”, summer camps, or summer sports, remember to include some down time for reading! This excerpt from Reading Rockets gives reasons for continuing to read throughout the summer months along with some great summer reading ideas. Follow the link for 10 weeks of summer reading ideas.
“Children acquire skills throughout the school year, but they can lose ground if learning stops during the summer break. Fortunately, learning never has to stop. Children who read throughout the summer gain skills, can start the new school year with a better understanding of language and the world around them, and discover the joy of reading. The more they like to read, the more they will read.
It’s not hard to help your children keep their interest in reading and learning. Children learn through a variety of activities, and almost everything we do presents an opportunity to read. When you’re eating breakfast, read the cereal box; if you’re in a restaurant, read the menu. Read the newspaper with your children and discuss what’s happening in the world.
Reading every day, even if it’s for just a few minutes, improves children’s ability to read and learn all year long. Here are 10 weeks of activities that involve reading and related skills. There’s no special order, and you don’t have to do everything listed in a particular week. Just pick the ones that look interesting and fun!
Happy Reading!
Alison Farrell
Literacy Coach
From the HCS Music Department
Congratulations to our middle school band members on an outstanding trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania May 10 and 11! Both the 6th grade band and the 7th/8th grade band received an excellent rating, and the 7th/8th grade band won the award for the best overall middle school band at the festival. The students had a great time at HersheyPark and represented our school and community with pride and respect. Well done everyone!
Thank You and Farewell!
Thank you to Mr. Anthony Wynings for serving as our long term vocal music substitute teacher for grades 6-12. We appreciate you for your service and talents. Good luck in your future endeavors!
French Class News ~ Submitted by Penny Hensler
Nawari update
French students have had the opportunity to learn Wolof - one of 5 official languages (including French) spoken in Senegal. Honeoye students learned how to greet someone and introduce themselves. To say hi in Wolof - you say “Assalamu a lay kum”. It has been a lot of fun learning some expressions in this new language that is very different from English. We are nearing the end of our Nawari exchange for this school year. Next year we plan to continue meeting with our sister school. We also plan to incorporate this exchange with the French middle school classes. We are very fortunate to have this wonderful opportunity to bond with students from across the world.
French students practiced using the past tense by playing a very fun game of Charades. This class has a lot of great actors.
7th grade French students did a very fun scavenger hunt with their Sketch and Tell activities. They had to match the pictures with the stories about weather and activities. We did this outside and then inside. It was a great extension of the Sketch and Tell activity.
HS Student Council
- HS Student Council partnered up with MS and ES Student Council to celebrate our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
- Members of all three student councils organized a week of activities and goodies for our HCS teachers, including:
- Spirit Day (Dress like your favorite teacher)
- Breakfast (Our students thoroughly enjoyed serving their teachers breakfasts and the teachers LOVED it)
- Students showered teachers with gratitude and showed them their hearts.
- Student-Teacher helpers
- Daily raffles!
- Special pencils for each teacher
- THANK YOU to our teachers and all the staff here at Honeoye. You are appreciated and loved!!
- We would also like to thank all of our local businesses and community members who donated raffle items for our daily teacher appreciation raffles. Our winners and student council thoroughly appreciate your generosity!
- Apex Auto Collision
- Mill Creek Cafe
- Birdhouse Brewing Company
- Doc's Tackle
- Noble Shepard
- Haute Hair
- Rising Sun II
- The Wellness Center (Danielle, Lorraine, and Teri)
- Wizard of Clay
- HCS Sports Boosters
- Sarah DeWitt at Enchanted Hills
- Karen Scheele
- Robb Delisanti
- Old Hickory Golf Course
- Our last meetings of the year will focus on planning/preparing for Homecoming 2024! Stay Tuned!
Intramural Programs
Elementary Intramural Programs
Below is a list of the intramural programs offered in May & June for elementary students in grades 3-5. The programs are all free, before school (students take the early bus). Permission slips are sent out a week or so beforehand in classrooms.
- Baseball/Softball May 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20 Mr. Yale ryale@honeoye.org
- Morning Movement May 29, 30, 31 Mrs. DeWitt sdewitt@honeoye.org
- Mystery Activities June 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17 Mr. Yale ryale@honeoye.org
If you have any questions about an intramural program, please reach out to the supervisor.
Middle & High School Intramural Programs
Below is a list of the intramural programs offered in May & June for both middle and high school students.The programs are all free, after-school activities (2:15-3:15) and can be attended on a flexible basis.
- Indoor/Outdoor Fun May 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13-17, 28-31, June 3 & 4 Mr. Buckley ibuckley@honeoye.org
- Fun Dayz May 20–23 Mrs. Campbell lcampbell@honeoye.org
From the Desk of HCS Athletic Director, Mark Pulver
Honeoye Athletics Update
Spring Sports Season- Wrapping UP
Even with all the rain, it's been a great spring sports season. However, we are in our final week of regular-season games for our Varsity-Level teams. Sectionals begin this weekend, and modified sports will continue until the end of May.
Brownstone Physical Therapy:
Dr. Clarke from Brownstone will be ON SITE every Wednesday from 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Please complete the injury report on the Athletics webpage under the Athletic Trainer tab before seeing Dr. Clarke.
- Friday, May 17th at Marion at 5:00 PM- Finger Lakes League Track Championship
- Friday, May 17th, the Varsity Softball play will have a sectional game (Most likely at HCS)
- The Varsity Boys Baseball team WILL HOST at HOME Sectional game THIS Saturday (May 18th). Time & Opponent TBD! Please come out and support our League Champions!!!!
Mark your Calendars NOW
- Fall Sports Interest Form- This has already been completed in PE Class. Thank you, Mr. Buckely and Ms. Sherman, for helping!
- MANDATORY Fall Parent/Guardian/Athlete/Coaches Meeting (Athletes in grades 7-12)- Monday, August 26th at 6:30 PM (Can possibly change)
- Fall Sport Start Dates
- Varsity/JV- Monday, August 26th
- Modified- Tuesday, September 3rd
- Congratulations to John Gawel! John was named to the All Class C2 Team for Varsity Baseball.
- Bailey Takes the Title!
- On Monday, May 13th, at Penn Yan, Alyssa Bailey captured a Wayne-Finger Lakes Division 1 title in the pole vault, clearing 8 feet 3 inches to outjump thirteen other competitors. Alyssa will be the top seed at the Finger Lakes League championship this Friday, where she will go for the Finger Lakes League sweep. Congratulations, Alyssa!
- Congratulations to our Varsity Boys Baseball team, the Finger Lake West League CHAMPIONS!! What an accomplishment!
Please congratulate the members of the baseball team on this astounding accomplishment:
Coach Yale
Coach Bott
Coach Carrier
Dylen Abrams
Chris Shannon
Billy Covey
Owen Cuba
Samuel Clark
Kevin Schmitt
Chrisitan Lead
John Gawel
Dylan Washburn
Collin Wilfeard
Kyle Schmitt
Andrew Fraser
- Daniel- The Flash- Gawel- On Tuesday, 4/17, at Marcus Whitman, Daniel Gawel broke the Bloomfield-Honeoye Track and Field program record in the 100-meter dash, cruising to a time of 12.03 seconds. Daniel is poised to become the first athlete in BOTH schools' histories to run a sub-12-second 100 meters.
- Daniel Gawel continues to break track records this spring! On Tuesday, April 30th, Gawel did it again! At East Rochester, Daniel set his second Bloomfield-Honeoye Track & Field program record of the 2024 spring season in the discus event with a heave of 121 feet, 3 inches, eclipsing the previous mark by almost 3 feet! That throw ranks Daniel in the TOP 3 throwers in the Wayne-Finger Lakes League and TOP 6 in Class B2. Congratulations, Daniel!
- The record-breaking continues......
- Daniel, THE FLASH, Gawel has DONE IT AGAIN!!!!!!! On Tuesday night in Penn Yan, Daniel continued to re-write the Bloomfield-Honeoye Track and Field record book, breaking the boys 200-meter dash record with a fast 23.81 seconds. Daniel has now set THREE B-H program records this season!! He holds the all-time program best marks in the 200, 100, and discus. Congratulations Daniel!!
- Our Senior-Athletes! CONGRATULATIONS to Mollie Asquino, Katelyn Reynolds, Zachary Meissner, Riley Johnson (Track & Field), Jacob Meissner (Lacrosse), Reese Rogers, Yada (Fuse) Ohnon, Alejandra Santillana-Cuevas (Tennis), Leah Green, Ava Higgins, Lindsay Higley, Ashley Thomas, Morgan VanCuren (Softball), Billy Covey, and John Gawel (Baseball). The HCS Athletics Department is beyond proud of each of you! You wore the different HCS jerseys with pride and honor. Thank you! We wish you ALL of the BEST in ALL OF YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVORS!
A HUGE thank you to our grounds crew for preparing our fields and courts for Spring Sports! Another big shout-out to transportation for organizing our bus times and getting our athletes to and from games and practices safely!
Hudl is up and running!
Hudl is a live stream technology that allows our teams and coaches to analyze each game to help them improve and allows our games to be live for viewing and recorded to watch later!
Can't make it to a game? Check it out online. Go to the Honeoye.org--->Athletics Page---> Athletics Calendar---> click on the live camera button to watch the game!
Outside of the Nurses office.
Outside of the High School Gymnasium/Foyer.
Middle School/High School Art Wing/Maintenance Area.
1st Grade hallway, near the exit to the athletic fields.
Marybeth Tonkery has 3 additional AED’s that can be signed out for away contests.
New in 2023-24: NYSPHSAA Spectator Expectations
NYSPHSAA Spectator Expectations
The New York State High School Athletics Association developed and will require that all school districts implement and enforce Sportsmanship Standards, effective Fall 2023.
NYSPHSAA Expectation Statement: Officials, just like student athletes and coaches, are critical to interscholastic sports programs. Without officials, NYSPHSAA and its member schools would not be able to provide interscholastic sports in the manner that is desired and expected by student athletes, coaches, and parents. In addition to abiding by the HCS Code of Conduct, spectators are expected to “Be Loud, Be Proud, and Be Positive.” Negative comments and inappropriate behaviors by spectators are required to be addressed by all and any school supervisors and administrators, as a member of NYSPHSAA in the following non-sequential order depending on the comments or behavior:
First warning – Directing the spectator or group of spectators to refrain from any negative comments or actions.
Second warning – A personal discussion with the spectators or group of spectators on the above NYSPHSAA expectations and reminding the spectators or group of spectators of the next step - removal of the game or event - will be utilized if the behavior continues.
Removal from the contest – The spectator or group of spectators will be directed to leave the facility for the remainder of the game or event.
If spectators or group of spectators refuse to leave the game or event, play will be stopped until they vacate the premise.
Penalty for being removed from a game or event: Any spectator removed from a game or event will have a minimum penalty of completing the NFHS Parent Credential course or a one game suspension before they are allowed to attend any interscholastic event, home or away.
Once the course is completed the spectator will provide a certificate of completion to the athletic department office.
Schools are required to communicate with the offending spectator on the NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Spectator Expectations.
Spectators may be prohibited from attending current and future interscholastic contests based on their behavior. (Oct. 2022)
Depending on the severity of the behavior/comments or future disqualifications by the offending spectator NYSPHSAA and the Section may get directly involved in the situation. (May 2023)
Sports Booster Updates
- Boosters would like to thank everyone who helped work and support the concession stand during the Spring Season. There is nothing better than a hot dog at a ball game! THANK YOU!
- Become a member today! Click here to join!
- Stay up-to-date by checking us out and liking us on Facebook- Honeoye CSD Sports Boosters.
- Our next meeting is Sunday, June 9th at 9:30 PM at the Old Line Drive Building on Howcroft Road We look forward to seeing you there!
Food Service Information ~ Submitted by Amiee Winterhalt-Levesque
The Free & Reduced Application is on our website along with the myschoolbucks link. To access the Food Service website for the Honeoye Central School District, do as follows:
- Click District Offices,
- Click on Food Service.
- Once on the Food Service page you can find any of the following: The Free & Reduced Meal application, Access to myschoolbucks (online lunch account funds) and lastly the monthly meal options/menu.
From The Desk Of . . . Michael D. Bastian, HCS Business Administrator
The Annual Meeting (Budget Vote and Board of Education Election) on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 is the culminating event of the annual budget development season, which is the primary focus of the Business Office from December through May each year. Please exercise your right as a district resident to participate in this year’s vote from 8:00 am to 9:00 in the HCS District Lobby on Tuesday, May 21st.
Beyond the budget vote, the months of May and June are focused upon events and tasks relating to the transition from one fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) to the next. The Business Office works with the Districts BOCES Treasurer and our auditing firm to close out the current fiscal year in preparation for the annual audit in the summer months and the submission of required financial statements and reports to the State in late summer/early fall. The Business Office also begins to prepare for the summer ordering season in which we procure the items necessary for the instruction of students and operation of the facility in the upcoming year.
During May and June, our Maintenance, Transportation, and Food Service departments also undertake a number of projects and tasks related to the close out of the current school year. Similar to the Business Office, the HCS Food Service Department closes out all expenses and revenues for the current year, enters its orders for the start of the upcoming school year, and submits required end-of-year summary reports and documents.
The Transportation Department experiences an uptick in field trips the last two months of the year and also juggles the conclusion of the spring athletics season and upcoming final exam schedules in June. At this time, the Transportation Department also engages in planning for the Elementary Summer Academy with the Summer School Coordinator and the Elementary Office.
The Maintenance and Grounds Department likewise finds itself in transition-mode as the team gears up for what will be for them a very busy summer with a great number of projects and also annual cleaning tasks as we prepare for the reopening of school in early September. The Maintenance Department also engages in a great deal of preparation for the HCS Graduation Ceremony in June and the start-up of the Elementary Summer Academy in July.
Michael D. Bastian
HCS Business Administrator
Safe School Helpline
How can I report information?
Call: 1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359
(1-800-418-6423 ext.359)
Text: 66746, TIPS
Online at: https://www.safeschoolhelpline.com/
Please watch the below video to learn more about the Safe School Helpline:
Social Emotional Wellness and Mental Health Supports and Services at HCS
Intersection of Code of Conduct, DASA and Title IX
HCS Code of Conduct:
- Per SED, the Board of Education of every school district within New York State is required to adopt and amend, as appropriate, a Code of Conduct for the maintenance of order on school property, including a school function, which shall govern the conduct of students, teachers and other school personnel as well as visitors and shall provide for the enforcement thereof.
- Any and all student misconduct may be investigated and enforced under the district’s Code of Conduct. Investigation and enforcement of Code of Conduct violations is the responsibility of building level administration, and may be supported by a Dean of Students and/or other support staff.
- During the Spring of 2022, the HCS administration team invested dedicated time engaging in professional learning specific to student discipline for “higher level” offenses and calibrating responses to such. The Code of Conduct articulates the range of progressive dispositions for offenses, and we are striving for consistency in its application.
- The DASA legislation is intended to provide students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. Please review the above link for more information on DASA.
- Protected classes in the DASA legislation include: race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, and sex.
- Behaviors outlined in DASA are also identified as prohibited student conduct within the HCS Code of Conduct (Section VIII, E4, E5 & E7). As such, any such misconduct may be investigated and enforced under the district’s Code of Conduct.
- Please report any DASA concerns as outlined below:
- Contact your building level administrator. Both Mrs. Pfluke and Mr. Schneckenburger welcome and encourage direct and open lines of communication with students and families.
- Tell a trusted adult, such as any member of the mental health staff or a teacher. School personnel are required to notify an administrator in the event of such a report.
- Complete the HCS Incident Reporting Form. Building principals actively monitor this tool for reports of peer conflict, misconduct, bullying, and/or harassment.
- District appointed DASA Coordinators conduct DASA investigations. Our HCS DASA Coordinators include the following staff members:
- Nate Schneckenburger, Secondary Principal
- Natalie Pfluke, Elementary Principal
- While the DASA Coordinator may conduct the investigation, our building level administrators are responsible for disposition of any "founded" DASA complaint.
- Title IX is a federal law which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and provides, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Please review the above link for more information.
- In August 2020, the U.S. Department of Education adopted new regulations to revise the definition of sexual harassment prohibited under Title IX, and also created new procedures for investigating allegations of sexual harassment covered by Title IX.
- Behaviors outlined in Title IX are also identified as prohibited student conduct within the HCS Code of Conduct (Section VIII, E6). As such, any such misconduct may be investigated and enforced under the district’s Code of Conduct.
- Please note, however, in the event of a report of sexual harassment, the family of a student victim will be contacted by a district appointed Title IX Coordinator to discuss investigation options, time parameters for a formal Title IX investigation, and other considerations (such as confidentiality) of such an investigation.
- In the event a Title IX complaint is filed, the family of the alleged offender will also be contacted by district appointed Title IX Coordinator to discuss the investigation, time parameters and other considerations.
- Our HCS Title IX Coordinators include:
- Natalie Pfluke, Elementary Principal
- Nathan Schneckenburger, Secondary Principal
- Questions about Title IX information may be directed to the individuals named above or to titleixcoordinator@honeoye.org.
- Title IX concerns should be reported as previously outlined above (and reinforced here):
- Contact your building level administrator. Both Mrs. Pfluke and Mr. Schneckenburger welcome and encourage direct and open lines of communication with students and families. As Title IX Investigators, they also are “the lead” in any investigation and/or development of action steps to redress issues.
- Tell a trusted adult, such as any member of the mental health staff or a teacher. School personnel are required to notify an administrator in the event of such a report.
- Complete the HCS Incident Reporting Form. Building principals actively monitor this tool for reports of peer conflict, misconduct, bullying, and/or harassment.
- Building level administrators are responsible for the disposition of any "founded" Title IX complaint.
Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
- In 2022-23, the Honeoye Central School District developed and launched a Behavior Intervention Team (BIT). Our BIT concept is modeled after the CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) approach utilized by law enforcement to best identify potentially violent individuals and to develop targeted, intensive supports.
- We are grateful that our team will consist of select representatives from various Ontario County agencies - Sheriff’s Department, OC Mental Health, FLACRA, DSS PINS Division, SPOA, and Lakeview Health
- The Honeoye BIT will act as an organized team to discuss Threat Cases (TC), where there has been a determination that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals with a nexus to the school community.
- The Honeoye BIT will utilize the expertise of this team for the development of balanced intervention and case management strategies for threat cases presented to the team.
- In compliance with 34 CFR § 99.7 (a) (3) (iii) Annual Notification Requirements, this communication shall serve as notification to parents/guardians of students currently in attendance, or eligible students currently in attendance, that the district has a policy of disclosing education records under 34 CFR § 99.31(a)(1) to BIT members from outside agencies, where necessary and determined appropriate by the District.
- Disclosure of confidential information lawfully shared in-furtherance of the Honeoye BIT mission for purposes other than advancing school-safety or caretaking of the subject of the threat case is strictly prohibited.
- The BIT team shall meet on a monthly basis and be available for emergency BIT callouts.
Go Guardian and Beacon Alerts
To support student safety and encourage scholarly behaviors when using devices, the Honeoye Central School District incorporated online services provided by GoGuardian a number of years ago. It may be helpful to know that over 10,000 other schools use GoGuardian to protect 5.5 million students across the world, and the Global Educator Institute has endorsed the GoGuardian Teacher product.
How are we using GoGuardian?
- HCS has chosen GoGuardian Beacon and GoGuardian Teacher services to:
- Help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material
- Help students stay “scholarly” and more focused when learning online
- Help assess students’ progress towards class assignments
When and how does GoGuardian operate?
- GoGuardian’s web-based services operate on our school’s managed G Suite for Education Chrome accounts (i.e. when a student is logged into Chrome or a Chromebook with his/her school email address).
- GoGuardian Teacher enables teachers to use GoGuardian Teacher with students in their classes only during school hours from Monday through Friday.
- GoGuardian Beacon enables the district to monitor student usage 24/7. When Beacon detects that a student is browsing content related to Self-Harm or Suicide, a notification will be sent to users in order of the Escalation List up to five times or until an action is taken on the alert card. Disclaimer: Regardless of school monitoring specific to reference of self harm, it is simply not possible to catch all activity. Parents maintain responsibility to supervise their children’s use of devices.
What are the school’s responsibilities?
- HCS selected GoGuardian services to help our students stay safer and more scholarly online. We will work with students during class time to help teach them digital responsibility and safety. Additionally, we will train teachers about how to operate GoGuardian and about our policies and procedures to help protect student privacy.
What are my parental/guardian and child’s responsibilities?
- We ask that students uses their school-managed Google accounts and school-managed devices for educational purposes within the boundaries of the HCS Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement.
- When a student is off campus, parents are responsible for supervising internet access and usage. We encourage you to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage with your child, and to reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety with him or her. We also highly encourage you to report any potential cyberbullying or other sensitive issues to us.
How does GoGuardian help protect my child’s privacy?
- To help your child remain scholarly and safe online, GoGuardian collects certain personally identifiable information about your child.
- GoGuardian has consulted with privacy experts, participates in privacy organizations, is a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, and has been awarded certifications by iKeepSafe for complying with both the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and California student privacy laws. For more detailed information about GoGuardian, you may visit GoGuardian’s website, Trust & Privacy Center, GoGuardian’s Product Privacy Policy, and the attached COPPA Notice and Disclosure Form.
Child Protective Services: Child Abuse is Everyone’s Problem
Report Child Abuse and Neglect by Phone 1-800-342-3720
If Deaf or Hard of Hearing Report by TDD/TTY: 1-800-638-5163
Or Video Relay System 1-800-342-3720
From NYS Department of State: Peace of Mind Starts Here -The Address Confidentiality Program
The New York Department of State hosts an Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) that Can Provide Peace of Mind with a Secure Address
The ACP is a FREE program that lets you shield your home address to help maintain your safety.
The ACP is available to you and your immediate family if you have experienced Domestic Violence, stalking, sexual offenses, human trafficking, and reproductive healthcare services, including patients, volunteers, providers, and their employees.
If you qualify, you’ll get a secure Albany post office box as your official mailing address.
The ACP forwards all first class and certified mail from your private PO Box to your home address. Our service is private, secure, and safe.
Apply to the ACP Program in Three Easy Steps!
- Visit ON.NY.GOV/49yYE69 to access the ACP secure online portal.
- Complete the ACP application and submit it electronically.
- An ACP representative will promptly process your application and contact you with a welcome email and a new confidential address.
You Are Not Alone!
New York State offers valuable victim services and resources:
- NYS Hotline for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (800) 942-6906
- NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence NY.GOV
- NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence ORG (518) 482-5465
- NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault ORG
- Human Trafficking Resource Center (888) 373-7888
- Report Human Trafficking to the New York State Attorney General
Partnering with PTA
- Lots of fun and exciting things going on with PTA!
- Make sure to become a member to get our communications and volunteer! https://hcspta.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
- For Food Pantry inquiries: Please feel free to reach out with questions to hcsptapresident@gmail.com or hcsptafoodpantry@gmail.com
Thank you,
Kristin Kester
Honeoye PTA President
Join the Honeoye PTA today!
To become a member, click here:
Help Wanted: Substitutes Spanning Instructional and Operational Areas
The Honeoye Central School is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is currently seeking to hire SUBSTITUTES in the following areas:
School Nurses
Teacher Assistants
Monitors (Hall/Cafeteria/Transportation)
Bus Drivers
Food Service Workers
Please complete the application on the Ontario County Civil Service Employment Portal.
- Web address: https://ontario-portal.mycivilservice.com
For Questions, Contact:
- Jennifer Green Phone: (585) 229-5171, Email: jennifer.green@honeoye.org
2023-24 Instructional Calendar
2024-25 Instructional Calendar
The Board of Education approved the 2024-25 Instructional Calendar during a Regular Meeting of the Board on 2/14/2024.
Save the Date: Commencement Ceremony
Class of 2024 Graduation
Friday, June 28, 2024
HCS is proud to partner with ParentSquare as a tool for consistent and ongoing communications between the district, schools, students, families, and now - the community at large.
Effective January 2024, community members may "opt in" for inclusion in the ParentSquare HCS Community Group for access to information about school elections/votes, capital improvement projects, special events, and other communications that would benefit community members outside of the district or individual schools.
The ParentSquare Community Group feature offers a self-serve sign-up. Interested community members must simply access the Community Group self-serve sign-up link and complete the registration.
How to Reach Me...
Email: bridget.ashton@honeoye.org
Website: https://www.honeoye.org/
Location: 8528 Main Street, Honeoye, NY, USA
Phone: 585-229-4110
Twitter: @EBridgetAshton