Huskie Howler

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December 16, 2024
Dear Huskie Community,
Happy Holidays! Finals week has arrived and the end of the semester is upon us. I would like to wish all students, families, and staff a well-deserved and relaxing break. I hope that every member of the Huskie Community can spend time with family and friends and have a chance to slow down for at least a few moments. We love being at school with a building full of Huskies but it is important to have breaks and opportunities to recharge. Enjoy the time!
Please note, this will be the last Howler until school resumes in January.
One final time, please note the upcoming final exam schedule:
Wednesday, December 18
Period 1: 7:45-9:25
Period 2: 9:35-11:15
Period 6: 11:25-1:05
Thursday, December 19
Period 8: 7:45-9:25
Period 3: 9:35-11:15
Period 4: 11:25-1:05
Friday, December 20 (last day of semester 1)
Period 7: 7:45-9:25
Period 5: 9:35-11:15
Makeup: 11:25-1:05
School resumes for semester 2 on Tuesday, January 7.
Have a terrific break. Go Huskies!!
Jay Wachtel
Students and families, as you think about next year's courses, consider a World Language course! Please note that you can take more than one language at a time. See the attachment for more information about the languages that we offer. Conact Mrs. Dinon with questions: Ldinon@naperville203.org.
Huskie Preschool
There are a few openings in our afternoon session beginning in February! The NNHS Huskie Preschool is a lab-based preschool run completely by the Early Childhood Education 1 and 2 courses at Naperville North HS. High school students teach all preschool lessons which include small motor, large motor, story, music, math, and science activities. The preschool students are given a healthy snack and time for free play each day. Each registered preschooler receives a Huskie Preschool t-shirt. Please contact Dana Klen dklen@naperville203.org for more information and registration.
Holiday Staff Appreciation
Calling all Bakers! Holiday Sweets are needed to appreciate our amazing NNHS Staff. Please help us celebrate the Staff by donating a home baked sweet treat. We would appreciate single serving sized items (cookies, dessert bars, small cupcakes, muffins, chocolate dipped pretzels, trail mix baggies, chex mix baggies) as these will be served grab-n-go.
- Donation Drop Off: All donations should be dropped off on Wednesday, December 18th between 7:30am-3:30pm inside the Naperville North Front Entrance with the Campus Supervisors
- No nuts of any kind please in donations including the gluten free desserts (ex: no almond flour please).
- Please label your treat and identify it as a Holiday Donation and deliver on single use plates/containers/bags as we will be unable to return any items.
- Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F45AEA82BA4FDC70-53960683-holiday
A Huge Thank You for a Successful Cocoa and Cram 2024
We are thrilled to share that we served over 500 cups of cocoa and treats at this year’s Cocoa and Cram event! It was an amazing afternoon, and none of it would have been possible without the incredible support from several key groups and individuals:
- Family Donations – A heartfelt thank you to the families who made generous donations to help support this event. Your contributions, both big and small, made a meaningful impact and allowed us to provide a fun event before next weeks finals.
- NNHS Half Caf – A big thank you for providing the much-needed hot cocoa. Serving over 500 cups was no small feat, and we couldn’t have done it without you!
- District 203 Staff & Dr. Mark Cohen
- Naperville Board of Education & Melissa Kelley Black
- H&S Family Connection
- NNHS Staff & Administration
- NNHS Boosters
The collaboration from all of you made this event a wonderful success, and it’s a true reflection of the strength of our NNHS community. Thank you again for making Cocoa and Cram an event to remember!
Thank You for Supporting the Holiday Gift Baskets
NNHS H&S was thrilled to assemble 8 holiday gift baskets for the Cornerstone Boys Home, a shelter that provides a safe and supportive environment for boys in need of temporary care. With a focus on personal growth and stability, Cornerstone helps these boys overcome challenges and build brighter futures. Thanks to your generous donations, we are able to make their holidays extra special. We sincerely appreciate your support in spreading joy and warmth this season!
Senior Celebration
- Tickets for Senior Celebration are only available on GoFan at this link: https://gofan.co/event/1525705?schoolId=IL099809. The event is Saturday, April 12, 2025 at NNHS from 6PM to 10PM. If you are unsure if you've purchased a ticket for your Senior already, here is a link to tickets sold as of 11/19/24 https://www.naperville203.org/Page/10533
- Prizes As we prepare for the 2025 Senior Celebration, we are excited to ensure that every student goes home with a special gift. To make this possible, we are kindly requesting prize donations from our wonderful parent community. You can choose a gift from our Amazon list, use the sign-up genius to purchase gift cards, or purchase something else entirely.
- Please have all gifts delivered to: Joni Konstantelos at 1007 W. Bauer Rd., Naperville, IL 60563.
- Thank you for your generosity and support in making this event memorable for our seniors.
- Link to Amazon Gift List: Your Gift List
- Link to Sign Up Genius Prize Donations: NNHS Senior Celebration: NNHS | 2025 Senior Celebration | Donations
- Please send questions to nnhsseniorcelebrationprizes@gmail.com
Open H&S Committee Positions
Interested in volunteering your time back to NNHS? Consider filling one of our board committee chairs positions for the 2025-26 School Year! Currently, we have the following positions open for 25-26 school year: Registration, Senior Sunrise Breakfast, and Staff Appreciation. If you are interested, please reach out to Susan Spires @ napervillenorthhssec@gmail.com
School Store
Seeking volunteers for the NNHS School Store! Whether you can spare an hour or take on a whole shift, your help with inventory and sales will support our students' success. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAAAC2EA5FBC70-50601882-nnhs#/
- Finals Week School Store Hours
- Monday December 16th : 10:30 AM - 1:20 PM (volunteer shifts are: 10:30 AM - 12 PM & 11:50 AM - 1:20 PM)
- Tuesday December 17th: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM (volunteer shifts are: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM & 12 - 1:30 PM)
- Wednesday - Friday, December 18-20th - CLOSED for Finals
NNHS Trivia Night
Thank you to everyone who supported Trivia Night this month. We are grateful for all the participants, table captains, coaches, staff, administration, donors, volunteers and our Chair (Tricia Hutton) who made Trivia Night a huge success! Your support will immediately impact our Huskie programs.
Fashion Show
Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 23, 2025 for this year's SENIOR FASHION SHOW! SENIORS- Student store selection will be held on 1/9 at 7 AM in the LC. Students will need to make their $30 participation fee at the meeting. The Fashion Show is one of Boosters biggest fundraisers of the year and takes a village of volunteers. Any parents still interested in volunteering please contact the Fashion Show co-chairs: Natasha Carsello and Marni Springer at nnhsboostersfashionshow@gmail.com. Ticket sale will begin after the new year so keep an eye out for additional information on social media and in the Howler!
Spirit Wear Spirit Wear is in search of some helping hands this winter. New volunteer opportunities to help sell Huskie Fashions on 1/7 Boys Varsity basketball game. Sign up at this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E094CA9A92EA7FD0-53475687-spirit
Check out our WINTER menu on the new website! https://nnhsboosters.org/concessions With winter athletics right around the corner we will need volunteers to help support our efforts. Check out the Sign Up Genius for all winter concession opportunities. Our hope is that each Booster member commits to one 2 hr shift. It will be cozy and fun working indoors this winter. We hope you can lend a hand! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0A4DABAD2CA0FBC34-52923307-2024
New Website
Are you Driven to Join, Driven to Volunteer, Driven to Donate or Driven to Sponsor? We are excited to introduce our new look at https://nnhsboosters.org. The updated website is the hub of information for all things related to Boosters. The website will highlight our social media, contains sign ups for concessions, provides sponsorship opportunities and features our fundraising events. Another new addition is that tickets to our fundraisers will be available on the website through our new GOFAN account!! Everything related to Boosters will be at your fingertips so bookmark the site today.
Dress Up 203 believes every student should have the opportunity to attend their school dance in style. This organization is dedicated to making prom dreams come true for NNHS and NCHS students who do not have the means to afford formal attire. Their mission is to provide youth in need with the opportunity to attend their prom with confidence and style. They believe every young person deserves the chance to experience this memorable milestone without financial burdens. Please help us thank our Platinum Partner PEACHES BOUTIQUE who is helping make this possible! We hope the entire community will support Peaches when they shop for their next dress. Please mention Dress Up 203 when you get your dress at PEACHES for your free Swag as their way to say thank you. www.peachesboutique.com
Community Job Fair
KidsMatter, in partnership with the Naperville Park District, presents the annual Community Job Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025 at Fort Hill Activity Center 20 Fort Hill Drive, Naperville. Come to learn about career opportunities of all types. Dozens of companies will be on-site, looking for someone just like you! You can try a mock interview, work on your resume, talk about financial literacy and explore various careers — all at the Job Fair. No registration is necessary for this free event. Mark your calendars and come check out all the opportunities at the Community Job Fair! For questions, please contact KidsMatter Director of Programs at 630-605-0904 or sherilyn@kidsmatter2us.org.
Profile of a Learner
Naperville 203 invites community members to engage in a special two-part Focus 203 series aimed at bringing the Profile of a Learner to life. This initiative is centered on five key competencies: Adaptability, Communication, Critical Thinking, Learner’s Mindset, and Global Citizenship, all of which are essential for preparing students for future success. Why Participate? Community perspectives are crucial for shaping the district's vision and enhancing student experiences. These sessions offer a platform for collaborative discussions, ensuring that participant feedback influences the creation of innovative learning experiences.
Thank you to everyone who attended Session 1 at either Kennedy Junior High School or NIU Naperville Campus. We appreciate your participation.
Details and sign-up information for Session 2 can be found at HERE. We hope you can join us!
- Session 2: Shaping Innovation in Learning
- Review updates and see community feedback translated into action.
- Dates & Locations (attend one):
- January 14, 7:00 p.m. at Kennedy Junior High School, Lisle, IL, or
- January 17, 9:00 a.m. (Location TBD)
Additional Resources
- Check out this month’s Counselor Connection, with grade-level & college/career updates!
- Link to 2024-2025 NNHS Calendar
- Join the principal's community Remind: text @nnhsupdate to the number 81010
- The archived Howlers can be found HERE
Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions about any of the items above or other concerns, please contact Jay Wachtel, Principal, at jwachtel@naperville203.org. or Susan Brown, Administrative Assistant at sbrown1@naperville203.org. Follow NNHS Official on X at wachtel_NNHS and Instagram at nnhs_jay_wachtel.