John Swett Elementary School
PTA Newsletter October 2024
President's Message
WOW, what a beginning of the school year we have had! We hope that everyone is in the full swing of the school year!
Our first and second PTA meetings were incredibly well attended. We were able to pass our budget and thus, get funds into our classrooms! All our new and returning board members were introduced. Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting.
The Back to School Barn Bash was a huge success! The food trucks all donated back to our PTA school fund and the 5th grade dessert table raised well over $500! If you were unable to attend this first event, do not worry, we will have plenty more! Thank you to Lisa Zaccaro for organizing this event!
The Roadrunner Dash was VERY successful we exceeded our goal! A huge thank you to the coordinators, Gerilyn Attebery and Denise Starkey and to all of our sponsors!
Our homecoming parade float was certainly the talk of the town! Thank you to everyone who participated in the construction and execution of the float. A special shout out to Tessa Heuer and Nicole Peterson for your dedication to our SHREK float.
As a reminder we have a meeting each month in the library. You do not need to be a member to attend. Hopefully we will see you at a meeting soon!
Michelle Korn and Lisa Willis
- Please know that the PTA does not monitor the parents Facebook Page. While committee chairs will share information from time to time, the best place to get information from the PTA will be on INSTAGRAM, our Website, or this newsletter.
PIZZA in the PARK, 10/11 @ Noon
- Make sure to purchase your PIZZA in the PARK ticket from the webstore. All proceeds will support 5th grade activities, but ALL grades are welcome and encouraged to join in the fun! Last day to order tickets is, October 9th.
- Is Happening!!! October 19. Flyers have been coming home through classrooms and can be found on our website. Music, Dancing, Food Trucks, Pumpkin Patch, Spooky Hallway, Games, Cake Walk and so much more! If you have questions, please check in with Rachael Turner. VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED SIGN UP HERE
- We are still looking for a chair for this event. If you are interested in helping in anyway, Please reach out to the JSE PTA president.
- We need 2-volunteers to house the Missoula staff. This will be February 3-8, 2025. Our students LOVE this program and the play was fantastic! If you are interested in being a HOST FAMILY, please contact Amy:
How to get in touch with people
Contact Katie Sanchez:
Contact Michelle Korn:
Upcoming Dates
- 10/19-Carnoween
- 11/12-PTA Meeting (in Library)
- 12/13-WinterFest
- TBD: Auction
- 2/3-8/2025: Missoula
- 3/3-7/2025-Book Fair (in Library)
- 9/12/2025 Fun Run for the 25/26 school year!
John Swett Elementary PTA