Superintendent Community Update
May 31, 2024

A Message From Superintendent Presta
Dear JUHSD Community,
I am thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of yet another incredible school year here in JUHSD! As we close the chapter on 23-24, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and pride for the dedication and hard work demonstrated by our students, teachers, staff, and of course, our supportive guardians.
Throughout the year, we witnessed remarkable achievements, growth, and resilience in our district community. Each milestone, big or small, is a testament to the collective effort and commitment to excellence that defines JUHSD, including our ongoing commitment to providing equitable education for all students.
To the JUHSD Class of 2024, I extend my congratulations! We live in a world that is facing unprecedented challenges, where the call for social justice reverberates louder than ever before. As you embark on this journey beyond the walls of your high school, you are stepping into a world where there is much work to be done, where your voices, your actions, and your leadership will be needed more than ever.
I have every confidence that you are well-prepared to rise to the occasion. You have not only received a top-notch education in JUHSD, but you have also cultivated the values of empathy, compassion, and integrity that are essential for driving positive change in our society. You have demonstrated time and time again your ability to think critically, to collaborate effectively, and to embrace diversity and inclusion in all its forms. I am proud of you, and want you to remember that you are worthy, inherently valuable and immensely capable. I can't wait to hear about your adventires and hope that you will stay in contact with us!
To our rising students, I look forward to welcoming you to the 2024-2025 school year on August 7. Throughout the summer, please visit our District's website, along with following our Instagram and other social media channels, for back to school announcements, updates, and more!
Please note that we will open our beautiful new District Office and Adult Education Campus in its new location, 123 Edgemont Drive in Daly City, on July 15. Our final day of business in the current District Office site at 699 Serramonte Boulevard will take place on July 8. All staff phone numbers and emails will stay the same.
Please have a well-deserved break and I look forward to hearing about everyone's summer vacation when we return in August.
Toni Presta
Westmoor High School, May 29
Jefferson High School, May 30
Adult School, May 30
Adult Transition Program, May 31
Terra Nova High Garden Club Featured on TV!
On Thursday, May 30, students from the Terra Nova High School Garden Club were featured on a special CBS KPIX-5 segment titled "Project Earth: Seeds of Change" spotlighting local schools actively promoting environmental sustainability within their own campus and striving to enact positive ecological change in their surroundings.
CBS reporter Sara Donchey and videographer Molly McCrea highlight the amazing efforts of Terra Nova's Dane Potter (12), Anna Zavodnik (11), and Ava Litz (10) as they share their thoughts on how to make their Pacifica community a better place in which to live. Watch the full news feature by clicking on the button below. Way to go, Tigers! #juhsdproud
Westmoor High Welcomes A New Principal
Dr. Michael McAlister, WHS Principal
JUHSD pleased to announce that during a special May 29, 2024 Board Meeting, Dr. Michael McAlister was appointed to the position of principal at Westmoor High School for the 2024-2025 school year. Dr. McAlister is an experienced educational leader with a deep commitment to fostering relationships and collaboration within academic communities.
Prior to now joining the JUHSD family, Michael worked in the East Bay as a principal for six years, an assistant principal for four years, and a social science teacher for seventeen years. He has also supported the private sector as an education leader at Apple.
Welcome to JUHSD and the WHS Ramily, Principal McAlister!
The JUHSD Comms Department Wants Your Feedback
In an effort to best communicate with our district community, the JUHSD Communications Department asks that you take a brief moment to complete their end of year survey by clicking here. Please know that your feedback is invaluable to the growth of JUSHD and we thank you for taking time to fill out this short form.
We Want Your LCAP Feedback
Each year, JUHSD actively engages with our community stakeholders to help refine our District's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Your insights are pivotal in this process and we invite you to take a moment to review the LCAP actions and metrics summary and share your feedback with us by filling out this Google Feedback Form. We thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
JUHSD Board Meeting This Tuesday
June 4, 2024
District Office Board Room, 7:00 pm
699 Serramonte Boulevard, Room 223
Join us in person or watch live through the District's YouTube page!
EHC Board Meeting This Thursday
Summer School 2024 Info
Summer School Begins June 5
Dr. Sterling He, a current Vice Principal at Westmoor High School, will serve again as this year's Summer School Principal, working closely with Thornton High School Principal Dr. Dennie Marenco and District Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services Ms. Kareen Baca.
This summer, the District is proud to offer a number of learning pathways to support your students and their learning experiences here at JUHSD. To learn more about course offerings, and the summer school registration process, please take a look here (Spanish Version, and Tagalog Version). Summer School 2024 will be held on the Westmoor High School campus, with the first day of school taking place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
Parents and Guardians are asked to note that students can also complete the summer school registration process through the Westmoor High School Main Office and that drop-in counseling will take place between June 3-7, 2024, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. To schedule a time for this, please complete this request form.
Please contact Dr. Sterling He, (650) 550-7472, with any summer school-related questions or concerns.
Free Lunches This Summer
Returning this summer, Monday through Friday, June 5 to July 12 (excluding June 19 and July 4), the District Food Services Department will serve a free meal to current JUHSD students, one meal per student, from the Westmoor High School Cafeteria, Edgemont Drive side of the campus, 11:00-11:30 am. For additional information, please contact District Director of Food Services Danielle Sweeters, (650) 550-7961.
Earn College Credits While in High School
Learn English Online Through Adult School
Learning English is easier than you think! Improving your speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English is possible by attending the Online English Program offered through the JUHSD Adult School.
This online program is for anyone wishing to learn English from their home and needing a flexible class schedule, offering free online English classes in the morning or afternoon, Monday through Thursday, taught by excellent teachers who understand how to work with diverse communities and cultures.
Make your dream of learning English a reality by joining one of these classes! To begin the registration process, please call (650) 550-7877. You can also find more information here.
Pacifica Pride TOMORROW
Cheer on Superintendent Toni Presta as she rides in tomorrow's parade!
South San Francisco Pride Celebration, June 1
San Mateo County YAB Applications Due Tomorrow
The San Mateo County Behavioral Health Commission Youth Committee's Youth Action Board is seeking student members, especially from JUHSD!
This board believes that young leaders, like those in our schools, are essential in addressing the mental health needs of our community. Their unique insights and enthusiasm can drive positive change and create a more supportive environment for all.
If you are passionate about mental health advocacy, then this is the board in which to apply. The deadline to apply is TOMORROW, June 1 and interested individuals can learn more and apply by clicking here.
Upcoming Events in Daly City
San Mateo Pride Festivities on June 8
Pacifica Treasures & Trivia Hunt on June 8
LGBTQ+ Identities Awareness & Inclusion Training
Pacifica Training, June 17
Annual Disaster Prep Event in August
Check out these summer offers from the Daly City Library!
City of Brisbane's Summer Concert in the Park Series
Summer Vacation Mental Health Resources from the JUHSD Wellness Department
June is Pride Month
This June at all of our JUHSD sites, we're flying the Progress Pride flag and celebrating the diversity, resilience, and joy of our LGBTQ+ students, staff, and families!
Pride Month is a time to reflect on our progress towards LGBTQ+ equality – and remember that much work remains. Despite the LGBTQ+ community’s incredible impact on our society, they continue to endure discrimination, bullying, and violence simply for being who they are.
JUHSD stands with the LGBTQ+ community in advocating for a future where everyone can live authentically and thrive. This Pride Month, join us in celebrating the unique perspectives and experiences our LGBTQ+ students and staff bring to our classrooms and school communities. Learn more about LGBTQ+ resources in our community by visiting the Coast Pride Center's website, including information for upcoming Pride events, local parades, and more!
June 7 is End Gun Violence Awareness Day
On June 7, we join communities nationwide in National Gun Violence Awareness Day to honor the victims of gun violence and advocate for a safer future. Every year, hundreds of children in the US gain access to guns and shoot themselves or someone else.
Join us in wearing orange to honor the lives taken by gun violence and help spread awareness about the importance of secure gun storage—storing guns unloaded, locked, and separated from ammunition. Learn more here.
Juneteenth National Independence Day
June 19 marks Juneteenth National Independence Day, a day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States. It's a time for reflection on the long road to freedom, celebration of Black culture and achievement, and recommitment to building a more equitable future.
This year, we recognize Juneteenth and encourage all to learn about its history, celebrate the many contributions of Black Americans, and commit to creating a country where everyone can live free and without fear. Learn more here.
In observance of this day, all JUHSD sites, including summer school, will be closed on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
Happy Summer Vacation, JUHSD!
The first day of the 2024-2025 school year is August 7!
JUHSD's Equity Statement
Contact JUHSD: communication@jeffersonunion.net