December News & Events

December 3, 2024
Principal's Corner
Hello Eisenhower Families,
What we know to be true is that consistent and ample rest is needed for each of us to function at our best. Understanding that our children are growing physically, emotionally and intellectually every single day, it is even more important that they get good rest each night. A busy mom myself, I know how tricky bedtime can be. One thing I have found to be extremely helpful with my own children is to follow a consistent bedtime routine that encourages and supports a healthy sleep schedule. If you are interested in routine ideas, please, feel free to reach out to our parenting partner, Elizabeth Korzenowski at Elizabeth.Korzenowski@ahschools.us.
Countless research has been conducted relating to the impact of screen time on sleep patterns. What we know to be true is that it is best to limit and monitor student screentime in general. In addition, shutting down devices at least 30-60 minutes prior to bedtime is supportive of healthier sleep patterns as it allows time for our children to wind down and prepare their minds for sleep. A great alternate activity for students to engage in before bed is reading as it calms the mind and supports a healthy vocabulary.
Dependent upon age of students, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends the follows hours of sleep per night::
Infants 0-3 months: 14-17 hours, including naps
Infants 4-12 months: 12-16 hours, including naps
Toddlers 1-2 years: 11-14 hours, including naps
Preschoolers 3-5 years: 10-13 hours, including naps
School-age 6-13 years: 9-12 hours
Teens 14-17 years: 8-10 hours
Thank you for helping ensure students get plenty of rest so they can be the best version of themselves each day. We truly appreciate your support and your partnership!
Principal DeRung
Friday, Dec 20th
Monday, Dec 23rd through Wednesday, Jan 1
Bus Tracking Information
Real-time bus information through FirstView app.
Anoka-Hennepin families can check where their bus is - live - through a transportation app called FirstView. The app monitors regular school bus routes in real-time. Best of all, it's free for parents/guardians and students to use.
PTO Fundraisers
Eisenhower PTO has a limited number of Mister Car Wash certificates for sale through Dec 10th.
If interested in purchasing please contact the PTO at eaglesightingcr@gmail.com.
Please indicate how many and what type of certificate you wish to purchase and if your student can carry cash to school and the gift certificate(s) home or if you would prefer to pay/pick-up from PTO in person.
We can not reimburse lost certificates.
Base Wash Certificates are $10 each
Platinum Wash Certificates are $20 each
Eisenhower Elementary PTO will receive 50% of each car wash certificate purchased from us!
Report Cards
Elementary school report cards are available to view online only.
Elementary school report cards will be available online and will no longer be sent through postal mail or student’s backpacks. Families will be able to access report cards by logging into A-HConnect or viewing it on the ParentVUE mobile app.
The switch to online report cards means that information is available to review at the conclusion of each trimester. Report cards are available to view December 6th. Parents, guardians and any person with educational rights to a student will be able to access the student’s report card online.
To ensure access to the report cards when available at the conclusion of Trimester 1, families are encouraged to make sure they have their login information now. Currently, report cards from last school year are available for viewing.
How to view report cards from A-HConnect:
Login to A-HConnect.
Click on the ‘My Student Information/ParentVUE’ icon.
Select a student from the dropdown menu.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card from the ‘Documents’ window.
The report card will open in a new tab where the capabilities to download or print will be available.
View from the ParentVUE app:
Go to the AppStore or Google Play and search for the ParentVUE app.
Enter your zip code when prompted, and select “Anoka-Hennepin School District” from the menu options.
Confirm ‘yes’ and select ‘Already Activated,’ if prompted.
Use login/password to login.
Select a student from the student list.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card.
Click the share button to save or share the PDF.
If you need assistance logging in or forgot your password, call 763-506-HELP (4357) or email 506help@ahschools.us. For questions about the report cards, please contact the main office at your child’s school.
Lost and Found
We have accumulated quite a few items in the lost and found already. The student council is working hard to keep it organized for students. Please remind your child to look through it as we will donate items during winter break.
Spirit Week
PTO Nominate a Teacher Results
Ms. Kruse
Ms. Kruse is not only flexible and adaptable, but more importantly is prepared for a wide range of scenarios and challenges that may affect her classroom each day.
Enjoy your gift card from the PTO Ms.Kruse!
PTO is doing this each month so be sure to nominate a staff member for January.
Parenting News & Workshops
Happy December, families! This month, we still have a parent press (handling traumatic events with children), but I also have a request for you. Here is a QR code, which will take you to a google survey. This survey focuses on how to support executive functioning in children (the topic of November's parent press newsletter).
If you have a moment to fill out the survey, I would be incredibly grateful!! But, more excitingly, when you fill out the survey, you'll be entered into a drawing for a calming kit for your child and you to use at home.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at elizabeth.korzenowski@ahschools.us. Thank you!!
Community Education
Holiday Ornaments class meets Thursday December 12, 4-5 pm
Join us for a holiday ornament making party! These beauties will make great keepsakes or holiday gifts!
Register for Holiday Ornaments
Dotted Holiday Tree on Canvas class meets Thursday December 19, 4-5 pm
Create a tree for the holidays on canvas using paints, dotters, buttons, and ribbon.
Register for Dotted Holiday Tree on Canvas
Anna Heinrich
Community Education Programmer
(763)506-2312 (Eisenhower)
Winter Gear
Is your student in need of any winter gear such as a coat, hat and/or gloves? If so, please fill out this google form from our social workers, Josie Gall and Nici Higby.
Volunteer News
At this Holiday Season our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have contributed to the success of our school. In this spirit we sincerely would like to say THANK YOU and Best Wishes for the Holidays and a Happy New Year.
Many of these volunteers have helped in the workroom, Challenge Reading, Veterans Day program, Fundraisers (Mister Car Wash, Cane’s, Barnes & Noble) Every Meal Distribution, Family Engagement Nights, LifeTouch Retakes and more. Thank you all you amazing volunteers!
Volunteer Impact at Eisenhower
Total # of registered volunteers: 87
Total # of volunteer hours since school started: 366
Staff Holiday Treats - This year we thought it would be nice to have a little holiday treat for the wonderful staff here at Eisenhower. We could use some help from our great volunteers. The week before winter break we would like to set up a hot cocoa/coffee bar with cookie treats.
PTO Events Co-Chair(s) - Work with another chair(s) and others to organize and put on upcoming family events like: Scholastic Bookfair (2/25), Acapulco (4/25), Garden Center Gift Cards (4/25), Valentine Family Dance (2/25) and the End Of The Year Party (May/June).
Weekly Student Packets for Trimester 2 - Volunteers will sort/count and assemble all flyers to be sent home with students. When you arrive at school please sign in at the office and meet up in the cafe.
Workroom Volunteer for Trimester 2 - Our school staff is looking for a volunteer(s) for the staff workroom on Tuesday and Thursday from 1 - 2 hours. (Volunteers can choose what time works best for them during the school day, 9:30-4:00 pm. Volunteers would help with making copies, laminate projects, cutting and/or prep. Staff will complete a workroom request form with instructions. Myself or the office staff would be available for questions and training.
Every Meal Food Distribution - We are looking for volunteers to distribute food for the school's Every Meal program. Every Meal works to fight hunger in our community by filling the gaps in food access that children face during weekends, summers, and extended breaks. Volunteers will be placing food in Students' lockers on Friday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am (we will have extra days due to school breaks).
Please don’t hesitate to call me if an opportunity arises that you would like to be involved in or to say “Hello” anytime!
Thank you and I look forward to working with you here at Eisenhower
Kathrina DeKruyff-Glass
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Monday - Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 - noon
(Hours may vary)
Winter Safety
Please dress your student for weather each day. Students will have outdoor recess most days unless the temperature is below zero and/or the windchill is 10 degrees below zero.
Where can I get information on school closings due to weather?
The district will share information about school closings in a variety of ways.
Absence Info
Parents/guardians can share online when their student is going to be absent or arriving late through the My Student Information app via A-HConnect or in the ParentVUE mobile app. You can still call the school absence line at 763-506-2306 and leave a message, this is simply a convenient alternative. You only need to report an absence one way.
Report student absences daily prior to 10:00am to avoid receiving an unverified email and phone call.
Character Strong
This month's trait is EMPATHY. Students are learning to understand and connect to other people's feelings. Check in with your kids about what they have learned.
Upcoming events
Mister Carwash Certificates through Dec 10
Spirit Week - Dec 16-19
PTO Panera Fundraiser - Dec 18
No School - Dec 20
No School - Winter Break Dec 23 - Jan 1
This e-newsletter is published by Eisenhower Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.