PLD Back to School Newsletter
"Let's Grow Together"
Welcome Note from the Principal, Mrs. Allen
Dear PLD Families,
Our first week is ending, and PLD scholars have eagerly embraced their new academic adventure. Please note that this month, we have a few opportunities to meet. Those events include:
1. PTO Welcome Back Foam Party - September 12, 2024 @ 5pm
2. Back to School Night - September 25, 2024 @ 6:30pm
September 15th marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month! At school, students will learn about the beauty of Hispanic culture, and we will highlight students' voices throughout the month. At home, be sure to check out our virtual library for Hispanic Heritage Month.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, September 25th, at Back to School
With PLD Pride,
Jazmyn Allen
September Events
September 5th - 20th - PTO Spirit Wear Sale
September 13th - PTO Back to School Party w/EMK 5-7pm @PLD
September 25th - Back to School Night 6:30 pm
Important Information for Parents
Title 1 - Parents Right to Know
Please see the attached letter regarding Title 1 - Parents Right to Know
School Supply List
School Supply Lists can be found here for the 2024-2025 school year.
Welcome PLD New Staff Members
Mrs. Jennifer Borg
Hi, my name is Jennifer Borg and I am very excited to start teaching the third grade this September at PLD. This will be the start of my 8th year as an employee of EWRSD, and my first year at Perry L. Drew! I love spending time with my family, going to the beach, dancing, reading and going for walks with my dogs.
Hi! My name is Rashel Gonzalez and I am the new 3rd grade bilingual teacher. I will be teaching mathematics and science this year. I am new to the district but excited to join a welcoming community! During my free time, I love to spend time with my family and watch sunsets as well. I love going out to eat and discovering new places! Additionally, I love to travel and I am in hopes of visiting South America again next year!
Mrs. Jennifer Roberts
My name is Mrs. Roberts and I am excited to start a new journey here at PLD as a 5th grade Math and Science Teacher. I have been with the district for 7 years teaching 3rd-5th grade. Outside of school I am a busy mom of 2 children. I love to take trips to the beach, watching my kids play sports, reading, and Philadelphia sports! I look forward to seeing new smiling faces this September.
Chartwells News
Kidcare News
Kidcare Extended Day Program is OPEN for Registration!
Registration for EWRSD’s Kidcare Extended Day Program is OPEN. All students will need to register, even if your student was registered in a previous school year. More information can be found here.
News from Nurse Lopatine
Hello PLD Families!!! Hope you had a wonderful summer!
Parents-please update the nurse on any medical changes for your child. If your child is on any medication, please have your child's physician fill out a medication order form which can be found on the PLD web site under Health Office. If your child has asthma, a food allergy, diabetes, or seizure disorder, the doctor must also complete an action plan.
Updates from Fine Arts
Band/Orchestra - Mr. Berkuta, Mr. Korey & Mrs. Rojas
Hello to All returning and starting band/orchestra students!
Mr. Korey, Ms. Rojas Requena and Mr. Berkuta are looking forward to getting your lessons started in September. We will visit your classes during the first two days of school to confirm your participation.
Parents if you can finalize how you are obtaining your instrument and supplies(Reeds, Valve Oil, Sticks or Rosin and Shoulder rests) for your students. Please expect a welcome letter from us soon and we look forward to the start of another school year!
PTO News
We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school for the 2024-20254 school year. Our PTO is here to support the whole PLD community, staff, students and families. Part of that support is keeping everyone informed and connected. Here we have ways to keep up to date on the happenings in the building and interact with other families. Please reach out if you need anything, we are here to help!
2024-2025 PTO Board
President: Kim Powers
Vice President: Barrie Roberts
Treasurer: Ameena Mohib
Secretary: Kelly Carella
Translator: Katie Vernati
Stay Connected
Remind: Text @PLDPTO2425 to 81010 for quick updates and reminders from the PTO
Facebook: Perry L. Drew PTO
Volunteers Needed for Events and Committees
If you are interested in volunteering, please feel free to contact Your assistance would be greatly valued by our school community.
Upcoming Events:
9/5-9/20: Spirit Wear Sale
9/13: Back to School Party with EMK 5-7pm @PLD
Important Reminders
PLD Arrival & Dismissal Times
Please be advised that school starts at 8:45 am and dismissal is at 3:30. While we understand illnesses and circumstances occurring beyond your control. We encourage students to be on time. Missing precious instruction time is a loss that cannot be recovered.
Early dismissal from PLD is at 1:25
Delayed Opening arrival time for PLD is 10:15 am
The complete schedule can be found here:
Carpool Lane & Walker Pickups
As we move through this first month of a new school year, I would like to remind everyone about the carpool lane and walker/pickups at the end of the day. To keep the front of the building clear for carpool students, if you are picking up a student as a walker, please meet your child at the BREEZEWAY. Walkers ARE NOT dismissed at the front of the building as this area is kept open for carpool students. Regarding the carpool area, I do ask that we all work together as a community. Staff will only engage with the traffic on campus but I ask that you be courteous and mindful when entering the carpool lane. Please do not block the entry of the driveway due to the buses. Buses are unable to enter the driveway safely if it is blocked. Your support with this matter is appreciated.
Please remind your students to bring their charged chromebooks daily! It is extremely important that they remember to bring them daily.
PLD Lost & Found
Please remind your children that if they lose an item they should check the lost & found located in the cafeteria. They can check the rack during their lunch period and claim what might belong to them!
Outdoor Recess
Recess is a crucial part of the day, so by all means we will continue to provide this outdoor experience daily. Please be reminded to have your child properly dress for cooler weather. Coats, jackets, and hats may be needed. Checking the weather prior to the start of school would help in making sure proper attire is on daily.
PLD Photo Gallery
September 5, 2024 - 1st Day of School
Music Team
Fifth Grade Team
Fourth Grade Team
Fine Arts Team
About PLD
Address: 70 Twin Rivers Drive North, East Windsor, NJ 08520
Contact: Kathleen Donohue, 609-4436-7820 X3000 - OR
Evelin Surita (Habla Espanol), 609-443-7820 X3005 -