EHS Newsletter

Clue On Stage is Next Week!
Don't miss this murder-mystery comedy - it's only 90 minutes!
Tickets available online HERE.
Senior Preview: Wed., Sept. 25 at 4:00 pm
Eagan Academy Begins on Wednesday, Sept. 25th
Reminder for all students that have signed up for Eagan Academy:
Eagan Academy will begin on Wednesday, September 25th.
All registered students should meet in room 232 after school.
2024-2025 Fall Session
Registration began: August 28, 2024
Session runs: Sept. 25-Oct.30, 2024
Students will be in person up to 1 day a week-
Wednesdays - All Subjects
Attendance is required until they finish the course.
Homecoming Week Information
One of the highlights of Fall Trimester is “Homecoming Week”, which includes the Homecoming Varsity Football Game vs. Farmington H.S. on Friday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m. Other activities include:
- Dress up Days
- Semi-formal Dance on Saturday, October 5th from 8:00-11:00 p.m. in the Gym
Homecoming Dance Ticket Purchase
Homecoming Guest Form (Form must be filled out by a ISD 196 student) - A Dodgeball Tournament
- Girls Flag Football
- Activity Fair
- Pepfest on Thursday, October 3rd at 1:45 p.m.
- LINK to Homecoming webpage for more details
Freshmen are encouraged to participate! No dates are required for the Homecoming Dance. Admission is charged at the door and student ID's are shown for admission. There will be an opportunity to sign up guests for approval - all guests must be high school students in District 196.
Purchase Game Tickets through Vanco.
Eagan High School Fall Activity Fair
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2
Vision: Increased student involvement at EHS
The 2024 Student Activity Fair will take place on Sept. 30, Oct 1, and Oct. 2 during all lunches. The first purpose of the Activity Fair is to get more students involved by showing them the opportunities they have at EHS. Research has demonstrated that student involvement in co-curricular activities leads to stronger connections and success for students. The second purpose of the fair is to get more students involved with Homecoming. We are anticipating three very exciting days!!!
Winter Sports Registration is Now Open
Winter sports Registration will open next week. Click this LINK for more details.
Upcoming Sports Meetings:
Alpine Ski (Downhill) Informational Meeting:
The preseason informational meeting for Alpine Ski will be Monday October 7 in Eagan Lecture Room A from 7:00 - 8:00pm. Come learn what the Alpine Race Team has to offer. Meet the coaches & team captains. We welcome skiers of all abilities. If you can ski, we can teach you to race! Visit https://www.eevalpine.org/ for more information.
Girls Hockey
Preseason meeting for current incoming freshmen – senior parents will be in Lecture Room A on October 8th at 6 pm
The winter season will begin on Monday, October 28th at 3:00 PM at Eagan Civic Rink
Girls Hockey - Current Season Regular Season - Roster (eaganwildcats.org)
Head Coach: Jessica Ptachick (jessica.ptachick@outlook.com)
EHS Baseball Meetings
Eagan High School Baseball will be having two upcoming meetings:
- Coach Butler will meet with all new/returning/prospective players on Monday, September 23rd in Lecture Room C at the high school at 7:00am
- We will be having a parent and player informational meeting on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:00pm in the Commons at the high school.
We hope you can attend these meetings! If families and players are unable to attend, information will be available on the baseball website after the meetings.
HOCO Girls Flag Football
This event is Tuesday, October 1st from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. It is one of the big homecoming events, and each class enters a team to compete. The seniors play the sophomores, and the juniors play the freshmen, and the two winning teams advance to the championship.
Senior Parents-Volunteers needed
Senior parents, your child will be graduating in 9 short months. Your children need volunteers to make the graduation night a memorable and fun close to their time in high school. Please consider volunteering for the All-Night Graduation party. Get the details at the meeting on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00pm in room 121. Last year’s committee will be there to answer any questions and pass the torch to you.
Freshmen Retreat
It's time to register for the Freshmen Retreat!
It will be Thursday November 7th at DHMS. Cost is $25 and families can find it in their shopping cart in EduTrak.
Deadline to register is October 25th, 2024 or until full.
Girls Flag Football
The Girls Flag Football game will take place on Tuesday, Oct 1 at 6:30pm in the stadium. All proceeds will benefit Dakota Woodlands, a shelter for families experiencing homelessness in Dakota County. Tickets will be sold at the door: Adults: $5 Students: $3
Class of 2025 – SENIOR PHOTOS for the EHS Yearbook
Seniors should submit, or have their photographer submit, their senior photo for the yearbook no later than November 1, 2024. Here is the link to submit photos:
Purchase Ipad Protection
📱 Families can purchase optional iPad Protection Plan
District 196 offers an optional protection plan for $20 per iPad to cover the cost of potential theft and damage to the device during the school year. The plan is free for students eligible for the Educational Benefits Program. After Sept. 23, 2024, families without the protection plan are responsible for costs associated with loss of or damage to a district-issued iPad.
Information about the iPad protection plan for families, along with a link to the support page for EduTrak Connect, a fee payment system the district implemented earlier this month is found using these links.
In the first three full days of this school year our Principals’ Team members met with students throughout the day in classrooms to talk about policies and practices at Eagan HS. Some of this information was reminders for students. There were some new updates which include the following:
- Requesting a hall pass from a classroom will now be available to students using their iPads in Campus. Teachers have laminated hall passes on lanyards (as we have had for several years) and if one is available the student brings their iPad to the teacher, the pass is authorized by the teacher digitally, and the student departs. When they return to class from the restroom, locker or other destination, they are checked back in by ending the pass on their iPad.
- Attendance – we have an updated policy Districtwide. It has been published on our web site, sent to students in Schoology and can be reviewed by opening this link.
- Cell Phones – we are continuing the policy that student cell phones will be stored in numbered phone caddies during class time in each teaching space. This was highly successful last school year. All high schools in our District are using phone caddies. Students may use their phones during passing times and lunch time. Open this link to the policy on our website to review the policy and why it is important.
Subscribe to Parent E-Mail!
Eagan High School parents, residents, students and anyone else interested in receiving regular information updates from EHS can subscribe to the EHS listserves. Information includes updates from the principal and announcements of special events. CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Eagan High School
District 196 offers an online reporting system through School Messenger Quick Tip. It allows students to report concerns or problems at anytime and may be anonymous. All reports are dealt with immediately.
School Messenger Quick Tip: https://www.district196.org/quicktip
Email: EHSNews@district196.org
Website: ehs.district196.org
Location: 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN, USA
Attendance Office Phone: 652-683-6911
Attendance Office VM: 651-683-6915
Phone: 651-683-6900