Sunflower Weekly Update
Week of Sept. 16th - 20th

This Week's Calendar
Monday, 16th
- Art Club, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
Tuesday, 17th
- Sunflower Site Council meeting, 5:15 pm
Wednesday, 18th
- Snack Shack meeting, 3:45 pm
Thursday, 19th
- Family Paint Night, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday, 20th
- 4th grade hosts guest speaker, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
- 2nd/5th grade Buddies, 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Counselor's Corner
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
The Andover USD 385 Board of Education approved the purchase of a new elementary school counseling program called Safer, Smarter Kids to support our counselors in addressing the Kansas Social, Emotional, and Character Model Standards. This curriculum was created by educators, developmental psychologists, and experts in abuse prevention to teach personal safety with engaging, age-appropriate lessons and activities. The Safer, Smarter Kids curriculum will provide your child with protective principles and the knowledge needed to identify and avoid unsafe situations, people, and behaviors - and how to access help.
The school counselor will teach these lessons during the regularly scheduled counselor class time. The lessons incorporate videos and in-class activities that address topics such as body boundaries, respecting yourself and others, the difference between safe and unsafe secrets, listening to your “Guiding Voice” and telling a trusted adult when a situation makes you feel confused or uncomfortable. You may view the lesson sequence, specific lesson topics, and related resources for each grade level using this link.
If you would like to learn more about the curriculum and see sample lessons, please visit www.SaferSmarterKids.org. For more information on ways to keep your child safe, teach personal safety lessons at home, and how to identify unsafe adults, visit www.SaferSmarterFamilies.org.
If you have questions about the curriculum, or, if after reviewing the lessons you would like to “opt-out” of specific lessons for your child, please email lemonnit@usd385.org no later than October 25, 2024.
Tamara LeMonnier, Counselor
Sunflower PTO News for You
Hi Sunflower families!
We are in week two of our Read and Move-a-thon Fundraiser. We are almost at the halfway mark. Keep up the great work! Here is a glance at what’s coming up!
Today SURPRISE prize- any class who can get their entire class to register by the end of the day today will win a surprise candy treat delivery. Encourage fellow classmates and friends to get their child registered.
Next Thursday, September 19th is our second annual Family Paint night at Sunflower from 5:30 - 7 pm. The cost is $10/canvas and can be purchased at the door with cash or Venmo. Be talking with your child about what uplifting picture or encouraging word you could paint together. Check out our facebook page for more details.
Thursday, October 17th Our annual Walk-a-thon is coming up 10/17. Click the link below to sign up to help bring healthy snacks for students. All items will need to be brought into the Sunflower office no later than Wednesday, October 16th.
Upcoming Events
23 - NO SCHOOL, Professional Learning Day
25 - Principal's pizza party for September birthdays, during regular lunch times
25 - Snack Shack meeting, 3:45 pm
26 - Sunflower Skate Night, Roller City, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
27 - Last day for PTO Fundraiser
30 - Art Club, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm