Gator Bites
December 19, 2024
Principal's Corner
What a wonderful life! Watching our students and teachers enjoy the last week of school this semester has been a joyful experience for me. Check out this picture of Mr B (Student Support Specialist)
and Mr Leighty (MS social studies teacher) embracing the holiday spirit! Happy Holidays and many blessings to everyone.
I do have a few things to say as we end the semester….
Save the date! We have an educator from Arapahoe Health coming to talk to our parents about the dangers of vaping and nicotine on our kids. Sue Hawk will be here January 29th at 6 pm. See her attached flyer for more information.
Remember to be courteous to our walkers in the crosswalks! It is true that a person in a crosswalk has the right of way. Let’s yield to the pedestrians around us.
I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to our parent organization, LASA. They work tirelessly to provide us with community building opportunities and to raise funds for Littleton Academy. I know parents were very generous with their donations for the Fun Run in October and as such, LASA has given the school a check for $40,000!! We will use this money for governing board priorities like teacher Professional Development and classroom budgets.
“May your days be merry and bright!” Be safe Gators and see you all “next year” in 2025.
Upcoming Events
Junior Achievement - Volunteers Needed
Calling all parents For Junior Achievement!!
We are seeking volunteers to inspire and teach children on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Your duties will include attending a one-hour after-school training session (date and time to be announced), a meet-and-greet breakfast on the morning of February 18th, and teaching a classroom for a day using the knowledge and experience gained through Junior Achievement. I'm thrilled to share that this year, Kindergarten to 5th grade students will be involved, with a potential inclusion of Middle School students. If you have previously volunteered to teach JA, you won't need to attend the training session. You don’t need prior experience or knowledge to make a meaningful impact on our students' lives. This event fulfills all your volunteering hours. Junior Achievement is a financial literacy program that empowers children with entrepreneurship skills through hands-on collaboration and exploration.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please email Mrs. Graziano at egraziano@lps.k12.co.us. Make sure to indicate your preferred grade and teacher, and I'll prioritize those who contact me first.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Fun in Kindergarten
First Grade - Light and Sound
First grade enjoyed applying their science learning about light and sound, to their music class by making their own instruments and playing along together!
Littleton Academy in the Community
Our 5th Grade Littleton Academy Girl Scout troop did some volunteer work at the Food Bank of the Rockies and the girls worked very hard. It is so great to see our students representing Littleton Academy out in the community in such a positive and impactful way. The troop alone put together 110 boxes of toys for kids, which is 1,494 pounds of toys and it will go to 1,245 children. They also helped put together 829 boxes of food which will provide 22,107 meals to families.
3rd Grade Science
Applied Digital Skills
This week, Bonnie Faucett (parent of four LA students) volunteered as a guest speaker in the 8th grade technology classes. She presented on spreadsheets and using the real-life application of receiving a cash gift for one's birthday (or even a paycheck as an adult), and allocating the amount to different goals (giving, saving, spending).
Check out the Littleton Academy Spirit Store! There are tons of new designs and fun spirit wear for the whole family! Students may wear these shirts and sweatshirts for Friday Spirit Days throughout the entire school year.