Notes from Dr. Irvin
Your WGHS Weekly eNews for January 16
Hello WGHS Families,
Disruption has always been a part of the human experience, and we have seen much in the last few years. In schools alone, COVID, ChatGPT, and the churn of personnel across the economy has loomed large for us. Unexpected weather days are in their own category! While much is out of our direct control, we can engage in those circumstances to find a most workable solution forward.
We are entering into an important phase in our year when we are charged to replace teachers that are retiring, moving, or otherwise not joining us for the next year. Adding Zoom to our process lets us remove some barriers to the initial phase of our process. We have the candidates teach mini-lessons in a class with our students in the content they are studying, as has been the practice for many years here at Webster. After the lesson, I debrief the students on what resonated and what they might need further clarity on to better understand the topic that was shared. The students have proven very insightful in their observations and questions as they have seen many formats of instruction in their time at WGHS. They are consistently great ambassadors and increase the desire for our candidates to work at Webster Groves High School. I am excited for where we are and where we are headed.
Matt Irvin
Due to the lane restrictions on Selma and for everyone's safety, WGHS has worked with WGPD to make Selma Avenue from Bradford to Lockwood one way moving north toward Lockwood until further notice. Please adjust your drop off route and timing accordingly.
We appreciate everyone's patience as we navigate these circumstances.
Next Week's Schedule: No School, A, B, C, A
Winter Formal
We are excited to send out information regarding this year's 2025 Winter Formal Dance.
DATE: SATURDAY, January 25
TIME: 7:00-9:00 P.M
COST: $10
- Tickets will be on sale Tuesday, January 14 7:00 a.m - Thursday, January 23 at 11:59 p.m
- They will be $20 if bought after Jan 23rd.
- Students will use their LUNCH PIN when purchasing tickets online .Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
In order to attend this event, students must NOT have an outstanding school fine. If they do, their lunch PIN will not be active when attempting to purchase a ticket. You can pay your fine online in the Infinite Campus portal or stop by the main office and see Teresa Adams to pay your fine in-person. If you are uncertain of your fines status, please login to your Infinite Campus account and check before trying to purchase tickets. Stop by the Activities Office for additional assistance.
There will be up to 100 outside guest tickets allowed for this event. Any outside guest must have a completed outside guest form on file before being allowed to purchase a ticket. These forms can be picked up outside the Activities Office. Please return completed forms to the Athletic Office once tickets go on sale (Jan 14-23). After an outside guest form is approved, a code will be distributed to the student to purchase their outside guest ticket online. A new guest form must be filled out for this dance, forms from the Friendship Dance are not valid. *All outside guests must be accompanied by the WG student who purchased their ticket.
Winter Formal is a semi-formal event and you are expected to wear semi-formal attire. Examples of semi-formal attire may include a dress, dress pants, suitcoat, tie, or collared shirt. Dresses may be strapless (if they fit properly) or include spaghetti straps. Head coverings must be appropriate for the occasion. Inappropriate attire would include jeans of any color, shorts of any type, t-shirts or baseball caps. If a student or guest is not within the dress code they will be asked to change before being admitted to the dance. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
We look forward to a fantastic & memorable evening for everyone.
Snow Days Update
The snow days provided a chance for students to enjoy the season, but we know they may have also caused disruptions for your family. Thank you for your patience and adaptability.
With four traditional snow days now used, any future snow days will transition to our Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) plan, allowing students to continue learning from home without extending the school year.
What to Expect on AMI Days
- Assignments will be posted on Canvas, focusing on review activities (no new content) and designed to take no more than 30 minutes per course.
- Teachers will be available from 8:25 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. via email, ParentSquare, and Zoom.
Attendance is based on completed assignments. Students who do not submit work will be marked absent for the AMI day.
This plan ensures learning remains flexible and accessible, even when we can’t be together in person.
Thank you for your partnership and trust as we work to support our students in every way possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Last Chance to Order a Yearbook!
Parents - the deadline to order a 2024-25 Yearbook is Friday, January 24. This is the LAST DAY to guarantee your child will get a yearbook. Quantities after this date are not guaranteed. Go to www.yearbookordercenter.com to place your order today. Not sure if you've already bought? Go to the website above and click "Find Existing Order."
WGHS Alum and Teacher, Mr. Jacob Clark, Receives Prestigious Award
Congratulations to Mr. Clark, Class of 2019 alum and current math teacher, for being named as one of Missouri's Outstanding Beginning Teachers by the Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education!
Mr. Clark was selected to receive this award by Michael Stoll at William Jewell College. Every two years MACTE honors exemplary first- and second-year teachers across the state for their work with
Missouri’s PK-12 students.
Did You Know?
Stay up-to-date on events by visiting our school calendar.
We update our school calendar regularly to reflect last-minute and monthly changes. Please visit our official School Calendar on our website to stay informed.
Have you...
Donations needed to the Class of 2025 Senior Party!
Our Amazon Gift List is Live. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner.
This is the perfect opportunity to snag Senior Gifts at unbeatable prices!
Every Senior who attends the party on 5/17/25 goes home with a gift.
That's a lot of gifts needed!
Select Andrea Osdieck as the delivery address.
Thanks so much for your help!
Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony
May 17, 2025 6:30pm
Chaifetz Arena
Doors will open for guests at 5:30 p.m.
Guests: We are not limiting the number of guests per graduate.
Tickets: There will be no tickets for entry to Chaifetz Arena.
Parking: Parking is paid by guests in the Olive/Compton garage. Fees will be announced in the spring. Street parking is available but limited.
Duration: The ceremony lasts approximately 1.5 hours, depending on the size of the class.
Chelsea Center Corner
Explore Medical and Veterinary Careers
The Chelsea Center is thrilled to help students dive into two exciting summer opportunities for healthcare education on Mizzou's campus: Mini Med School and the Advanced Veterinary Academy. These programs feature a competitive application process and look fantastic on college applications and workplace resumes alike. If students choose to enroll in coordinated Chelsea Center summer coursework, we can sponsor the total cost of the program. For more complete information, please see the most recent newsletter posted at bit.ly/chelseacenternews. Interested students can register on GivePulse, or you can send them to us in room 200 to learn more. Please email Dr. Kerry Arens at arens.kerry@wgmail.com with further questions.WGHS Attendance Procedures
Call your child's AP office to report an absence, late arrival, or early departure. Checking out early? When leaving school during the day, students must check out through the assistant principal’s office.
Student Early Release:
We require at least one hour notice when calling your student out early. Call the Assistant Principal's office before the designated time and report the absence. You may also send a note with the student to be presented to the Assistant Principal's office before school.
At the designated time, your student will receive a pass to check out if you called ahead. The student will check out in the Assistant Principal's office.
You will NOT enter the building if you have called the absence in and communicated a pick-up location with your child. However, if you choose to pick up your child in the building, you must do so at the main entrance on Selma Avenue. Upon entering the building, check in with the receptionist. Please bring your driver's license if you are checking in. The receptionist will contact the Assistant Principal’s office to send for your student. Please be aware that not calling ahead to schedule an early release can take up to 30 minutes to send for a student.
For attendance, please call 314.963.6400 and listen to the prompts.
Webster Groves School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Create a Canvas Account to Stay Connected
To stay connected with the learning in our classrooms, please create a Canvas Observer Account which is our district's learning management system. You will find three helpful documents below:
- Canvas Informational Letter
- Creating an Observer Account, Logging into Canvas, and Setting Notifications
- Student Accessing Canvas
If you have any questions please contact Tim Brown, Director of Student Assessment, Data and Learning Technologies at brown.tim@wgmail.org.
Shop the Parents' Club Spirit Store!
The Spirit Store is open! Hours are 8-9:15 a.m., Tuesday - Friday.
The online store is open 24 hours a day at https://www.wghsparentsclub.org/spiritwear.
Every time you shop at the Spirit Store, you are supporting student scholarships and teacher grants!
Webster Groves High School
Email: erb.mickey@wgmail.org
Website: www.webster.k12.mo.us/wghs
Location: 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 963-6400
Facebook: facebook.com/WGAlumni
Twitter: @WebsterGrovesHS