Lambrick Park Weekly
January 31st, 2025
Grad Photo Retakes this week!
Weekly Update
Wow! Welcome to Semester 2 which starts on Monday! 🙌💙
Another busy week of students and staff wrapping up final projects, writing exams and getting in any late or missing assignments. Thanks to everyone for their focus and determination making Semester 1 as successful as possible!
Order Lunch Program on School Cash Online!!
Island Health HPV Vaccine Clinic
BC has launched a Cancer Care Action Plan to better prevent, detect, and treat cancers. As part of theprevention strategy, Island Health students in grade 11 and 12 will be offered an additional
opportunity to catch up on HPV vaccination, a safe and effective way to prevent a variety of cancers.
Public Health will be providing an opportunity for grade 11 and 12 students who remain eligible for
childhood & school-age immunizations (excluding COVID-19 and influenza vaccines) to be immunized at an upcoming school-based immunization clinic.
Please discuss the information in this letter with your child, as students in grade 11 and 12 will be
offered the opportunity to consent to or refuse immunizations on their own behalf through the
mature minor consent process. Children under the age of 19, who can understand the benefits of
getting immunized, possible side effects after receiving the immunization, and the risk of not getting
immunized, can legally consent to getting the immunization or refuse it.
For more information visit HealthLinkBC: The Infants Act, Mature Minor Consent and Immunization
Grad 2025 🎓
- Grad Check-In appointments are now available through the CLC-12 Classroom. These are short meetings to address Grad Status and are mandatory for any students wanting to participate in the UVic Ceremony and Grad Dinner Dance in June.
- Grad Wear is available online - please see School Cash Online to order!
- GRAD RETAKES HAPPENING next week! Book here! (school code: ILP)