WCSD Summer Newsletter
July 25, 2024
There are many different ways to check-in with our feelings. At times, a visual tool can help us identify how we are feeling. Take a look at the images below. Which picture matches how you are feeling right now? Once you pick an image, say, “Right now I am feeling _____ and that is OK!” When filling in the blank, you can say the number of the image that matches how you are feeling, or you can pick a word to describe your current emotion.
Check in and CELEBRATE!
Did you know that you can check in on your student’s progress in i-Ready? You can check on the lessons they have passed. How many lessons has your student passed? How did this number change from last week? These questions can be answered by clicking on the “My Progress” arrow at the bottom of the screen. What can you CELEBRATE? You can celebrate that they passed a certain number of lessons or even an increased number of lessons from the previous week.
i-Ready Support
Many family resources can be found at the i-Ready Family Center. If you or your child needs additional support with i-Ready, please feel free contact Sarah Bottomley via email at sbottomley@whittiercity.net .
Summer Olympics
The Summer Olympics are taking place in Paris this year. The events will begin tomorrow, July 26 and continue through August 11. Click here to find a list of sports that people will be competing in. I wonder who will earn a gold medal!
Read All About It
What's Your Cycle Style?
Squeak the Skater Goes Surfing
Sports Art
This or That
Summer Sports in Whittier City
What is your favorite summer sport? If you’re participating in any summer sports, please snap a pic and send it to Sarah Bottomley at sbottomley@whittiercity.net. Be sure to include your name and any other information you would like to add (team name, location, who you are with, school site etc.). All photos will be featured in next week’s newsletter.
Sports Riddles & Jokes
- Click here to access the City of Whittier event calendar. Here you’ll find information about Story Time, Summer Meals, and MORE!
- June 19 - July 29 - Whittier Public Library’s Summer Reading Club
- August 13 - First Day of School (6th grade only)
- August 13 - WCSD School Board Meeting
- August 14 - First Day of School
Let's stay connected and continue to learn all summer long!