Ferson Creek eNews
May 8, 2020
From the Principal...Kristy McKnight
On Monday morning you will receive a detailed communication from me regarding our student material pick up plan. I appreciate your patience as we have taken time to put together procedures that will hopefully make this process as smooth as possible.
Thank you so much to our PTO and all of you that found a way to honor our staff during this Teacher Appreciate Week! All of the notes, jokes, and pictures were wonderful and helped us continue to connect with your families. We also gave a huge thanks to Mrs. Holloway and Mrs. Landers, our nurses, for all they do to support our students and staff here at Ferson Creek.
I found another wonderful picture book that I wanted to share with everyone. Hopefully your children will enjoy it!
Have a good weekend,
Kristy McKnight
5th Grade Parents
Also, be on the lookout for a recorded Thompson Middle School Presentation that will be sent to you, via parent link, by Mr. Steve Morrill, Thompson Middle School principal. Middle School is just around the corner!
All Day Kindergarten Tuition
Ferson Creek News
4th Graders - Start Thinking about Band!
Returning Student Registration - Now Online!
Returning Student Registration for 2020-2021 has moved to an online format that is now open. In years past, parents completed the necessary paperwork in paper format. This year, all acknowledgments and authorizations are contained in a single electronic, online registration form that will be easily accessible from most electronic devices (computer, Chromebook, and Smartphones).
Parents can sign into the Returning Student Online Registration form using their Home Access Center (HAC) credentials, select individual students, and complete their registration. The form will be located in the Parents/Community menu of the District website.
Registration fees for elementary and middle school are now available in Pushcoin, and billed to reflect the early bird discount of $10.00 if paid by May 22. High School fees will be available in June. For families who may qualify for a fee waiver, and are not directly certified by the state, a 2020-2021 district fee waiver application will be available on the District 303 website in July, accessible from the Parent/Community menu.
Social Emotional Learning
This week’s SEL lesson focuses on relationship skills and their development through communicating effectively. Make sure to check out the information and resources highlighted for parents. This weeks competency is:
Relationship skills: The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. This includes communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.
The challenges and uncertainty facing families and children are impactful on overall mental health and well being. We are hopeful the resources shared will be a support to parents/guardians and children. If you have any questions on the information provided or are seeking additional support for yourself or child, please contact Patti Palagi, Director Instructional Interventions (patti.palagi@d303.org or 331-228-6457).
Pandemic EBT Application
Pandemic EBT Application Available
The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) launched the Pandemic EBT application for families on May 1 at https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access/. P-EBT is a new special benefit that can help families buy food for their school age children who would normally receive National School Lunch Program (NSLP) free or reduced-priced meals when schools are in session. All families with school age children who attend schools approved for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) are eligible for the benefits as they receive NSLP meals at no charge.
Families that currently receive SNAP benefits do not need to apply for P-EBT benefits. These additional P-EBT benefits will be loaded into Illinois LINK EBT accounts along with regular SNAP benefits. Families who do not currently receive SNAP benefits but do have children who receive NSLP free or reduced-priced meals will need to apply directly with IDHS. The fastest way for families to receive benefits is to complete the application for P-EBT available online (Click “Apply for Benefits” at the link.) A paper application in English and Spanish is also available and can be submitted by email to DHS.FCS.PEBT@illinois.gov. IDHS created a flyer to help families with the application process. We are asking NSLP sponsors to share this flyer with their families.
ISBE is working in partnership with IDHS to ensure that this validation is available for all NSLP sponsors, both public and non-public. Thank you to all the schools that participate in the NSLP for submitting data by the April 17 deadline. We are asking that you please continue to verify that count, so that all families who are eligible can access the additional financial support provided by P-EBT. Instructions for this crucial verification can be found online.
If NSLP sponsors need assistance with the data submission/update, please email the ISBE Nutrition Department at cnp@isbe.net. If families need technical assistance with the application, please direct them to email IDHS at DHS.FCS.PEBT@illinois.gov.
Nutrition Department, Illinois State Board of Education
100 N. First St., Springfield, IL 62777
cnp@isbe.net, www.isbe.net/nutrition
Yearbook Update
The Ferson Creek Yearbook printing has been put on “hold” for the year. Unfortunately the printers are down due to the stay at home orders. This gives us an opportunity to work on it some more and print at the beginning of next school year. THERE WILL still be a yearbook, (the yearbook committee will personally deliver to the graduating fifth graders if you can’t make it to the pick up). Online sales are still open through May: https://inter-state.com/YearbookEntry/43057E
(FYI- there was no pre-orders for this at the beginning of the year, only high school and middle school do that)
The good news.. we can include more photos!! Please send Kristi and Ashley any photos of your child e-learning or learning from home with your siblings or pets! We want to include these memories.
Sending Ferson Creek hugs from your yearbook committee!
Tech Support
- Live Chat will remain available M-F from 8 am - 4 pm
- Phone support is also available at (331) 228-4357. Families should leave a message and expect a timely call back during business hours.
Device Exchange for families will resume, if necessary, at TMS on 4/6. Please use the live chat for device assistance if you have a need. Up to date tech information can be found on the technical support resource page.
D303 Food Service and Meals - Updated!
District 303 is expanding our meal service to include additional school and residential locations beginning on Monday, April 6, 2020. Any student in District 303 is eligible to pick up breakfast and lunch grab and go meals at any of the following locations throughout the week.
Thompson Middle School, 705 W. Main Street
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Monday through Friday
Anderson Elementary School, 35W071 Villa Marie Rd.
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Monday through Friday
Wasco Elementary School, 4N782 School Street, Wasco
10:00 - 10:45 a.m. - Monday through Friday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the front of the school
Cumberland Green Cooperative, 1798 Cumberland Green
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the office parking lot
Prairie Point Apartments, 1820 Wessel Court
10:00 - 10:30 a.m.- Monday through Friday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the park facing the road at the front entrance (Entrance nearest to Randall Road)
The Crossings, 1690 Covington
10:40 - 11:10 a.m. - Monday through Friday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the area near the clubhouse
St. Charles Place, 15th Street and Indiana
11:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to an area in front of the apartment complex
COVID-19 Updates
Please visit the District 303 website that is designed to answer your questions about e-Learning, assist you with finding community resources, and link you to information from reputable agencies about COVID-19.
Por favor, visite el sitio web del Distrito ya que está diseñado para responder sus preguntas sobre el aprendizaje electrónico (e-Learning), ayudarle a encontrar recursos, y enlazarlo con información de agencias confiables sobre el COVID-19
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/