The Dodge Dish
May 10, 2024
DMS Community,
Thank you to everyone who showed staff appreciation this week. We appreciate all the support and kind messages from the community! DMS staff is grateful for the partnership we have with the greater Farmington community.
As the school year quickly comes to a close we will be celebrating our 8th grade's three years here at DMS. This starts next Friday with the 8th grade celebration "A Night to Remember: Under the Stars" from 7:00PM-9:00PM. We invite DMS 8th graders to enjoy an evening of dancing, games, snacks, photo booth pictures, and peer connection.
Finally, families with learners who currently take iPads home in grades K-11 may now opt to checkout their district issued iPads for the summer months! The deadline to opt into summer checkout is Friday, May 17. Farmington Public Schoolls has been offering the optional summer iPad checkout since 2016. Nearly 70% of eligible families and learners last year opted to check out their issued iPads. Using RevTrak to agree to the updated 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement will ensure that your child is set with their iPad check out for the entire 2024-25 academic year.
Have a great weekend!
Andy Nelson, Principal
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Useful Phone Numbers
School: 651-460-1500
Nurse: 651-460-1506
Food Service: 651-463-5025
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1510
School Athletics: 651-252-2514
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
In 2023 the Minnesota legislature passed the READ ACT which requires additional professional development specific to literacy instruction. In response to the time needed, the district has added three more professional development days to the 2024-25 school calendar at the elementary level only. These added professional development days will not impact the secondary level (middle and high school). You can find the updated 2024-2025 Year-at-a-Glance calendar on the district website here.
Do you have ideas about how the statewide assessment results, like the MCA, could be shared with the public and school and district staff?
MDE is beginning the process of redesigning the statewide assessment reports. This includes evaluating how student results are organized and communicated (including the labels like "does not meet” or “exceeds" the standards, and what the reports will look like for new academic standards). The redesigned reports will be seen for the first time in summer and fall 2025.
Please take the survey to share your experience. It should take no longer than 15 minutes. The survey is now open for submissions until May 19. Responses are completely anonymous.
Please reach out to with any questions or concerns about the survey or feedback process.
Congrats to these learners who have demonstrated community, empathy, and purpose over the last week. We are so proud of all of our learners for demonstrating these core values each day.
Families with learners who currently take iPads home in grades K-11 may now opt to checkout their district issued iPads for the summer months! We have been offering the optional summer iPad checkout since 2016. Nearly 70% of eligible families and learners last year opted to check out their issued iPads. Using RevTrak to agree to the updated 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement will ensure that your child is set with their iPad check out for the entire 2024-25 academic year.
The option for Summer iPad checkout supports our efforts to foster open-ended, personalized learning opportunities; curiosity; exploration and continued access to creative tools and resources. It also allows students to continue to have access to technology that helps them stay connected to their schools, friends, family and the community during the summer months.
We encourage families to consider checking out their learner’s district issued iPad for the summer. The optional summer iPad checkout reduces the number of learners needing to participate in “spring collections” and the “fall checkout” process when schools are back in session. This shortens the amount of time that learners and teachers are without the use of iPads next fall. Those opting for summer iPad checkout will be set until spring 2025.
The updated 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement, is available online and includes helpful information for iPads checked out for the summer and for the following school year. The RevTrak “iPad Loan Agreement” activities are live for each school site allowing parents, guardians, and learners the ability to review and agree to the terms of the 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement and either opt to ENROLL in, or WAIVE participation in the iPad Protection Plan. The enrollment fee for the optional iPad Protection Plan is $35 for the 2024-25 school year, with no additional fee for the summer months.
Please note that if you have not used RevTrak yet, you will need to create an account and also know your child’s Student ID number to complete the registration process. If you used RevTrak for completing last year’s 2023-24 iPad Loan Agreement, the system has saved your parent and child account information. You will still need to know your learner’s Student ID number. The RevTrak e-Guides and Customer Account guide, along with the RevTrak Frequently Asked Questions provide helpful information for setting up and using the system.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more details on the optional summer iPad checkout, the iPad Protection Plan, and repair procedures. Individual schools will share end-of-year collection information for those not choosing to take advantage of this opportunity.
For families opting to check out their learner’s iPad for the summer, please know that iPad collection dates vary by school. It is therefore strongly recommended to use RevTrak to review and agree to the 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement, determine if you want to waive or enroll in the iPad Protection Plan, and complete the “checkout” process as soon as possible.
Please join us on Wednesday May 15th from 7-8:30pm at Farmington High School to learn about ISD 192’s activities & athletics and complete registration for Fall 2024. We will have Farmington Community Education to share information for grades 6th-8th grade and Farmington Activity & Athletic Department to share information for grades 9th-12th.
Únase a nosotros el miércoles 15 de mayo de 7 a 8:30 p. m. en Farmington High School. Para obtener información sobre los programs de nuestro distrito y completar la inscripción para los deportes, actividades y artes de otoño.
ORDER YOUR 2024 YEARBOOK TO GUARANTEE YOUR COPY FOR THIS YEAR! Don’t wait and possibly not get a yearbook – order TODAY!
Just scan the QR code or visit the link below to order
Are you wondering what to plan for your child’s summer? Community Education has several camp and class opportunities for youth ages 2-grade 12! Summer camps span a wide range of activities, including Art, Music, Sports, Theater, Academics, STEM, and much more! Several district staff are offering classes this year including Movie and Film Production, Veterinary Adventures, Podcasting, Farm to Table, Tiger Athletic Camps, Intro to Floral Design, and more! There is plenty for families to choose from to fit everyone’s interest!
To see a list of our offerings in our Catalog, click here.
Know what you want to sign up for? Click here to register!
In need of fee assistance to participate? Youth on free and reduced lunch or who have extenuating circumstances are eligible to apply for fee assistance. Apply here:
Farmington School District has some great opportunities for you!
Click the link to apply for positions or reach out to the main office if interested.
Please take some time to visit the DMS Website where you will find an abundance of helpful information to support your middle school student. Dodge Dish is an electronic publication that you will receive via email every week from our principal Mr. Nelson and the Dodge Dish is always available on the DMS website under “Social Media”. It is very helpful to take time to read through this publication to keep updated on upcoming events and happenings.
Download your free app for Campus Parent app (parents/guardians) or the Campus Student app (students) from your device's mobile app store for real-time access to grades, attendance, schedules, announcements and more!
If a student will be absent, a parent/guardian must call Dodge Middle School’s attendance line at 651-460-1505 before 10:00 am each day of the absence. If the school does not receive a call from the parent/guardian the day of the absence, an automated phone call will be placed letting you know your student has been marked absent from school. To request a pre-excused absence, a parent/guardian needs to complete the online “Request to Waive Unexcused Status of Absence” form. This link can also be accessed by visiting the Dodge Middle School webpage under “QUICK LINKS” and “Pre-Arranged Student Absence”.
DMS/BMS Choir Concerts
Concerts at 6:30 and 8:00
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 06:30 PM
Robert Boeckman Middle School, Denmark Avenue, Farmington, MN, USA
DMS Band Concerts
Concerts at 6:30 and 8:00