BHMS Falcon Flyer
December 13, 2024
Broomfield Heights Middle school
Website: bhm.bvsd.org
Location: 1555 Daphne Street, Broomfield, CO
Phone: 720-561-8400
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Important Dates
December 16th - Orchestra Concert @ BHS
December 16th - 20th Spirit Week
December 17th - Choir Concert @ BHS (7pm)
December 18th - Band Concert @ BHS
December 23rd - January 3rd Winter Break
January 6th - District Professional Development Day - No School
Celebrate the Holidays With a Pancake Breakfast for BHMS Staff!
Dear Families,
Let's come together to express our gratitude to the wonderful BHMS staff with a festive holiday pancake breakfast! We invite you to join us in showing our appreciation on Wednesday, December 18th.
To make this event a success, we encourage families to sign up and contribute by bringing items for the breakfast. Please drop off your donations at the front office on Monday, December 16th and Tuesday, December 17th.
Your support is greatly appreciated, and together we can make this a memorable celebration for our staff. Thank you for your generosity!
Warm regards,
Thank You to Our Parents!
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents for your generous donations throughout this school year. A special shout out goes to Alison Bamberg for donating pencils, notecards, and tissues to our school this week. Your contributions make a significant difference in creating a supportive and inclusive environment for our students. Thank you!
Family Assignment Planner
Hello families, this year we are excited to announce our Assignment Planner that will be visible to families. Please open the link and look for your student's teachers by grade level. Teachers will update important dates and due dates on this document, or refer you to where to go to find that information. Please let us know if you have any questions, and we hope you will find this tool useful for helping your students stay on top of their assignments.
Share-A-Gift Annual Toy Shop Saturday, December 21st
Share–A–Gift provides toys, books, and bicycles for children of low-income families in the Boulder Valley School District. Gifts are Free for parents or guardians of children 14 years old or younger who attend school in BVSD or live within the BVSD attendance area. Many schools are accepting donations on-site which will be collected ahead of the shop opening on Saturday, December 21 at 5450 Western Avenue in Boulder.
Share-A-Gift website. Information in English and Spanish. Información en inglés y español.
What's New in the Library:
Before winter break, students can come grab a book or a few to read over the break! Currently, there are displays in the library featuring snowy/wintery books, books that have been adapted into TV shows or movies, and wrapped mystery books to give students the chance to "unwrap the gift of reading".
For 6th grade students- please be sure to return your biographies if you are done with them so that you can check out a book for your next reading assignment- Award Winning Books! You can preview the selection of award winning books in the library by looking at the Award Winners collection in Destiny discover. You can even put a book on hold before someone else checks it out! (Students can do this by opening Destiny Discover from their apps, then searching for the book they'd like and putting it on hold). Happy reading!
Chromebook repairs
Due to a change in the district schedule, chromebooks are only picked up or dropped off for repair once per week. This means that any devices brought in for repair next week will not be returned until Thursday, January 9th, 2025 at the earliest. If students have a device that needs to be repaired, they can come to the library during their advisory period or by filling out a tech help request form here (always available on the school website).
BHMS Fundraiser Update - Exciting News!
We are overjoyed to announce that our incredible community has helped us raise an amazing $7.737! Your continued support will directly benefit our students by providing essential classroom supplies, counseling resources, library books, and PBIS support. Your kindness is transforming education and creating opportunities for our students. Every single donation makes a tremendous difference, and we are deeply grateful for your support!
Counseling Corner - Self Care - Self Care - Healthy Relationships quiz and resources follow-up
Healthy relationships are vital in life. This week, we held a Counseling Cafe to discuss what makes relationships healthy. Concepts like…
1. **Communicate Openly**: Share thoughts and feelings freely.
2. **Show Respect**: Value each other’s opinions and agree to disagree when necessary.
3. **Build Trust**: Be honest and reliable to create a sense of security.
**Don’t forget to ask your student about the unique Healthy Relationships quiz and resources sent to their BVSD student email this week.**
Last Call for 8th Grade Baby Pictures for Yearbook!
Falcon Community,
Just wanted to remind everyone that 8th Grade Baby Pictures are still being accepted for the yearbook. However, the last day that we can accept these is December 20th (the Friday before break). Any pictures sent in after this date cannot be accepted.
Please send digital pictures to the following email address:
You will receive a confirmation email from myself once we have secured and checked the photo. If you have submitted your photo and have not heard back from me in a week's time, please feel free to reach out to me directly at michael.sparks@Bvsd.org.
The $20 fee can be paid (cash or check) to Dr. Sparks or Mrs. Tice.
Brazilian Drum and Rhythms Workshop December 18th 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Sign up for this special workshop to learn about Brazilian music with guest instructor Celia Macedo from Brazil and members of Bateria Alegria from Boulder Samba School. This one-hour workshop will teach how to play the dance rhythms of samba and forró-baião. Sign up to reserve your spot in the workshop! Check with Mr. Hunter or the main office for more information and to sign up. See you there!
Dawson Summer Initiative (DSI): FREE Summer Academic Opportunity
I hope that this email finds you well in the midst of the busy holiday season. Dawson Summer Initiative (DSI) offers a free summer academic program that follows a thematic approach and is geared to high-achieving, independent, collaborative, and creative thinkers who are currently in Grade 6 and Grade 7.
Over the past 15 summers, we have enjoyed working with students from your school and over 30 different schools predominantly in the St. Vrain, Boulder Valley, and Adams 12 School Districts. The program is geared toward effective collaborators and independent thinkers who seek opportunities to work with peers from other schools, sharing like-minded goals. DSI feels that students benefit from engaging with a diverse group of advanced learners to solve current complex issues affecting us all.
Due to the nature of our collaborative work environment, we require daily attendance for the full length of our Program.
Summer 2025 Theme and Application:
Even though summer may seem far away, the application process runs from December 2, 2024-February 3, 2025, and includes confidential teacher recommendations and counselor/principal forms (links included below). If you have a student you would like to recommend, or have questions about a student who wishes to apply, please contact me (Lmichael@dawsonschool.org). I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Dates of Program: Tuesday, June 3-Thursday, July 3, 2025
Summer 2025 Theme: Action! Designing Opportunities
Recommendations and Forms:
*We require two Teacher Recommendations from current academic teachers (math, science, social studies, or English teacher ONLY for consistency-sake).
*We require one Principal OR Counselor OR TAG Coordinator form.
* Families will be asked to send their own report cards this year.
* All Recommendations are strictly confidential; parents and students sign the application, waiving their rights to see your completed Recommendations.
BVSD Choice Enrollment Window Now Open Through January 8th
The Boulder Valley School District is now accepting applications for choice enrollment. The Boulder Valley School District welcomes both students from outside our district and those who want to choose a school outside of the neighborhood school to participate in our Choice Enrollment process.
Increase your chances for an offer by applying by Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
Apply anytime before Jan. 8: It doesn’t matter whether you apply on the first day of the window or the last day. Families have equal possibilities of getting the school of their choice, as long as it is during the window.
Applications and information: Get all the details and apply today at www.bvsd.org/parents-students/enrollment-center/choice-enrollment
Lottery results will be sent on or about Jan. 10
El plazo de Inscripciones Abiertas del BVSD está abierto hasta el 8 de enero
El Distrito Escolar del Valle de Boulder está aceptando solicitudes para las inscripciones abiertas. El Distrito Escolar del Valle de Boulder les da la bienvenida tanto a estudiantes que vienen de fuera del distrito como aquellos que quieran matricularse en una escuela que no es la de su vecindario a participar en nuestro proceso de Inscripciones Abiertas.
Aumente sus posibilidades de obtener una oferta presentando su solicitud durante este período: Del viernes 1 de noviembre de 2024 al miércoles 8 de enero de 2025
Presente su solicitud antes del 8 de enero: No importa si presenta su solicitud el primer día del plazo o el último. Las familias tienen las mismas posibilidades de conseguir la escuela de su elección, siempre que sea durante el plazo
Aplicaciones e información: Obtenga todos los detalles y presente su candidatura hoy mismo en www.bvsd.org/parents-students/enrollment-center/choice-enrollment.
Los resultados de la lotería se enviarán alrededor del 10 de enero
OmniSalud Enrollment Open
The annual enrollment period for OmniSalud is November 1 - January 15. Omni Salud provides undocumented individuals living in Colorado with a fully secure and confidential platform to obtain low-cost or regular-cost health coverage. Enrollment for the low-cost option is limited and available spots will fill quickly.
Re-enrollment for current enrollees: November 1 - November 22, 2024
Action Required: Current enrollees in OmniSalud Silver Enhanced Savings $0 plans must log in, complete a new application, and enroll in coverage for next year. This process is not automatic. Eligibility requirements, including income, still apply.
General enrollment: 8 a.m. on November 25, 2024 - January 15, 2025
Spaces are limited for $0 plans for 2025. Anyone can apply for any remaining Silver Enhanced Saving spots at this time. Once the $0 plans are gone, the full-price plans will continue to be available until January 15. There is no limit on the number of full-price plans available.
OmniSalud está aceptando inscripciones
El período de inscripción anual para Omni Salud es del 1 de noviembre al 15 de enero. Omni Salud brinda a las personas indocumentadas que viven en Colorado una plataforma totalmente segura y confidencial para obtener cobertura médica de bajo costo o de costo normal. La inscripción para la opción de bajo costo es limitada y los lugares disponibles se llenarán rápidamente.
Reinscripción para inscriptos actuales: del 1 al 22 de noviembre de 2024
Acción Requerida: Los inscritos actuales en planes OmniSalud Silver Enhanced Savings $0 deben iniciar sesión, completar una nueva solicitud e inscribirse en la cobertura para el próximo año. Este proceso no es automático. Los requisitos de elegibilidad, incluidos los ingresos, aún se aplican.
Inscripción general: 8 am del 25 de noviembre de 2024 al 15 de enero de 2025
Los espacios son limitados para los planes de $0 para 2025. Cualquier persona puede solicitar cualquier lugar restante del plan Silver Enhanced Saving en este momento. Una vez que desaparezcan los planes de $0, los planes de precio completo seguirán estando disponibles hasta el 15 de enero.
BVSD Community Resources
● School Messenger Text Messages - The link will assist you in setting up your mobile phone to receive text messages from School Messenger.
BVSD Parent Portal - Access important academic information about your student(s), including grades
Links to Family and Community Resources
Comfort Dental - Free Dental Care December 23rd for Families in Need